Systemprompt MCP Gmail Server
by Ejb503
- src
- utils
import type { ErrorObject } from "ajv";
import type { JSONSchema7 } from "json-schema";
import {Ajv} from "ajv";
// Using type assertion to help TypeScript understand the constructor
const ajv = new Ajv({
allErrors: true,
strict: false,
strictSchema: false,
strictTypes: false,
* Validates data against a schema and throws an error with details if validation fails
export function validateWithErrors(data: unknown, schema: JSONSchema7): void {
const validate = ajv.compile(schema);
const valid = validate(data);
if (!valid) {
const errors = validate.errors
?.map((e: ErrorObject) => {
if (e.keyword === "required") {
const property = (e.params as any).missingProperty;
// Map property names to expected error messages
const errorMap: Record<string, string> = {
params: "Request must have params",
messages: "Request must have at least one message",
content: "Message must have a content object",
text: "Text content must have a string text field",
data: "Image content must have a base64 data field",
mimeType: "Image content must have a mimeType field",
type: "Message content must have a type field",
title: "Missing required field: title",
description: "Missing required field: description",
static: "Missing required field: static instruction",
dynamic: "Missing required field: dynamic instruction",
state: "Missing required field: state",
input_type: "Missing required field: input type",
output_type: "Missing required field: output type",
return errorMap[property] || `Missing required field: ${property}`;
if (e.keyword === "minimum" && (e.params as any).limit === 1) {
if ((e as any).instancePath === "/params/maxTokens") {
return "maxTokens must be a positive number";
if ((e as any).instancePath === "/params/messages") {
return "Request must have at least one message";
if (e.keyword === "maximum" && (e.params as any).limit === 1) {
if ((e as any).instancePath === "/params/temperature") {
return "Temperature must be between 0 and 1";
if ((e as any).instancePath.includes("Priority")) {
return "Priority values must be between 0 and 1";
if (e.keyword === "enum") {
if ((e as any).instancePath === "/params/includeContext") {
return 'includeContext must be one of: "none", "thisServer", or "allServers"';
if ((e as any).instancePath.includes("/role")) {
return 'Message role must be either "user" or "assistant"';
if ((e as any).instancePath.includes("/type")) {
return 'Content type must be either "text" or "image"';
if (e.keyword === "type") {
if ((e as any).instancePath.includes("/text")) {
return "Text content must be a string";
if (
e.keyword === "minItems" &&
(e as any).instancePath === "/params/messages"
) {
return "Request must have at least one message";
return e.message || "Unknown validation error";
.join(", ");
throw new Error(errors);
// Schema for validating sampling requests
const samplingRequestSchema: JSONSchema7 = {
type: "object",
required: ["method", "params"],
properties: {
method: { type: "string", enum: ["sampling/createMessage"] },
params: {
type: "object",
required: ["messages"],
properties: {
messages: {
type: "array",
minItems: 1,
items: {
type: "object",
required: ["role", "content"],
properties: {
role: { type: "string", enum: ["user", "assistant"] },
content: {
oneOf: [
type: "object",
required: ["type", "text"],
properties: {
type: { type: "string", enum: ["text"] },
text: { type: "string" },
additionalProperties: false,
type: "object",
required: ["type", "data", "mimeType"],
properties: {
type: { type: "string", enum: ["image"] },
data: { type: "string" },
mimeType: { type: "string" },
additionalProperties: false,
maxTokens: { type: "number", minimum: 1 },
temperature: { type: "number", minimum: 0, maximum: 1 },
includeContext: {
type: "string",
enum: ["none", "thisServer", "allServers"],
modelPreferences: {
type: "object",
properties: {
costPriority: { type: "number", minimum: 0, maximum: 1 },
speedPriority: { type: "number", minimum: 0, maximum: 1 },
intelligencePriority: { type: "number", minimum: 0, maximum: 1 },
* Validates a request against a schema
export function validateRequest(request: unknown): void {
validateWithErrors(request, samplingRequestSchema);