
by awkoy
import { getPredictionSchema, svgGenerationSchema } from "../types/index.js"; import { predictionListSchema } from "../types/index.js"; import { server } from "../server/index.js"; import { imageGenerationSchema } from "../types/index.js"; import { registerGetPredictionTool } from "./getPrediction.js"; import { registerPredictionListTool } from "./predictionList.js"; import { registerGenerateImageTool } from "./generateImage.js"; import { createPredictionSchema } from "../types/index.js"; import { registerCreatePredictionTool } from "./createPrediction.js"; import { registerGenerateSvgTool } from "./generateSVG.js"; export const registerAllTools = () => { server.tool( "get_prediction", "Get details of a specific prediction by ID", getPredictionSchema, registerGetPredictionTool ); server.tool( "create_prediction", "Generate an prediction from a text prompt using Flux Schnell model", createPredictionSchema, registerCreatePredictionTool ); server.tool( "generate_image", "Generate an image from a text prompt using Flux Schnell model", imageGenerationSchema, registerGenerateImageTool ); server.tool( "prediction_list", "Get a list of recent predictions from Replicate", predictionListSchema, registerPredictionListTool ); server.tool( "generate_svg", "Generate an SVG from a text prompt using Recraft model", svgGenerationSchema, registerGenerateSvgTool ); };