Kagi MCP Server
by apridachin
- tests
- tools
"""Tests for paper download functionality."""
import pytest
import json
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
from arxiv_mcp_server.tools.download import (
async def test_download_paper_lifecycle(mocker, temp_storage_path):
"""Test the complete lifecycle of downloading and converting a paper."""
paper_id = "2103.12345"
# Mock arxiv client and PDF download
# Mock PDF to markdown conversion to happen immediately
async def mock_convert(paper_id, pdf_path):
md_path = get_paper_path(paper_id, ".md")
with open(md_path, "w") as f:
f.write("# Test Paper\nConverted content")
if paper_id in conversion_statuses:
status = conversion_statuses[paper_id]
status.status = "success"
status.completed_at = datetime.now()
pdf_path.unlink() # Cleanup PDF
mocker.patch("asyncio.to_thread", side_effect=mock_convert)
# Initial download request
response = await handle_download({"paper_id": paper_id})
status = json.loads(response[0].text)
assert status["status"] in ["converting", "success"]
# Check final status
response = await handle_download({"paper_id": paper_id, "check_status": True})
final_status = json.loads(response[0].text)
assert final_status["status"] == "success"
# Verify markdown file exists
assert get_paper_path(paper_id, ".md").exists()
async def test_download_existing_paper(temp_storage_path):
"""Test downloading a paper that's already available."""
paper_id = "2103.12345"
md_path = get_paper_path(paper_id, ".md")
# Create test markdown file
md_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(md_path, "w") as f:
f.write("# Existing Paper\nTest content")
response = await handle_download({"paper_id": paper_id})
status = json.loads(response[0].text)
assert status["status"] == "success"
async def test_download_nonexistent_paper(mocker):
"""Test downloading a paper that doesn't exist."""
mocker.patch('arxiv.Client.results', side_effect=StopIteration())
response = await handle_download({"paper_id": "invalid.12345"})
status = json.loads(response[0].text)
assert status["status"] == "error"
assert "not found on arXiv" in status["message"]
async def test_check_unknown_status():
"""Test checking status of unknown paper."""
response = await handle_download({"paper_id": "2103.99999", "check_status": True})
status = json.loads(response[0].text)
assert status["status"] == "unknown"