FastMCP Todo Server

  • src
  • fastmcp_todo_server
import json import logging import os import ssl import subprocess import uuid from datetime import datetime from datetime import UTC from typing import Any from typing import Coroutine import aiohttp import logging import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt from dotenv import load_dotenv from fastmcp import Context from pymongo import MongoClient # Load environment variables load_dotenv() # MongoDB configuration MONGODB_URI = os.getenv("MONGODB_URI", "mongodb://localhost:27017") MONGODB_DB = os.getenv("MONGODB_DB", "swarmonomicon") MONGODB_COLLECTION = os.getenv("MONGODB_COLLECTION", "todos") # MQTT configuration MQTT_HOST = "" MQTT_PORT = 3003 MQTT_KEEPALIVE = 60 # Create MongoDB connection at module level mongo_client = MongoClient(MONGODB_URI) db = mongo_client[MONGODB_DB] collection = db[MONGODB_COLLECTION] lessons_collection = db["lessons_learned"] async def add_todo(description: str, priority: str = "initial", target_agent: str = "user", ctx: Context = None) -> str: """Add a new todo item to the database""" await mqtt_publish(f"status/{os.getenv('DeNa')}-mcp/add_todo", f"description: {description}, priority: {priority}, target_agent: {target_agent}", ctx) todo = { "id": str(uuid.uuid4()), "description": description, "priority": priority, "source_agent": "mcp-server", "target_agent": target_agent, "status": "pending", "created_at": int(, "completed_at": None } collection.insert_one(todo) return json.dumps({"status": "success", "todo_id": todo["id"]}) async def query_todos(filter: dict = None, projection: dict = None, limit: int = 100, ctx=None) -> dict: """Query todos with optional filtering and projection""" await mqtt_publish(f"status/{os.getenv('DeNa')}-mcp/query_todos", f"filter: {json.dumps(filter)}, projection: {json.dumps(projection)}, limit: {limit}", ctx) cursor = collection.find( filter or {}, projection=projection, limit=limit ) results = list(cursor) return { "status": "success", "todos": results } async def update_todo(todo_id: str, updates: dict, ctx: Context = None) -> str: """Update an existing todo by ID""" await mqtt_publish(f"status/{os.getenv('DeNa')}-mcp/update_todo", f"todo_id: {todo_id}, updates: {json.dumps(updates)}", ctx) result = collection.update_one({"id": todo_id}, {"$set": updates}) if result.modified_count == 0: return json.dumps({"status": "error", "message": "Todo not found"}) if ctx is not None: try:"Updated todo {todo_id}") except ValueError: pass return json.dumps({"status": "success"}) async def mqtt_publish(topic: str, message: str, ctx: Context = None) -> str: """Publish a message to the specified MQTT topic""" mqtt_client = mqtt.Client() mqtt_client.connect(MQTT_HOST, MQTT_PORT, MQTT_KEEPALIVE) result = mqtt_client.publish(topic, message) result.wait_for_publish() mqtt_client.disconnect() if result.is_published(): if ctx is not None: try:"Published message to topic {topic}") except ValueError: pass return json.dumps({"status": "success", "topic": topic, "message": message}) else: return json.dumps({"status": "error", "message": "Message not published"}) async def delete_todo(todo_id: str, ctx: Context = None) -> str: """Delete a todo by ID""" await mqtt_publish(f"status/{os.getenv('DeNa')}-mcp/delete_todo", f"todo_id: {todo_id}", ctx) result = collection.delete_one({"id": todo_id}) if result.deleted_count == 0: return json.dumps({"status": "error", "message": "Todo not found"}) if ctx is not None: try:"Deleted todo {todo_id}") except ValueError: pass return json.dumps({"status": "success"}) async def get_todo(todo_id: str) -> str: """Get a specific todo by ID""" await mqtt_publish(f"status/{os.getenv('DeNa')}-mcp/get_todo", f"todo_id: {todo_id}") todo = collection.find_one({"id": todo_id}) if todo is None: return json.dumps({"status": "error", "message": "Todo not found"}) return json.dumps({"status": "success", "todo": todo}, default=str) async def mark_todo_complete(todo_id: str, ctx: Context = None) -> str: """Mark a todo as completed""" await mqtt_publish(f"status/{os.getenv('DeNa')}-mcp/mark_todo_complete", f"todo_id: {todo_id}", ctx) result = collection.update_one( {"id": todo_id}, {"$set": {"status": "completed", "completed_at": int(}} ) if result.modified_count == 0: return json.dumps({"status": "error", "message": "Todo not found"}) if ctx is not None: try:"Marked todo {todo_id} as completed") except ValueError: pass return json.dumps({"status": "success"}) async def list_todos_by_status(status: str, limit: int = 100) -> str: """List todos by their status""" await mqtt_publish(f"status/{os.getenv('DeNa')}-mcp/list_todos_by_status", f"status: {status}, limit: {limit}") cursor = collection.find( {"status": status}, limit=limit ) results = list(cursor) return json.dumps({ "status": "success", "todos": results }, default=str) async def add_lesson(language: str, topic: str, lesson_learned: str, tags: list = None, ctx: Context = None) -> str: """Add a lesson learned""" await mqtt_publish(f"status/{os.getenv('DeNa')}-mcp/add_lesson", f"language: {language}, topic: {topic}, lesson_learned: {lesson_learned}, tags: {tags}", ctx) lesson = { "id": str(uuid.uuid4()), "language": language, "topic": topic, "lesson_learned": lesson_learned, "tags": tags or [], "created_at": int( } # Insert into MongoDB lessons_collection.insert_one(lesson) return json.dumps({"status": "success", "lesson_id": lesson["id"]}) async def get_lesson(lesson_id: str) -> str: """Get a specific lesson by ID""" await mqtt_publish(f"status/{os.getenv('DeNa')}-mcp/get_lesson", f"lesson_id: {lesson_id}") lesson = lessons_collection.find_one({"id": lesson_id}) if lesson is None: return json.dumps({"status": "error", "message": "Lesson not found"}) return json.dumps({"status": "success", "lesson": lesson}, default=str) async def update_lesson(lesson_id: str, updates: dict, ctx: Context = None) -> str: """Update an existing lesson by ID""" await mqtt_publish(f"status/{os.getenv('DeNa')}-mcp/update_lesson", f"lesson_id: {lesson_id}, updates: {json.dumps(updates)}", ctx) result = lessons_collection.update_one({"id": lesson_id}, {"$set": updates}) if result.modified_count == 0: return json.dumps({"status": "error", "message": "Lesson not found"}) return json.dumps({"status": "success"}) async def delete_lesson(lesson_id: str, ctx: Context = None) -> str: """Delete a lesson by ID""" await mqtt_publish(f"status/{os.getenv('DeNa')}-mcp/delete_lesson", f"lesson_id: {lesson_id}", ctx) result = lessons_collection.delete_one({"id": lesson_id}) if result.deleted_count == 0: return json.dumps({"status": "error", "message": "Lesson not found"}) return json.dumps({"status": "success"}) async def list_lessons(limit: int = 100) -> str: """List all lessons learned""" await mqtt_publish(f"status/{os.getenv('DeNa')}-mcp/list_lessons", f"limit: {limit}", ctx=None) cursor = lessons_collection.find(limit=limit) results = list(cursor) return json.dumps({ "status": "success", "lessons": results }, default=str) async def search_todos(query: str, fields: list = None, limit: int = 100) -> str: """Search todos using text search on specified fields Args: query: The text to search for fields: List of fields to search in (defaults to ['description']) limit: Maximum number of results to return """ await mqtt_publish(f"status/{os.getenv('DeNa')}-mcp/search_todos", f"query: {query}, fields: {fields}, limit: {limit}", ctx=None) if not fields: fields = ["description"] # Create a regex pattern for case-insensitive search regex_pattern = {"$regex": query, "$options": "i"} # Build the query with OR conditions for each field search_conditions = [] for field in fields: search_conditions.append({field: regex_pattern}) search_query = {"$or": search_conditions} # Execute the search cursor = collection.find(search_query, limit=limit) results = list(cursor) return json.dumps({ "status": "success", "count": len(results), "query": query, "todos": results }, default=str) async def search_lessons(query: str, fields: list = None, limit: int = 100) -> str: """Search lessons using text search on specified fields Args: query: The text to search for fields: List of fields to search in (defaults to ['topic', 'lesson_learned']) limit: Maximum number of results to return """ await mqtt_publish(f"status/{os.getenv('DeNa')}-mcp/search_lessons", f"query: {query}, fields: {fields}, limit: {limit}", ctx=None) if not fields: fields = ["topic", "lesson_learned"] # Create a regex pattern for case-insensitive search regex_pattern = {"$regex": query, "$options": "i"} # Build the query with OR conditions for each field search_conditions = [] for field in fields: search_conditions.append({field: regex_pattern}) search_query = {"$or": search_conditions} # Execute the search cursor = lessons_collection.find(search_query, limit=limit) results = list(cursor) return json.dumps({ "status": "success", "count": len(results), "query": query, "lessons": results }, default=str) async def deploy_nodered_flow(flow_json_name: str) -> str: """ Deploys a Node-RED flow to a Node-RED instance. Args: flow_json_name: The name of the flow JSON file in the dashboard directory Returns: Result of the deployment operation """ try: # Set up logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Set default Node-RED URL if not provided node_red_url = os.getenv("NR_URL", "http://localhost:9191") username = os.getenv("NR_USER", None) password = os.getenv("NR_PASS", None) logger.debug(f"Node-RED URL: {node_red_url}") logger.debug(f"Username: {username}") logger.debug(f"Password length: {len(password) if password else 'None'}") # Add local git pull dashboard_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) result = "" try: result =['git', 'pull'], cwd=dashboard_dir, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True) logger.debug(f"Git pull output: {result.stdout}") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.warning(f"Git pull failed: {e}") logger.warning(f"Git pull stderr: {e.stderr}") # Continue even if git pull fails flow_json_path = f"../../dashboard/{flow_json_name}" flow_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), flow_json_path)) if not os.path.exists(flow_path): return json.dumps({"success": False, "error": f"Flow file not found: {flow_json_name}, {result}"}) # Read the JSON content from the file try: with open(flow_path, 'r') as file: flow_data = json.load(file) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: return json.dumps({"success": False, "error": f"Invalid JSON in file {flow_json_name}: {str(e)}"}) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"success": False, "error": f"Error reading file {flow_json_name}: {str(e)}"}) # Validate flow_data is either a list or a dict if not isinstance(flow_data, (list, dict)): return json.dumps({"success": False, "error": f"Flow JSON must be a list or dict, got {type(flow_data).__name__}"}) # If it's a single flow object, wrap it in a list if isinstance(flow_data, dict): flow_data = [flow_data] # Create SSL context to handle potential SSL verification issues ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context() ssl_context.check_hostname = False ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: # First, check authentication scheme try: async with session.get(f"{node_red_url}/auth/login", ssl=ssl_context) as login_response: logger.debug(f"Login endpoint response status: {login_response.status}") logger.debug(f"Login endpoint response headers: {login_response.headers}") try: login_info = await login_response.json() logger.debug(f"Login info: {login_info}") except Exception as e: login_text = await login_response.text() logger.debug(f"Login response text: {login_text}") logger.debug(f"Login JSON parsing error: {e}") # If authentication is required, get a token if username and password: token_payload = { "client_id": "node-red-admin", "grant_type": "password", "scope": "*", "username": username, "password": password } logger.debug(f"Token payload: {token_payload}") async with"{node_red_url}/auth/token", data=token_payload, ssl=ssl_context) as token_response: logger.debug(f"Token request status: {token_response.status}") logger.debug(f"Token request headers: {token_response.headers}") # Log the full response text for debugging token_text = await token_response.text() logger.debug(f"Token response text: {token_text}") # Try to parse the response as JSON try: token_data = json.loads(token_text) access_token = token_data.get('access_token') # Use the access token for subsequent requests headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}" } except json.JSONDecodeError: logger.error(f"Failed to parse token response: {token_text}") return json.dumps({"success": False, "error": f"Failed to parse token response: {token_text}"}) # If authentication is not required, proceed without token else: headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" } # Get existing flows async with session.get(f"{node_red_url}/flows", headers=headers, ssl=ssl_context) as response: logger.debug(f"Flows check response status: {response.status}") if response.status == 200: existing_flows = await response.json() else: return json.dumps({"success": False, "error": f"Cannot access flows. HTTP {response.status}"}) # Determine flow ID and operation flow_id = None flow_label = None for node in flow_data: if node.get("type") == "tab": flow_id = node.get("id") flow_label = node.get("label") break # Create a new flow everytime because of update import errors in Node-RED operation = "create" endpoint = f"{node_red_url}/flows" method = # Deploy the flow async with method(endpoint, headers=headers, json=flow_data, ssl=ssl_context) as deploy_response: logger.debug(f"Deploy response status: {deploy_response.status}") result = await deploy_response.text() logger.debug(f"Deploy response body: {result}") if deploy_response.status not in (200, 201, 204): return json.dumps( {"success": False, "error": f"HTTP {deploy_response.status}: {result}", "operation": operation}) return json.dumps({ "success": True, "operation": operation, "result": result[0:50], }) except Exception as e: logger.exception("Deployment error") return json.dumps({"success": False, "error": str(e)}) except Exception as e: # Catch-all exception handler logging.exception("Unhandled exception in deploy_nodered_flow_tool") return json.dumps({"success": False, "error": f"Unhandled exception: {str(e)}"}) if __name__ == "__main__": deploy_nodered_flow("fastmcp-todo-server.json")