Base MCP Server

by base
import { z } from "zod"; export const GetMorphoVaultsSchema = z .object({ assetSymbol: z .string() .optional() .describe("Asset symbol by which to filter vaults"), }) .strip() .describe("Get the list of vaults from Morpho"); export const CallContractSchema = z.object({ contractAddress: z.string().describe("The address of the contract to call"), functionName: z.string().describe("The name of the function to call"), functionArgs: z .array(z.string()) .describe("The arguments to pass to the function"), abi: z.string().describe("The ABI of the contract"), value: z .string() .optional() .describe("The value of ETH to send with the transaction"), }); export const GetOnrampAssetsSchema = z.object({ country: z.string().describe("The country to get onramp assets for"), subdivision: z .string() .optional() .describe( "The subdivision to get onramp assets for. To get accurate results for the US, you must also provide a subdivision.", ), }); export const OnrampSchema = z.object({ amountUsd: z.number().describe("The amount of funds to onramp"), assetId: z.string().describe("The asset ID to onramp"), }); export const Erc20BalanceSchema = z.object({ contractAddress: z .string() .describe("The address of the contract to get the balance of"), }); export const Erc20TransferSchema = z.object({ contractAddress: z .string() .describe("The address of the contract to transfer the token from"), toAddress: z.string().describe("The address of the recipient"), amount: z.string().describe("The amount of tokens to transfer"), }); export const BuyOpenRouterCreditsSchema = z.object({ amountUsd: z.number().describe("The amount of credits to buy, in USD"), });