
""" 东方财富 条件选股 https://xuangu.eastmoney.com/ 1. 部分数据中包含中文单位,如万亿等,导致无法转换为数字,如VOLUME 2. 东财翻页需要提前手工登录 3. 东财翻页是页面已经翻了,然后等数据来更新,懒加载 """ import re import pandas as pd from loguru import logger from playwright.async_api import Page from query_table.enums import QueryType # 查询结果 # 'https://np-pick-b.eastmoney.com/api/smart-tag/stock/v3/pw/search-code' # 'https://np-pick-b.eastmoney.com/api/smart-tag/fund/v3/pw/search-code' # 'https://np-pick-b.eastmoney.com/api/smart-tag/hk/v3/pw/search-code' # 'https://np-pick-b.eastmoney.com/api/smart-tag/cb/v3/pw/search-code' # 'https://np-pick-b.eastmoney.com/api/smart-tag/etf/v3/pw/search-code' # 'https://np-pick-b.eastmoney.com/api/smart-tag/bk/v3/pw/search-code' _PAGE0_ = 'https://np-pick-b.eastmoney.com/api/smart-tag' _PAGE1_ = 'https://np-pick-b.eastmoney.com/api/smart-tag/{}/v3/pw/search-code' _type_ = { QueryType.CNStock: 'stock', QueryType.Fund: 'fund', QueryType.HKStock: 'hk', QueryType.ConBond: 'cb', QueryType.ETF: 'etf', QueryType.Board: 'bk', } def convert_type(type): if type == 'Double': return float if type == 'String': return str if type == 'Long': return int if type == 'Boolean': return bool if type == 'INT': # TODO 好像未出现过 return int return type class Pagination: def __init__(self): self.datas = {} self.pageNo = 1 self.pageSize = 100 self.total = 1024 self.columns = [] self.datas = {} def reset(self): self.datas = {} def update(self, pageNo, pageSize, total, columns, dataList): self.pageNo = pageNo self.pageSize = pageSize self.total = total self.columns = columns self.datas[self.pageNo] = dataList def has_next(self, max_page): c1 = self.pageNo * self.pageSize < self.total c2 = self.pageNo < max_page return c1 & c2 def current(self): return self.pageNo def get_list(self): datas = [] for k, v in self.datas.items(): datas.extend(v) return datas def get_dataframe(self): columns = {x['key']: x['title'] for x in self.columns} dtypes = {x['key']: convert_type(x['dataType']) for x in self.columns} df = pd.DataFrame(self.get_list()) for k, v in dtypes.items(): if k == 'SERIAL': df[k] = df[k].astype(int) continue if isinstance(v, str): logger.info("未识别的数据类型 {}:{}", k, v) continue try: df[k] = df[k].astype(v) except ValueError: logger.info("转换失败 {}:{}", k, v) return df.rename(columns=columns) P = Pagination() def search_code(json_data): total = json_data['data']['result']['total'] columns = json_data['data']['result']['columns'] dataList = json_data['data']['result']['dataList'] return total, columns, dataList async def on_response(response): # if not response.url.startswith(_PAGE0_): # return post_data_json = response.request.post_data_json pageNo = post_data_json['pageNo'] pageSize = post_data_json['pageSize'] P.update(pageNo, pageSize, *search_code(await response.json())) async def query(page: Page, q: str = "收盘价>100元", type_: QueryType = 'stock', max_page: int = 5) -> pd.DataFrame: type = _type_.get(type_, None) assert type is not None, f"不支持的类型:{type_}" url = _PAGE1_.format(type) await page.route(re.compile(r'.*\.(?:jpg|jpeg|png|gif|webp)(?:$|\?)'), lambda route: route.abort()) P.reset() async with page.expect_response(url) as response_info: # 这里不用处理输入编码问题 await page.goto(f"https://xuangu.eastmoney.com/Result?q={q}&type={type}", wait_until="load") await on_response(await response_info.value) while P.has_next(max_page): logger.info("当前页为:{}, 点击`下一页`", P.current()) # 这种写法解决了懒加载问题 async with page.expect_response(url) as response_info: await page.get_by_role("button", name="下一页").click() await on_response(await response_info.value) return P.get_dataframe()