Obsidian MCP Server

by cyanheads
  • src
import { WorkerEntrypoint } from "cloudflare:workers" import { ProxyToSelf } from "workers-mcp" import { purgeEverything } from "./cloudflare/cache" import { createDNSRecord, deleteDNSRecord, editDNSRecord, listDNSRecords } from "./cloudflare/dns" import { createHyperdriveConfig, deleteHyperdriveConfig, editHyperdriveConfig, getHyperdriveConfig, listHyperdriveConfigs } from "./cloudflare/hyperdrive" import { bulkDeleteKeys, bulkUpdateKeys, createNamespace, deleteNamespace, deleteValue, getMetadata, getNamespace, getValue, listKeys, listNamespaces, updateNamespace, updateValue } from "./cloudflare/kv" import { acknowledgeMessages, createQueue, getQueue, listQueues, pullMessages } from "./cloudflare/queues" import { createBucket, deleteBucketCORS, getBucket, getBucketCORS, listBuckets, putBucketCORS } from "./cloudflare/r2" import { getWorkerSchedules, updateWorkerSchedules } from "./cloudflare/worker-cron" import { deleteDomain, getDomain, listDomains, updateDomain } from "./cloudflare/workers-domains" import { getWorkflow, getWorkflowInstance, listWorkflowInstances, listWorkflows, updateWorkflowInstanceStatus } from "./cloudflare/workflows" import { listZones } from "./cloudflare/zones" import type { DNSRecordType } from "./types" export default class MyWorker extends WorkerEntrypoint<Env> { /** * @ignore */ async fetch(request: Request): Promise<Response> { return new ProxyToSelf(this).fetch(request) } /** * List all Cloudflare zones for the account. * @return {Promise<any>} List of zones. */ async listZones() { return await listZones(this.env) } /** * Purge everything from Cloudflare's cache for a zone. * @param zoneId {string} The ID of the zone to purge cache for. * @return {Promise<any>} Response from the purge operation. */ async purgeCache(zoneId: string) { return await purgeEverything(this.env, zoneId) } /** * Create a new DNS record. * @param zoneId {string} The ID of the zone to create the record in. * @param name {string} The name of the DNS record. * @param content {string} The content of the DNS record. * @param type {string} The type of DNS record (CNAME, A, TXT, or MX). * @param comment {string} Optional comment for the DNS record. * @param proxied {boolean} Optional whether to proxy the record through Cloudflare. * @return {Promise<any>} The created DNS record. */ async createDNSRecord( zoneId: string, name: string, content: string, type: string, comment?: string, proxied?: boolean ) { return await createDNSRecord( this.env, zoneId, name, content, type as DNSRecordType, comment, proxied ) } /** * Delete a DNS record. * @param zoneId {string} The ID of the zone containing the record. * @param recordId {string} The ID of the DNS record to delete. * @return {Promise<any>} Response from the delete operation. */ async deleteDNSRecord(zoneId: string, recordId: string) { return await deleteDNSRecord(this.env, zoneId, recordId) } /** * Edit an existing DNS record. * @param zoneId {string} The ID of the zone containing the record. * @param recordId {string} The ID of the DNS record to edit. * @param content {string} The new content for the DNS record. * @param type {string} The type of DNS record (CNAME, A, TXT, or MX). * @param comment {string} Optional comment for the DNS record. * @param proxied {boolean} Optional whether to proxy the record through Cloudflare. * @return {Promise<any>} The updated DNS record. */ async editDNSRecord( zoneId: string, recordId: string, content: string, type: string, comment?: string, proxied?: boolean ) { return await editDNSRecord( this.env, zoneId, recordId, content, type as DNSRecordType, comment, proxied ) } /** * List all DNS records for a zone. * @param zoneId {string} The ID of the zone to list records for. * @return {Promise<any>} List of DNS records. */ async listDNSRecords(zoneId: string) { return await listDNSRecords(this.env, zoneId) } /** * Create a new Hyperdrive configuration. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param name {string} The name for the new Hyperdrive configuration. * @param originType {string} The type of origin ("standard" or "access"). * @param database {string} The name of your origin database. * @param host {string} The host (hostname or IP) of your origin database. * @param password {string} The password required to access your origin database. * @param port {number} The port of your origin database. * @param scheme {string} The URL scheme used to connect to your origin database. * @param user {string} The user of your origin database. * @param accessClientId {string} The Client ID of the Access token (required if originType is "access"). * @param accessClientSecret {string} The Client Secret of the Access token (required if originType is "access"). * @param cachingDisabled {boolean} When true, disables caching of SQL responses. * @param cachingMaxAge {number} Optional max duration for which items should persist in cache. * @param cachingStaleWhileRevalidate {number} Optional duration cache may serve stale responses. * @return {Promise<any>} The created Hyperdrive configuration. */ async createHyperdriveConfig( accountId: string, name: string, originType: string, database: string, host: string, password: string, port: number, scheme: string, user: string, accessClientId?: string, accessClientSecret?: string, cachingDisabled?: boolean, cachingMaxAge?: number, cachingStaleWhileRevalidate?: number ) { type StandardOrigin = { database: string host: string password: string port: number scheme: "postgres" | "postgresql" user: string } type AccessOrigin = { access_client_id: string access_client_secret: string database: string host: string password: string scheme: "postgres" | "postgresql" user: string } let origin: StandardOrigin | AccessOrigin if (originType === "access" && accessClientId && accessClientSecret) { // Origin for Access-protected database origin = { access_client_id: accessClientId, access_client_secret: accessClientSecret, database, host, password, scheme: scheme as "postgres" | "postgresql", user } } else { // Standard origin origin = { database, host, password, port, scheme: scheme as "postgres" | "postgresql", user } } const caching = cachingDisabled !== undefined || cachingMaxAge !== undefined || cachingStaleWhileRevalidate !== undefined ? { disabled: cachingDisabled, max_age: cachingMaxAge, stale_while_revalidate: cachingStaleWhileRevalidate } : undefined return await createHyperdriveConfig( this.env, accountId, name, origin, caching ) } /** * Delete a Hyperdrive configuration. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param hyperdriveId {string} The ID of the Hyperdrive configuration to delete. * @return {Promise<any>} Response from the delete operation. */ async deleteHyperdriveConfig(accountId: string, hyperdriveId: string) { return await deleteHyperdriveConfig(this.env, accountId, hyperdriveId) } /** * Edit a Hyperdrive configuration. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param hyperdriveId {string} The ID of the Hyperdrive configuration to edit. * @param name {string} Optional new name for the Hyperdrive configuration. * @param cachingDisabled {boolean} Optional when true, disables caching of SQL responses. * @param cachingMaxAge {number} Optional max duration for which items should persist in cache. * @param cachingStaleWhileRevalidate {number} Optional duration cache may serve stale responses. * @return {Promise<any>} The updated Hyperdrive configuration. */ async editHyperdriveConfig( accountId: string, hyperdriveId: string, name?: string, cachingDisabled?: boolean, cachingMaxAge?: number, cachingStaleWhileRevalidate?: number ) { const params: { name?: string caching?: { disabled?: boolean max_age?: number stale_while_revalidate?: number } } = {} if (name !== undefined) { params.name = name } if ( cachingDisabled !== undefined || cachingMaxAge !== undefined || cachingStaleWhileRevalidate !== undefined ) { params.caching = { disabled: cachingDisabled, max_age: cachingMaxAge, stale_while_revalidate: cachingStaleWhileRevalidate } } return await editHyperdriveConfig( this.env, accountId, hyperdriveId, params ) } /** * Get a Hyperdrive configuration. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param hyperdriveId {string} The ID of the Hyperdrive configuration to retrieve. * @return {Promise<any>} The Hyperdrive configuration. */ async getHyperdriveConfig(accountId: string, hyperdriveId: string) { return await getHyperdriveConfig(this.env, accountId, hyperdriveId) } /** * List all Hyperdrive configurations in an account. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @return {Promise<any>} List of Hyperdrive configurations. */ async listHyperdriveConfigs(accountId: string) { return await listHyperdriveConfigs(this.env, accountId) } /** * Create a KV namespace. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param title {string} A human-readable string name for a Namespace. * @return {Promise<any>} The created namespace. */ async createKVNamespace(accountId: string, title: string) { return await createNamespace(this.env, accountId, title) } /** * Update a KV namespace title. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param namespaceId {string} The ID of the namespace to update. * @param title {string} New human-readable string name for the Namespace. * @return {Promise<any>} Response from the update operation. */ async updateKVNamespace( accountId: string, namespaceId: string, title: string ) { return await updateNamespace(this.env, accountId, namespaceId, title) } /** * List KV namespaces for an account. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param order {string} Optional field to order results by: 'id' or 'title'. * @param direction {string} Optional direction to order namespaces: 'asc' or 'desc'. * @return {Promise<any>} List of namespaces. */ async listKVNamespaces( accountId: string, order?: "id" | "title", direction?: "asc" | "desc" ) { return await listNamespaces(this.env, accountId, order, direction) } /** * Delete a KV namespace. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param namespaceId {string} The ID of the namespace to delete. * @return {Promise<any>} Response from the delete operation. */ async deleteKVNamespace(accountId: string, namespaceId: string) { return await deleteNamespace(this.env, accountId, namespaceId) } /** * Get a specific KV namespace. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param namespaceId {string} The ID of the namespace to retrieve. * @return {Promise<any>} The namespace details. */ async getKVNamespace(accountId: string, namespaceId: string) { return await getNamespace(this.env, accountId, namespaceId) } /** * List keys in a KV namespace. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param namespaceId {string} The ID of the namespace. * @param prefix {string} Optional string prefix to filter key names. * @param cursor {string} Optional cursor for pagination. * @param limit {number} Optional limit on number of keys to return. * @return {Promise<any>} List of keys. */ async listKVKeys( accountId: string, namespaceId: string, prefix?: string, cursor?: string, limit?: number ) { return await listKeys( this.env, accountId, namespaceId, prefix, cursor, limit ) } /** * Get metadata for a key in a KV namespace. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param namespaceId {string} The ID of the namespace. * @param keyName {string} The name of the key. * @return {Promise<any>} The metadata for the key. */ async getKVMetadata( accountId: string, namespaceId: string, keyName: string ) { return await getMetadata(this.env, accountId, namespaceId, keyName) } /** * Update a value in a KV namespace. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param namespaceId {string} The ID of the namespace. * @param keyName {string} The name of the key. * @param value {string} The value to store. * @param metadata {string} Optional JSON metadata to associate with the key/value pair. * @param expiration {number} Optional time at which the key should expire. * @param expiration_ttl {number} Optional time-to-live in seconds for the key. * @return {Promise<any>} Response from the update operation. */ async updateKVValue( accountId: string, namespaceId: string, keyName: string, value: string, metadata?: string, expiration?: number, expiration_ttl?: number ) { return await updateValue( this.env, accountId, namespaceId, keyName, value, metadata, expiration, expiration_ttl ) } /** * Delete a value from a KV namespace. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param namespaceId {string} The ID of the namespace. * @param keyName {string} The name of the key to delete. * @return {Promise<any>} Response from the delete operation. */ async deleteKVValue( accountId: string, namespaceId: string, keyName: string ) { return await deleteValue(this.env, accountId, namespaceId, keyName) } /** * Get a value from a KV namespace. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param namespaceId {string} The ID of the namespace. * @param keyName {string} The name of the key to retrieve. * @return {Promise<any>} The value associated with the key. */ async getKVValue(accountId: string, namespaceId: string, keyName: string) { return await getValue(this.env, accountId, namespaceId, keyName) } /** * Create a new queue. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param queueName {string} Name for the new queue. * @return {Promise<any>} The created queue. */ async createQueue(accountId: string, queueName: string) { return await createQueue(this.env, accountId, queueName) } /** * Get details about a specific queue. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param queueId {string} The ID of the queue to retrieve. * @return {Promise<any>} The queue details. */ async getQueue(accountId: string, queueId: string) { return await getQueue(this.env, accountId, queueId) } /** * List all queues for an account. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @return {Promise<any>} List of queues. */ async listQueues(accountId: string) { return await listQueues(this.env, accountId) } /** * Acknowledge messages from a queue. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param queueId {string} The ID of the queue. * @param acks {string} JSON string of message lease IDs to acknowledge. Format: [{lease_id: "string"}] * @param retries {string} Optional JSON string of message lease IDs to retry with optional delay. Format: [{lease_id: "string", delay_seconds?: number}] * @return {Promise<any>} Response from the acknowledge operation. */ async acknowledgeQueueMessages( accountId: string, queueId: string, acks: string, retries?: string ) { // Parse the JSON strings to get the actual objects const parsedAcks = JSON.parse(acks) as Array<{ lease_id: string }> const parsedRetries = retries ? (JSON.parse(retries) as Array<{ lease_id: string delay_seconds?: number }>) : undefined return await acknowledgeMessages( this.env, accountId, queueId, parsedAcks, parsedRetries ) } /** * Pull a batch of messages from a queue. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param queueId {string} The ID of the queue. * @param batchSize {number} Optional maximum number of messages to include in the batch. * @param visibilityTimeoutMs {number} Optional number of milliseconds that messages are exclusively leased. * @return {Promise<any>} The pulled messages. */ async pullQueueMessages( accountId: string, queueId: string, batchSize?: number, visibilityTimeoutMs?: number ) { return await pullMessages( this.env, accountId, queueId, batchSize, visibilityTimeoutMs ) } /** * Bulk delete keys from a KV namespace. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param namespaceId {string} The ID of the namespace. * @param keys {string} JSON string array of key names to delete. Format: ["key1", "key2", "key3"] * @return {Promise<any>} Response from the bulk delete operation. */ async bulkDeleteKVKeys( accountId: string, namespaceId: string, keys: string ) { // Parse the JSON string to get the array of keys const parsedKeys = JSON.parse(keys) as string[] return await bulkDeleteKeys( this.env, accountId, namespaceId, parsedKeys ) } /** * Bulk update key-value pairs in a KV namespace. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param namespaceId {string} The ID of the namespace. * @param keyValues {string} JSON string array of key-value objects. Format: [{key: "string", value: "string", expiration?: number, expiration_ttl?: number, base64?: boolean}] * @return {Promise<any>} Response from the bulk update operation. */ async bulkUpdateKVKeys( accountId: string, namespaceId: string, keyValues: string ) { // Parse the JSON string to get the array of key-value objects const parsedKeyValues = JSON.parse(keyValues) as Array<{ key: string value: string expiration?: number expiration_ttl?: number base64?: boolean metadata?: Record<string, unknown> }> return await bulkUpdateKeys( this.env, accountId, namespaceId, parsedKeyValues ) } /** * Create a new R2 bucket. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param name {string} The name for the new bucket. * @return {Promise<any>} The created bucket. */ async createR2Bucket(accountId: string, name: string) { return await createBucket(this.env, accountId, name) } /** * Get a specific R2 bucket. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param bucketName {string} The name of the bucket to retrieve. * @return {Promise<any>} The bucket details. */ async getR2Bucket(accountId: string, bucketName: string) { return await getBucket(this.env, accountId, bucketName) } /** * List all R2 buckets for an account. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @return {Promise<any>} List of buckets. */ async listR2Buckets(accountId: string) { return await listBuckets(this.env, accountId) } /** * Delete CORS configuration for an R2 bucket. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param bucketName {string} The name of the bucket. * @return {Promise<any>} Response from the delete operation. */ async deleteR2BucketCORS(accountId: string, bucketName: string) { return await deleteBucketCORS(this.env, accountId, bucketName) } /** * Get CORS configuration for an R2 bucket. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param bucketName {string} The name of the bucket. * @return {Promise<any>} The CORS configuration. */ async getR2BucketCORS(accountId: string, bucketName: string) { return await getBucketCORS(this.env, accountId, bucketName) } /** * Update CORS configuration for an R2 bucket. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param bucketName {string} The name of the bucket. * @param corsRules {string} JSON string array of CORS rules. Format: [{allowedOrigins: ["example.com"], allowedMethods: ["GET"], allowedHeaders: ["Content-Type"], exposeHeaders: ["Content-Length"], maxAge: 86400}] * @return {Promise<any>} Response from the update operation. */ async updateR2BucketCORS( accountId: string, bucketName: string, corsRules: string ) { // Parse the JSON string to get the array of CORS rules const parsedRules = JSON.parse(corsRules) as Array<{ allowedOrigins: string[] allowedMethods?: Array<"GET" | "PUT" | "POST" | "DELETE" | "HEAD"> allowedHeaders?: string[] exposeHeaders?: string[] maxAge?: number }> return await putBucketCORS(this.env, accountId, bucketName, parsedRules) } /** * Delete a Worker domain. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param domainId {string} The ID of the domain to delete. * @return {Promise<any>} Response from the delete operation. */ async deleteWorkerDomain(accountId: string, domainId: string) { return await deleteDomain(this.env, accountId, domainId) } /** * Get a Worker domain. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param domainId {string} The ID of the domain to retrieve. * @return {Promise<any>} The domain details. */ async getWorkerDomain(accountId: string, domainId: string) { return await getDomain(this.env, accountId, domainId) } /** * List all Worker domains for an account. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param environment {string} Optional worker environment to filter by. * @param hostname {string} Optional hostname to filter by. * @param service {string} Optional worker service to filter by. * @param zoneId {string} Optional zone ID to filter by. * @param zoneName {string} Optional zone name to filter by. * @return {Promise<any>} List of domains. */ async listWorkerDomains( accountId: string, environment?: string, hostname?: string, service?: string, zoneId?: string, zoneName?: string ) { return await listDomains( this.env, accountId, environment, hostname, service, zoneId, zoneName ) } /** * Attach a Worker to a zone and hostname. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param environment {string} Worker environment to associate with the zone and hostname. * @param hostname {string} Hostname of the Worker Domain. * @param service {string} Worker service to associate with the zone and hostname. * @param zoneId {string} ID of the zone. * @return {Promise<any>} The updated domain. */ async updateWorkerDomain( accountId: string, environment: string, hostname: string, service: string, zoneId: string ) { return await updateDomain( this.env, accountId, environment, hostname, service, zoneId ) } /** * Get Cron Triggers for a Worker. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param scriptName {string} The name of the Worker script. * @return {Promise<any>} The Worker's cron schedules. */ async getWorkerCronTriggers(accountId: string, scriptName: string) { return await getWorkerSchedules(this.env, accountId, scriptName) } /** * Update Cron Triggers for a Worker. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param scriptName {string} The name of the Worker script. * @param schedules {string} JSON string array of cron schedules. Format: [{"cron": "* * * * *"}] * @return {Promise<any>} The updated cron schedules. */ async updateWorkerCronTriggers( accountId: string, scriptName: string, schedules: string ) { // Parse the JSON string to get the array of schedules const parsedSchedules = JSON.parse(schedules) as Array<{ cron: string }> return await updateWorkerSchedules( this.env, accountId, scriptName, parsedSchedules ) } /** * Get details about a workflow. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param workflowName {string} The name of the workflow. * @return {Promise<any>} The workflow details. */ async getWorkflow(accountId: string, workflowName: string) { return await getWorkflow(this.env, accountId, workflowName) } /** * List all workflows for an account. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @return {Promise<any>} List of workflows. */ async listWorkflows(accountId: string) { return await listWorkflows(this.env, accountId) } /** * Get details about a workflow instance including logs and status. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param workflowName {string} The name of the workflow. * @param instanceId {string} The ID of the workflow instance. * @return {Promise<any>} The workflow instance details. */ async getWorkflowInstance( accountId: string, workflowName: string, instanceId: string ) { return await getWorkflowInstance( this.env, accountId, workflowName, instanceId ) } /** * List all instances of a workflow. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param workflowName {string} The name of the workflow. * @param dateStart {string} Optional start date in ISO 8601 format (UTC). * @param dateEnd {string} Optional end date in ISO 8601 format (UTC). * @param status {string} Optional status to filter by (queued, running, paused, errored, terminated, complete, waitingForPause, waiting, unknown). * @return {Promise<any>} List of workflow instances. */ async listWorkflowInstances( accountId: string, workflowName: string, dateStart?: string, dateEnd?: string, status?: | "queued" | "running" | "paused" | "errored" | "terminated" | "complete" | "waitingForPause" | "waiting" | "unknown" ) { return await listWorkflowInstances( this.env, accountId, workflowName, dateStart, dateEnd, status ) } /** * Change the status of a workflow instance. * @param accountId {string} The Cloudflare account ID. * @param workflowName {string} The name of the workflow. * @param instanceId {string} The ID of the workflow instance. * @param status {string} The new status (resume, pause, or terminate). * @return {Promise<any>} The updated workflow instance status. */ async updateWorkflowInstanceStatus( accountId: string, workflowName: string, instanceId: string, status: "resume" | "pause" | "terminate" ) { return await updateWorkflowInstanceStatus( this.env, accountId, workflowName, instanceId, status ) } }