Fiscal Data MCP Server

import { z } from "zod"; import { MCPTool } from "mcp-framework"; interface TreasuryData { record_date: string; account_type: string; close_today_bal: string; } interface DateInput { date: string; } class GetDailyTreasuryStatement extends MCPTool<DateInput> { name = "get_daily_treasury_statement"; description = "Get the daily treasury statement for a specific day"; schema = { date: { type: z .string() .regex(/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/, "Invalid date format. Use YYYY-MM-DD"), description: "Date of the statement in YYYY-MM-DD format", }, }; async execute({ date }: DateInput) { const url = `${date}`; const response = await this.fetch<{ data: TreasuryData[] }>(url); return; } } export default GetDailyTreasuryStatement;