PeakMojo Server
by peakmojo
# PeakMojo Server
A Python server implementation for integrating with the PeakMojo API.
## Features
- Full integration with PeakMojo API endpoints
- Bearer token authentication
- Resource and tool-based access to PeakMojo functionality
- Automatic fallback to mock responses during development
## Installation
pip install mcp-server-peakmojo
## Configuration
The server requires the following environment variables:
- `PEAKMOJO_API_KEY`: Your PeakMojo API key for authentication
- `PEAKMOJO_BASE_URL` (optional): PeakMojo API base URL (defaults to
You can also configure these via command line arguments:
python -m mcp_server_peakmojo --api-key YOUR_API_KEY --base-url YOUR_BASE_URL
## Available Resources
The server provides access to the following PeakMojo resources:
- Users (`peakmojo://users`)
- Personas (`peakmojo://personas`, `peakmojo://personas/tags`, `peakmojo://personas/search`)
- Scenarios (`peakmojo://scenarios`)
- Job Scenarios (`peakmojo://job_scenarios`)
- Jobs (`peakmojo://jobs`)
- Applications (`peakmojo://applications`)
- Practices (`peakmojo://practices`)
- Skills (`peakmojo://skills`)
- Certificates (`peakmojo://certificates`)
## Available Tools
The server provides the following tools for interacting with the PeakMojo API:
### User Management
- `get_peakmojo_users`: Get list of all users
- `get_peakmojo_user`: Get user details by ID
- `get_peakmojo_user_stats`: Get user statistics
- `update_peakmojo_user_stats`: Update user statistics
### Persona Management
- `get_peakmojo_personas`: Get list of personas
- `get_peakmojo_persona_tags`: Get persona tags
- `search_peakmojo_personas`: Search for personas
- `create_peakmojo_persona`: Create a new persona
### Scenario Management
- `get_peakmojo_scenarios`: Get list of scenarios
- `create_peakmojo_job_scenario`: Create a new job scenario
### Workspace Management
- `get_workspace_personas`: Get personas for a workspace
### Job Management
- `get_job`: Get job details
### Application Management
- `get_application`: Get application details
### Practice Management
- `get_practice_messages`: Get practice messages
### Skill Management
- `get_user_skills`: Get user skills
### Certificate Management
- `get_certificates`: Get list of certificates
- `get_certificate_skills`: Get skills for a certificate
- `issue_user_certificate`: Issue a certificate to a user
- `add_certificate_skill_courses`: Add courses to a certificate skill
## Development
During development, if the API is not accessible, the server will automatically fall back to mock responses for each endpoint. This allows for development and testing without requiring a live API connection.
## Error Handling
The server implements comprehensive error handling:
- Invalid API keys are logged with warnings
- Failed API requests fall back to mock responses
- HTTP errors are properly caught and logged
- All errors are returned as JSON responses with appropriate error messages
## Docker Support
### Prerequisites
The Docker image is built for multiple platforms:
- Linux/amd64
- Linux/arm64
- Linux/arm/v7
### Option 1: Pull from Docker Hub
docker pull buryhuang/mcp-server-peakmojo:latest
### Option 2: Build Locally
docker build -t mcp-server-peakmojo .
### Running the Container
Basic usage with API key:
docker run \
-e PEAKMOJO_API_KEY=your_api_key_here \
### Cross-Platform Publishing
To publish the Docker image for multiple platforms:
1. Create a new builder instance (if you haven't already):
docker buildx create --use
2. Build and push the image for multiple platforms:
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 -t peakmojo/mcp-server-peakmojo:latest --push .
3. Verify the image is available for the specified platforms:
docker buildx imagetools inspect peakmojo/mcp-server-peakmojo:latest
### Usage with Claude Desktop
Configure the MCP server in your Claude Desktop settings:
"mcpServers": {
"peakmojo": {
"command": "docker",
"args": [
### Example running from source
If you want to run directly from the source code:
"mcpServers": {
"peakmojo": {
"command": "python",
"args": [
## Contributing
1. Fork the repository
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -m 'Add some amazing feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin feature/amazing-feature`)
5. Open a Pull Request