FastMCP Todo Server

  • dashboard
#!/bin/bash # Deploy MQTT Status Dashboard to Node-RED # Usage: ./ [server_url] [username] [password] # Default server URL if not provided SERVER_URL=${1:-""} USERNAME=${2:-"danedens"} PASSWORD=${3:-""} echo "Deploying MQTT Status Dashboard to Node-RED server at $SERVER_URL" # Set authentication if provided AUTH_HEADER="" if [ -n "$USERNAME" ] && [ -n "$PASSWORD" ]; then # Create base64 encoded credentials AUTH_STRING=$(echo -n "$USERNAME:$PASSWORD" | base64) AUTH_HEADER="-H \"Authorization: Basic $AUTH_STRING\"" echo "Using authentication with username: $USERNAME" fi # Get flows and find the next available ID echo "Fetching current flows..." FLOW_ID=$(curl -s "${SERVER_URL}/flows" | jq '.[] | select(.type=="tab" and .label=="Device Status Dashboard") | .id' 2>/dev/null) if [ -n "$FLOW_ID" ]; then echo "Found existing Device Status Dashboard with ID: $FLOW_ID" echo "Will update existing flow" OPERATION="update" else echo "No existing dashboard found, will create new one" OPERATION="create" fi # Read the flow file FLOW_DATA=$(cat mqtt_status_lights.json) if [ "$OPERATION" = "create" ]; then # Deploy the flow to Node-RED echo "Deploying flow to Node-RED..." RESULT=$(curl -s -X POST "${SERVER_URL}/flows" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ $AUTH_HEADER \ --data "@mqtt_status_lights.json") else # Update existing flow echo "Updating existing flow..." RESULT=$(curl -s -X PUT "${SERVER_URL}/flow/${FLOW_ID}" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ $AUTH_HEADER \ --data "@mqtt_status_lights.json") fi # Check deployment result if [[ $RESULT == *"error"* ]]; then echo "Error deploying flow: $RESULT" exit 1 else echo "Flow deployed successfully!" echo "Access the dashboard at: ${SERVER_URL}/ui" fi