ServiceNow MCP Server

  • mcp_server_servicenow
""" ServiceNow MCP Server This module provides a Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that interfaces with ServiceNow. It allows AI agents to access and manipulate ServiceNow data through a secure API. """ import os import json import asyncio import logging import re from datetime import datetime from enum import Enum from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any, Union, Literal, Tuple import requests import httpx from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, field_validator from mcp_server_servicenow.nlp import NLPProcessor from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP, Context from mcp.server.fastmcp.utilities.logging import get_logger logger = get_logger(__name__) # ServiceNow API models class IncidentState(int, Enum): NEW = 1 IN_PROGRESS = 2 ON_HOLD = 3 RESOLVED = 6 CLOSED = 7 CANCELED = 8 class IncidentPriority(int, Enum): CRITICAL = 1 HIGH = 2 MODERATE = 3 LOW = 4 PLANNING = 5 class IncidentUrgency(int, Enum): HIGH = 1 MEDIUM = 2 LOW = 3 class IncidentImpact(int, Enum): HIGH = 1 MEDIUM = 2 LOW = 3 class IncidentCreate(BaseModel): """Model for creating a new incident""" short_description: str = Field(..., description="A brief description of the incident") description: str = Field(..., description="A detailed description of the incident") caller_id: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The sys_id or name of the caller") category: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The incident category") subcategory: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The incident subcategory") urgency: Optional[IncidentUrgency] = Field(IncidentUrgency.MEDIUM, description="The urgency of the incident") impact: Optional[IncidentImpact] = Field(IncidentImpact.MEDIUM, description="The impact of the incident") assignment_group: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The sys_id or name of the assignment group") assigned_to: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The sys_id or name of the assignee") class IncidentUpdate(BaseModel): """Model for updating an existing incident""" short_description: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="A brief description of the incident") description: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="A detailed description of the incident") caller_id: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The sys_id or name of the caller") category: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The incident category") subcategory: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The incident subcategory") urgency: Optional[IncidentUrgency] = Field(None, description="The urgency of the incident") impact: Optional[IncidentImpact] = Field(None, description="The impact of the incident") state: Optional[IncidentState] = Field(None, description="The state of the incident") assignment_group: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The sys_id or name of the assignment group") assigned_to: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The sys_id or name of the assignee") work_notes: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Work notes to add to the incident (internal)") comments: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Customer visible comments to add to the incident") @field_validator('work_notes', 'comments') @classmethod def validate_not_empty(cls, v): if v is not None and v.strip() == '': raise ValueError("Cannot be an empty string") return v class Config: use_enum_values = True class QueryOptions(BaseModel): """Options for querying ServiceNow records""" limit: int = Field(10, description="Maximum number of records to return", ge=1, le=1000) offset: int = Field(0, description="Number of records to skip", ge=0) fields: Optional[List[str]] = Field(None, description="List of fields to return") query: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="ServiceNow encoded query string") order_by: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Field to order results by") order_direction: Optional[Literal["asc", "desc"]] = Field("desc", description="Order direction") class Authentication: """Base class for ServiceNow authentication methods""" async def get_headers(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Get authentication headers for ServiceNow API requests""" raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement this method") class BasicAuth(Authentication): """Basic authentication for ServiceNow""" def __init__(self, username: str, password: str): self.username = username self.password = password async def get_headers(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Get authentication headers for ServiceNow API requests""" return {} def get_auth(self) -> tuple: """Get authentication tuple for requests""" return (self.username, self.password) class TokenAuth(Authentication): """Token authentication for ServiceNow""" def __init__(self, token: str): self.token = token async def get_headers(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Get authentication headers for ServiceNow API requests""" return {"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.token}"} def get_auth(self) -> None: """Get authentication tuple for requests""" return None class OAuthAuth(Authentication): """OAuth authentication for ServiceNow""" def __init__(self, client_id: str, client_secret: str, username: str, password: str, instance_url: str, token: Optional[str] = None, refresh_token: Optional[str] = None, token_expiry: Optional[datetime] = None): self.client_id = client_id self.client_secret = client_secret self.username = username self.password = password self.instance_url = instance_url self.token = token self.refresh_token = refresh_token self.token_expiry = token_expiry async def get_headers(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Get authentication headers for ServiceNow API requests""" if self.token is None or (self.token_expiry and > self.token_expiry): await self.refresh() return {"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.token}"} def get_auth(self) -> None: """Get authentication tuple for requests""" return None async def refresh(self): """Refresh the OAuth token""" if self.refresh_token: # Try refresh flow first data = { "grant_type": "refresh_token", "client_id": self.client_id, "client_secret": self.client_secret, "refresh_token": self.refresh_token } else: # Fall back to password flow data = { "grant_type": "password", "client_id": self.client_id, "client_secret": self.client_secret, "username": self.username, "password": self.password } token_url = f"{self.instance_url}/" async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: response = await, data=data) response.raise_for_status() result = response.json() self.token = result["access_token"] self.refresh_token = result.get("refresh_token") expires_in = result.get("expires_in", 1800) # Default 30 minutes self.token_expiry = + expires_in class ServiceNowClient: """Client for interacting with ServiceNow API""" def __init__(self, instance_url: str, auth: Authentication): self.instance_url = instance_url.rstrip('/') self.auth = auth self.client = httpx.AsyncClient() async def close(self): """Close the HTTP client""" await self.client.aclose() async def request(self, method: str, path: str, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, json_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Make a request to the ServiceNow API""" url = f"{self.instance_url}{path}" headers = await self.auth.get_headers() headers["Accept"] = "application/json" if isinstance(self.auth, BasicAuth): auth = self.auth.get_auth() else: auth = None try: response = await self.client.request( method=method, url=url, params=params, json=json_data, headers=headers, auth=auth ) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() except httpx.HTTPStatusError as e: logger.error(f"ServiceNow API error: {e.response.text}") raise async def get_record(self, table: str, sys_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get a record by sys_id""" return await self.request("GET", f"/api/now/table/{table}/{sys_id}") async def get_records(self, table: str, options: QueryOptions = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get records with query options""" if options is None: options = QueryOptions() params = { "sysparm_limit": options.limit, "sysparm_offset": options.offset } if options.fields: params["sysparm_fields"] = ",".join(options.fields) if options.query: params["sysparm_query"] = options.query if options.order_by: direction = "desc" if options.order_direction == "desc" else "asc" params["sysparm_order_by"] = f"{options.order_by}^{direction}" return await self.request("GET", f"/api/now/table/{table}", params=params) async def create_record(self, table: str, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Create a new record""" return await self.request("POST", f"/api/now/table/{table}", json_data=data) async def update_record(self, table: str, sys_id: str, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Update an existing record""" return await self.request("PUT", f"/api/now/table/{table}/{sys_id}", json_data=data) async def delete_record(self, table: str, sys_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Delete a record""" return await self.request("DELETE", f"/api/now/table/{table}/{sys_id}") async def get_incident_by_number(self, number: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get an incident by its number""" result = await self.request("GET", f"/api/now/table/incident", params={"sysparm_query": f"number={number}", "sysparm_limit": 1}) if result.get("result") and len(result["result"]) > 0: return result["result"][0] return None async def search(self, query: str, table: str = "incident", limit: int = 10) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Search for records using text query""" return await self.request("GET", f"/api/now/table/{table}", params={"sysparm_query": f"123TEXTQUERY321={query}", "sysparm_limit": limit}) async def get_available_tables(self) -> List[str]: """Get a list of available tables""" result = await self.request("GET", "/api/now/table/sys_db_object", params={"sysparm_fields": "name,label", "sysparm_limit": 100}) return result.get("result", []) async def get_table_schema(self, table: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the schema for a table""" result = await self.request("GET", f"/api/now/ui/meta/{table}") return result class ScriptUpdateModel(BaseModel): """Model for updating a ServiceNow script""" name: str = Field(..., description="The name of the script") script: str = Field(..., description="The script content") type: str = Field(..., description="The type of script (e.g., sys_script_include)") description: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Description of the script") class ServiceNowMCP: """ServiceNow MCP Server""" def __init__(self, instance_url: str, auth: Authentication, name: str = "ServiceNow MCP"): self.client = ServiceNowClient(instance_url, auth) self.mcp = FastMCP(name, dependencies=[ "requests", "httpx", "pydantic" ]) # Register resources self.mcp.resource("servicenow://incidents")(self.list_incidents) self.mcp.resource("servicenow://incidents/{number}")(self.get_incident) self.mcp.resource("servicenow://users")(self.list_users) self.mcp.resource("servicenow://knowledge")(self.list_knowledge) self.mcp.resource("servicenow://tables")(self.get_tables) self.mcp.resource("servicenow://tables/{table}")(self.get_table_records) self.mcp.resource("servicenow://schema/{table}")(self.get_table_schema) # Register tools self.mcp.tool(name="create_incident")(self.create_incident) self.mcp.tool(name="update_incident")(self.update_incident) self.mcp.tool(name="search_records")(self.search_records) self.mcp.tool(name="get_record")(self.get_record) self.mcp.tool(name="perform_query")(self.perform_query) self.mcp.tool(name="add_comment")(self.add_comment) self.mcp.tool(name="add_work_notes")(self.add_work_notes) # Register natural language tools self.mcp.tool(name="natural_language_search")(self.natural_language_search) self.mcp.tool(name="natural_language_update")(self.natural_language_update) self.mcp.tool(name="update_script")(self.update_script) # Register prompts self.mcp.prompt(name="analyze_incident")(self.incident_analysis_prompt) self.mcp.prompt(name="create_incident_prompt")(self.create_incident_prompt) async def close(self): """Close the ServiceNow client""" await self.client.close() def run(self, transport: str = "stdio"): """Run the ServiceNow MCP server""" try: finally: # Resource handlers async def list_incidents(self) -> str: """List recent incidents in ServiceNow""" options = QueryOptions(limit=10) result = await self.client.get_records("incident", options) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) async def get_incident(self, number: str) -> str: """Get a specific incident by number""" incident = await self.client.get_incident_by_number(number) if incident: return json.dumps({"result": incident}, indent=2) return json.dumps({"result": "Incident not found"}) async def list_users(self) -> str: """List users in ServiceNow""" options = QueryOptions(limit=10) result = await self.client.get_records("sys_user", options) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) async def list_knowledge(self) -> str: """List knowledge articles in ServiceNow""" options = QueryOptions(limit=10) result = await self.client.get_records("kb_knowledge", options) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) async def get_tables(self) -> str: """Get a list of available tables""" result = await self.client.get_available_tables() return json.dumps({"result": result}, indent=2) async def get_table_records(self, table: str) -> str: """Get records from a specific table""" options = QueryOptions(limit=10) result = await self.client.get_records(table, options) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) async def get_table_schema(self, table: str) -> str: """Get the schema for a table""" result = await self.client.get_table_schema(table) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) # Tool handlers async def create_incident(self, incident: IncidentCreate, ctx: Context = None) -> str: """ Create a new incident in ServiceNow Args: incident: The incident details to create ctx: Optional context object for progress reporting Returns: JSON response from ServiceNow """ if ctx: await"Creating incident: {incident.short_description}") data = incident.dict(exclude_none=True) result = await self.client.create_record("incident", data) if ctx: await"Created incident: {result['result']['number']}") return json.dumps(result, indent=2) async def update_incident(self, number: str, updates: IncidentUpdate, ctx: Context = None) -> str: """ Update an existing incident in ServiceNow Args: number: The incident number (INC0010001) updates: The fields to update ctx: Optional context object for progress reporting Returns: JSON response from ServiceNow """ # First, get the sys_id for the incident number if ctx: await"Looking up incident: {number}") incident = await self.client.get_incident_by_number(number) if not incident: error_message = f"Incident {number} not found" if ctx: await ctx.error(error_message) return json.dumps({"error": error_message}) sys_id = incident['sys_id'] # Now update the incident if ctx: await"Updating incident: {number}") data = updates.dict(exclude_none=True) result = await self.client.update_record("incident", sys_id, data) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) async def search_records(self, query: str, table: str = "incident", limit: int = 10, ctx: Context = None) -> str: """ Search for records in ServiceNow using text query Args: query: Text to search for table: Table to search in limit: Maximum number of results to return ctx: Optional context object for progress reporting Returns: JSON response containing matching records """ if ctx: await"Searching {table} for: {query}") result = await, table, limit) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) async def get_record(self, table: str, sys_id: str, ctx: Context = None) -> str: """ Get a specific record by sys_id Args: table: Table to query sys_id: System ID of the record ctx: Optional context object for progress reporting Returns: JSON response containing the record """ if ctx: await"Getting {table} record: {sys_id}") result = await self.client.get_record(table, sys_id) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) async def perform_query(self, table: str, query: str = "", limit: int = 10, offset: int = 0, fields: Optional[List[str]] = None, ctx: Context = None) -> str: """ Perform a query against ServiceNow Args: table: Table to query query: Encoded query string (ServiceNow syntax) limit: Maximum number of results to return offset: Number of records to skip fields: List of fields to return (or all fields if None) ctx: Optional context object for progress reporting Returns: JSON response containing query results """ if ctx: await"Querying {table} with: {query}") options = QueryOptions( limit=limit, offset=offset, fields=fields, query=query ) result = await self.client.get_records(table, options) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) async def add_comment(self, number: str, comment: str, ctx: Context = None) -> str: """ Add a comment to an incident (customer visible) Args: number: Incident number comment: Comment to add ctx: Optional context object for progress reporting Returns: JSON response from ServiceNow """ if ctx: await"Adding comment to incident: {number}") incident = await self.client.get_incident_by_number(number) if not incident: error_message = f"Incident {number} not found" if ctx: await ctx.error(error_message) return json.dumps({"error": error_message}) sys_id = incident['sys_id'] # Add the comment update = {"comments": comment} result = await self.client.update_record("incident", sys_id, update) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) async def add_work_notes(self, number: str, work_notes: str, ctx: Context = None) -> str: """ Add work notes to an incident (internal) Args: number: Incident number work_notes: Work notes to add ctx: Optional context object for progress reporting Returns: JSON response from ServiceNow """ if ctx: await"Adding work notes to incident: {number}") incident = await self.client.get_incident_by_number(number) if not incident: error_message = f"Incident {number} not found" if ctx: await ctx.error(error_message) return json.dumps({"error": error_message}) sys_id = incident['sys_id'] # Add the work notes update = {"work_notes": work_notes} result = await self.client.update_record("incident", sys_id, update) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) # Natural language tools async def natural_language_search(self, query: str, ctx: Context = None) -> str: """ Search for records using natural language Examples: - "find all incidents about SAP" - "search for incidents related to email" - "show me all incidents with high priority" Args: query: Natural language query ctx: Optional context object for progress reporting Returns: JSON response containing matching records """ if ctx: await"Processing natural language query: {query}") # Parse the query search_params = NLPProcessor.parse_search_query(query) if ctx: await"Searching {search_params['table']} with query: {search_params['query']}") # Perform the search options = QueryOptions( limit=search_params['limit'], query=search_params['query'] ) result = await self.client.get_records(search_params['table'], options) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) async def natural_language_update(self, command: str, ctx: Context = None) -> str: """ Update a record using natural language Examples: - "Update incident INC0010001 saying I'm working on it" - "Set incident INC0010002 to in progress" - "Close incident INC0010003 with resolution: fixed the issue" Args: command: Natural language update command ctx: Optional context object for progress reporting Returns: JSON response from ServiceNow """ if ctx: await"Processing natural language update: {command}") try: # Parse the command record_number, updates = NLPProcessor.parse_update_command(command) if ctx: await"Updating {record_number} with: {updates}") # Get the record if record_number.startswith("INC"): incident = await self.client.get_incident_by_number(record_number) if not incident: error_message = f"Incident {record_number} not found" if ctx: await ctx.error(error_message) return json.dumps({"error": error_message}) sys_id = incident['sys_id'] table = "incident" else: # Handle other record types if needed error_message = f"Record type not supported: {record_number}" if ctx: await ctx.error(error_message) return json.dumps({"error": error_message}) # Update the record result = await self.client.update_record(table, sys_id, updates) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except ValueError as e: error_message = str(e) if ctx: await ctx.error(error_message) return json.dumps({"error": error_message}) async def update_script(self, script_update: ScriptUpdateModel, ctx: Context = None) -> str: """ Update a ServiceNow script Args: script_update: The script update details ctx: Optional context object for progress reporting Returns: JSON response from ServiceNow """ if ctx: await"Updating script: {}") # Search for the script by name table = script_update.type query = f"name={}" options = QueryOptions( limit=1, query=query ) result = await self.client.get_records(table, options) if not result.get("result") or len(result["result"]) == 0: # Script doesn't exist, create it if ctx: await"Script not found, creating new script: {}") data = { "name":, "script": script_update.script } if script_update.description: data["description"] = script_update.description result = await self.client.create_record(table, data) else: # Script exists, update it script = result["result"][0] sys_id = script["sys_id"] if ctx: await"Updating existing script: {} ({sys_id})") data = { "script": script_update.script } if script_update.description: data["description"] = script_update.description result = await self.client.update_record(table, sys_id, data) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) # Prompt templates def incident_analysis_prompt(self, incident_number: str) -> str: """Create a prompt to analyze a ServiceNow incident Args: incident_number: The incident number to analyze (e.g., INC0010001) Returns: Prompt text for analyzing the incident """ return f""" Please analyze the following ServiceNow incident {incident_number}. First, call the appropriate tool to fetch the incident details using get_incident. Then, provide a comprehensive analysis with the following sections: 1. Summary: A brief overview of the incident 2. Impact Assessment: Analysis of the impact based on the severity, priority, and affected users 3. Root Cause Analysis: Potential causes based on available information 4. Resolution Recommendations: Suggested next steps to resolve the incident 5. SLA Status: Whether the incident is at risk of breaching SLAs Use a professional and clear tone appropriate for IT service management. """ def create_incident_prompt(self) -> str: """Create a prompt for incident creation guidance Returns: Prompt text for helping users create an incident """ return """ I'll help you create a new ServiceNow incident. Please provide the following information: 1. Short Description: A brief title for the incident (required) 2. Detailed Description: A thorough explanation of the issue (required) 3. Caller: The person reporting the issue (optional) 4. Category and Subcategory: The type of issue (optional) 5. Impact (1-High, 2-Medium, 3-Low): How broadly this affects users (optional) 6. Urgency (1-High, 2-Medium, 3-Low): How time-sensitive this issue is (optional) After collecting this information, I'll use the create_incident tool to submit the incident to ServiceNow. """ # Factory functions for creating authentication objects def create_basic_auth(username: str, password: str) -> BasicAuth: """Create BasicAuth object for ServiceNow authentication""" return BasicAuth(username, password) def create_token_auth(token: str) -> TokenAuth: """Create TokenAuth object for ServiceNow authentication""" return TokenAuth(token) def create_oauth_auth(client_id: str, client_secret: str, username: str, password: str, instance_url: str) -> OAuthAuth: """Create OAuthAuth object for ServiceNow authentication""" return OAuthAuth(client_id, client_secret, username, password, instance_url)