Sanity MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Provides tools for interacting with content, including creating new documents, editing existing documents, listing documents of specific types, and retrieving schema templates based on document types.

Sanity MCP Server

This MCP server provides tools for interacting with content from Claude Desktop.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Create a .env file with your Sanity credentials:
SANITY_PROJECT_ID=your_project_id SANITY_DATASET=your_dataset SANITY_TOKEN=your_token

Usage with Claude Desktop

  1. In Claude Desktop, go to Settings > MCP Servers
  2. Add a new server with these settings:
{ "command": "node", "args": ["src/sanity-mcp-server.ts"], "env": { "SANITY_PROJECT_ID": "your_project_id", "SANITY_DATASET": "your_dataset", "SANITY_TOKEN": "your_token" } }

Available Tools

Create Document

Creates a new document in Sanity


  • type: Document type
  • content: Document content


{ "type": "post", "content": { "title": "My Post", "body": [ { "_type": "block", "children": [ { "_type": "span", "text": "Hello world!" } ] } ] } }

Edit Document

Edits an existing document


  • id: Document ID
  • content: Updated content

List Documents

Lists documents of a specific type


  • type: Document type
  • limit: Maximum number of documents to return (default: 10)

Get Schema

Gets a schema template based on an existing document

Note: For best results, manually create at least one document of each type before using this tool.


  • type: Document type

Example Usage

  1. Create a new blog post:
{ "tool": "create-document", "arguments": { "type": "post", "content": { "title": "My First Post", "slug": "my-first-post", "body": [ { "_type": "block", "children": [ { "_type": "span", "text": "This is my first post!" } ] } ] } } }
  1. Edit an existing post:
{ "tool": "edit-document", "arguments": { "id": "post-id-123", "content": { "title": "Updated Title" } } }
  1. List recent posts:
{ "tool": "list-documents", "arguments": { "type": "post", "limit": 5 } }
  1. Get schema for posts:
{ "tool": "get-schema", "arguments": { "type": "post" } }
security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

An MCP server that enables Claude Desktop to interact with content, providing tools to create, edit, list documents and get schema templates.

  1. Installation
    1. Usage with Claude Desktop
      1. Available Tools
        1. Create Document
          1. Edit Document
            1. List Documents
              1. Get Schema
              2. Example Usage