Targetprocess MCP Server

by aaronsb
import { BaseEntityData, CustomField, EntityReference, ResourceType } from './base.types.js'; /** * Base class for all TargetProcess entities */ export abstract class GeneralEntity { readonly id: number; name: string; description?: string; startDate?: Date; endDate?: Date; readonly createDate: Date; readonly modifyDate: Date; lastCommentDate?: Date; tags: string[]; customFields: CustomField[]; readonly resourceType: ResourceType; constructor(data: BaseEntityData) { = data.Id; = data.Name; this.description = data.Description; this.startDate = data.StartDate ? new Date(data.StartDate) : undefined; this.endDate = data.EndDate ? new Date(data.EndDate) : undefined; this.createDate = new Date(data.CreateDate); this.modifyDate = new Date(data.ModifyDate); this.lastCommentDate = data.LastCommentDate ? new Date(data.LastCommentDate) : undefined; this.tags = data.Tags || []; this.customFields = data.CustomFields || []; this.resourceType = data.ResourceType; } /** * Convert entity to API format */ toApiFormat(): Record<string, unknown> { return { Id:, Name:, Description: this.description, StartDate: this.startDate?.toISOString(), EndDate: this.endDate?.toISOString(), CreateDate: this.createDate.toISOString(), ModifyDate: this.modifyDate.toISOString(), LastCommentDate: this.lastCommentDate?.toISOString(), Tags: this.tags, CustomFields: this.customFields, ResourceType: this.resourceType }; } /** * Create a reference to this entity */ toReference(): EntityReference { return { Id:, Name: }; } /** * Get a custom field value by name */ getCustomField<T extends CustomField['Value']>(name: string): T | undefined { const field = this.customFields.find(f => f.Name === name); return field?.Value as T; } /** * Set a custom field value */ setCustomField(name: string, value: CustomField['Value'], type: string): void { const existingIndex = this.customFields.findIndex(f => f.Name === name); const field: CustomField = { Name: name, Type: type, Value: value }; if (existingIndex >= 0) { this.customFields[existingIndex] = field; } else { this.customFields.push(field); } } }