Systemprompt MCP Gmail Server

by Ejb503
import { mapPromptToGetPromptResult, mapPromptsToListPromptsResult, mapBlockToReadResourceResult, mapBlocksToListResourcesResult, } from "../mcp-mappers.js"; import { mockSystemPromptResult, mockArrayPromptResult, mockNestedPromptResult, } from "../../__tests__/mock-objects.js"; import type { SystempromptPromptResponse, SystempromptBlockResponse, } from "../../types/systemprompt.js"; import type { GetPromptResult } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js"; describe("MCP Mappers", () => { describe("mapPromptToGetPromptResult", () => { it("should map a prompt with all fields", () => { const prompt: SystempromptPromptResponse = { id: "test-prompt", metadata: { title: "Test Prompt", description: "Test Description", created: "2024-01-01", updated: "2024-01-01", version: 1, status: "active", author: "test", log_message: "Initial version", tag: ["test"], }, instruction: { static: "Test instruction", dynamic: "", state: "", }, input: { name: "test-input", description: "Test input", type: ["object"], schema: { type: "object", properties: { testArg: { type: "string", description: "Test argument", }, requiredArg: { type: "string", description: "Required argument", }, }, required: ["requiredArg"], }, }, output: { name: "test-output", description: "Test output", type: ["object"], schema: { type: "object", properties: {}, }, }, _link: "test-link", }; const result = mapPromptToGetPromptResult(prompt); expect(result).toEqual({ name: "Test Prompt", description: "Test Description", messages: [ { role: "assistant", content: { type: "text", text: "Test instruction", }, }, ], arguments: [ { name: "testArg", description: "Test argument", required: false, }, { name: "requiredArg", description: "Required argument", required: true, }, ], tools: [], _meta: { prompt }, }); }); it("should handle missing optional fields", () => { const prompt: SystempromptPromptResponse = { id: "test-prompt-2", metadata: { title: "Test Prompt", description: "Test Description", created: "2024-01-01", updated: "2024-01-01", version: 1, status: "active", author: "test", log_message: "Initial version", tag: ["test"], }, instruction: { static: "Test instruction", dynamic: "", state: "", }, input: { name: "test-input", description: "Test input", type: ["object"], schema: { type: "object", properties: {}, }, }, output: { name: "test-output", description: "Test output", type: ["object"], schema: { type: "object", properties: {}, }, }, _link: "test-link", }; const result = mapPromptToGetPromptResult(prompt); expect(result).toEqual({ name: "Test Prompt", description: "Test Description", messages: [ { role: "assistant", content: { type: "text", text: "Test instruction", }, }, ], arguments: [], tools: [], _meta: { prompt }, }); }); it("should handle invalid argument schemas", () => { const prompt: SystempromptPromptResponse = { id: "test-prompt-3", metadata: { title: "Test Prompt", description: "Test Description", created: "2024-01-01", updated: "2024-01-01", version: 1, status: "active", author: "test", log_message: "Initial version", tag: ["test"], }, instruction: { static: "Test instruction", dynamic: "", state: "", }, input: { name: "test-input", description: "Test input", type: ["object"], schema: { type: "object", properties: { boolProp: { type: "boolean" }, nullProp: { type: "null" }, stringProp: { type: "string" }, validProp: { type: "string", description: "Valid property", }, }, required: ["validProp"], }, }, output: { name: "test-output", description: "Test output", type: ["object"], schema: { type: "object", properties: {}, }, }, _link: "test-link", }; const result = mapPromptToGetPromptResult(prompt); expect(result.arguments).toEqual([ { name: "boolProp", description: "", required: false, }, { name: "nullProp", description: "", required: false, }, { name: "stringProp", description: "", required: false, }, { name: "validProp", description: "Valid property", required: true, }, ]); }); it("should correctly map a single prompt to GetPromptResult format", () => { const result = mapPromptToGetPromptResult(mockSystemPromptResult); expect(; expect(result.description).toBe( mockSystemPromptResult.metadata.description ); expect(result.messages).toEqual([ { role: "assistant", content: { type: "text", text: mockSystemPromptResult.instruction.static, }, }, ]); expect([]); expect(result._meta).toEqual({ prompt: mockSystemPromptResult }); }); it("should handle prompts with array inputs", () => { const result = mapPromptToGetPromptResult(mockArrayPromptResult); expect(; expect(result.description).toBe( mockArrayPromptResult.metadata.description ); expect(result.messages).toEqual([ { role: "assistant", content: { type: "text", text: mockArrayPromptResult.instruction.static, }, }, ]); expect([]); expect(result._meta).toEqual({ prompt: mockArrayPromptResult }); }); it("should handle prompts with nested object inputs", () => { const result = mapPromptToGetPromptResult(mockNestedPromptResult); expect(; expect(result.description).toBe( mockNestedPromptResult.metadata.description ); expect(result.messages).toEqual([ { role: "assistant", content: { type: "text", text: mockNestedPromptResult.instruction.static, }, }, ]); expect([]); expect(result._meta).toEqual({ prompt: mockNestedPromptResult }); }); }); describe("mapPromptsToListPromptsResult", () => { it("should map an array of prompts", () => { const prompts: SystempromptPromptResponse[] = [ { id: "prompt-1", metadata: { title: "Prompt 1", description: "Description 1", created: "2024-01-01", updated: "2024-01-01", version: 1, status: "active", author: "test", log_message: "Initial version", tag: ["test"], }, instruction: { static: "Instruction 1", dynamic: "", state: "", }, input: { name: "input-1", description: "Input 1", type: ["object"], schema: { type: "object", properties: {}, }, }, output: { name: "output-1", description: "Output 1", type: ["object"], schema: { type: "object", properties: {}, }, }, _link: "link-1", }, { id: "prompt-2", metadata: { title: "Prompt 2", description: "Description 2", created: "2024-01-01", updated: "2024-01-01", version: 1, status: "active", author: "test", log_message: "Initial version", tag: ["test"], }, instruction: { static: "Instruction 2", dynamic: "", state: "", }, input: { name: "input-2", description: "Input 2", type: ["object"], schema: { type: "object", properties: {}, }, }, output: { name: "output-2", description: "Output 2", type: ["object"], schema: { type: "object", properties: {}, }, }, _link: "link-2", }, ]; const result = mapPromptsToListPromptsResult(prompts); expect(result).toEqual({ _meta: { prompts }, prompts: [ { name: "Prompt 1", description: "Description 1", arguments: [], }, { name: "Prompt 2", description: "Description 2", arguments: [], }, ], }); }); it("should handle empty prompt array", () => { const result = mapPromptsToListPromptsResult([]); expect(result.prompts).toHaveLength(0); expect(result._meta).toEqual({ prompts: [] }); }); }); describe("mapBlockToReadResourceResult", () => { const mockBlock: SystempromptBlockResponse = { id: "block-123", content: "Test block content", prefix: "{{message}}", metadata: { title: "Test Block", description: "Test block description", created: new Date().toISOString(), updated: new Date().toISOString(), version: 1, status: "published", author: "test-user", log_message: "Initial creation", tag: ["test"], }, }; it("should map a block to read resource result", () => { const block: SystempromptBlockResponse = { id: "test-block", prefix: "test-prefix", metadata: { title: "Test Block", description: "Test Description", created: "2024-01-01", updated: "2024-01-01", version: 1, status: "active", author: "test", log_message: "Initial version", tag: ["test"], }, content: "Test content", _link: "test-link", }; const result = mapBlockToReadResourceResult(block); expect(result).toEqual({ contents: [ { uri: "resource:///block/test-block", mimeType: "text/plain", text: "Test content", }, ], _meta: {}, }); }); it("should correctly map a single block to ReadResourceResult format", () => { const result = mapBlockToReadResourceResult(mockBlock); expect(result.contents).toHaveLength(1); expect(result.contents[0]).toEqual({ uri: `resource:///block/${}`, mimeType: "text/plain", text: mockBlock.content, }); expect(result._meta).toEqual({}); }); }); describe("mapBlocksToListResourcesResult", () => { const mockBlocks: SystempromptBlockResponse[] = [ { id: "block-123", content: "Test block content 1", prefix: "{{message}}", metadata: { title: "Test Block 1", description: "Test block description 1", created: new Date().toISOString(), updated: new Date().toISOString(), version: 1, status: "published", author: "test-user", log_message: "Initial creation", tag: ["test"], }, }, { id: "block-456", content: "Test block content 2", prefix: "{{message}}", metadata: { title: "Test Block 2", description: null, created: new Date().toISOString(), updated: new Date().toISOString(), version: 1, status: "published", author: "test-user", log_message: "Initial creation", tag: ["test"], }, }, ]; it("should map blocks to list resources result", () => { const blocks: SystempromptBlockResponse[] = [ { id: "block-1", prefix: "prefix-1", metadata: { title: "Block 1", description: "Description 1", created: "2024-01-01", updated: "2024-01-01", version: 1, status: "active", author: "test", log_message: "Initial version", tag: ["test"], }, content: "Content 1", _link: "link-1", }, { id: "block-2", prefix: "prefix-2", metadata: { title: "Block 2", description: "Description 2", created: "2024-01-01", updated: "2024-01-01", version: 1, status: "active", author: "test", log_message: "Initial version", tag: ["test"], }, content: "Content 2", _link: "link-2", }, ]; const result = mapBlocksToListResourcesResult(blocks); expect(result).toEqual({ _meta: {}, resources: [ { uri: "resource:///block/block-1", name: "Block 1", description: "Description 1", mimeType: "text/plain", }, { uri: "resource:///block/block-2", name: "Block 2", description: "Description 2", mimeType: "text/plain", }, ], }); }); it("should correctly map an array of blocks to ListResourcesResult format", () => { const result = mapBlocksToListResourcesResult(mockBlocks); expect(result.resources).toHaveLength(2); expect(result.resources[0]).toEqual({ uri: `resource:///block/${mockBlocks[0].id}`, name: mockBlocks[0].metadata.title, description: mockBlocks[0].metadata.description, mimeType: "text/plain", }); expect(result.resources[1]).toEqual({ uri: `resource:///block/${mockBlocks[1].id}`, name: mockBlocks[1].metadata.title, description: undefined, mimeType: "text/plain", }); expect(result._meta).toEqual({}); }); it("should handle empty block array", () => { const result = mapBlocksToListResourcesResult([]); expect(result.resources).toHaveLength(0); expect(result._meta).toEqual({}); }); }); });