Systemprompt MCP Gmail Server

by Ejb503
import { jest } from "@jest/globals"; import { google } from "googleapis"; import { GmailService } from "../gmail-service"; import { GoogleAuthService } from "../google-auth-service"; import { gmail_v1 } from "googleapis"; // Create a test class that exposes waitForInit class TestGmailService extends GmailService { public async testInit(): Promise<void> { await this.waitForInit(); } } jest.mock("googleapis"); jest.mock("../google-auth-service"); describe("GmailService", () => { let service: TestGmailService; let mockGmailAPI: any; let mockAuth: jest.Mocked<GoogleAuthService>; let mockMessage: any; let mockMessageMetadata: any; beforeEach(async () => { jest.clearAllMocks(); mockMessage = { id: "1", threadId: "thread1", snippet: "Test email", from: { name: "Test Sender", email: "", }, to: [ { name: "Test Recipient", email: "", }, ], subject: "Test Subject", date: new Date("2025-01-14T11:47:39.417Z"), isUnread: false, isImportant: false, hasAttachments: false, labels: [ { id: "INBOX", name: "INBOX", }, ], }; mockMessageMetadata = { ...mockMessage }; // Create metadata version without body mockMessage.body = "Test body"; // Add body only to full message version // Mock Gmail API methods mockGmailAPI = { users: { messages: { list: jest.fn(), get: jest.fn(), modify: jest.fn(), trash: jest.fn(), untrash: jest.fn(), delete: jest.fn(), send: jest.fn(), }, labels: { list: jest.fn(), create: jest.fn(), delete: jest.fn(), }, drafts: { create: jest.fn(), update: jest.fn(), list: jest.fn(), delete: jest.fn(), }, }, }; // Set up default mock responses mockGmailAPI.users.messages.send.mockResolvedValue({ data: { id: "msg1" }, }); mockGmailAPI.users.messages.list.mockResolvedValue({ data: { messages: [{ id: "1" }], }, }); mockGmailAPI.users.messages.get.mockImplementation( (params: { format?: string }) => { if (params.format === "metadata") { return Promise.resolve({ data: { id: "1", threadId: "thread1", labelIds: ["INBOX"], snippet: "Test email", payload: { headers: [ { name: "Subject", value: "Test Subject" }, { name: "From", value: "Test Sender <>" }, { name: "To", value: "Test Recipient <>", }, { name: "Date", value: "2025-01-14T11:47:39.417Z" }, ], }, }, }); } else { return Promise.resolve({ data: { id: "1", threadId: "thread1", labelIds: ["INBOX"], snippet: "Test email", payload: { headers: [ { name: "Subject", value: "Test Subject" }, { name: "From", value: "Test Sender <>" }, { name: "To", value: "Test Recipient <>", }, { name: "Date", value: "2025-01-14T11:47:39.417Z" }, ], parts: [ { mimeType: "text/plain", body: { data: Buffer.from("Test body").toString("base64") }, }, ], }, }, }); } } ); mockGmailAPI.users.messages.modify.mockResolvedValue({ data: { id: "1", threadId: "thread1", labelIds: ["Label_1"], snippet: "Test email", payload: { headers: [ { name: "Subject", value: "Test Subject" }, { name: "From", value: "Test Sender <>" }, { name: "To", value: "Test Recipient <>" }, { name: "Date", value: "2025-01-14T11:47:39.417Z" }, ], }, }, }); mockGmailAPI.users.drafts.create.mockResolvedValue({ data: { id: "draft1" }, }); mockGmailAPI.users.drafts.update.mockResolvedValue({ data: { id: "draft1" }, }); mockGmailAPI.users.drafts.list.mockResolvedValue({ data: { drafts: [ { id: "draft1", message: { id: "1", threadId: "thread1", labelIds: ["DRAFT"], snippet: "Test email", payload: { headers: [ { name: "Subject", value: "Test Subject" }, { name: "From", value: "Test Sender <>" }, { name: "To", value: "Test Recipient <>", }, { name: "Date", value: "2025-01-14T11:47:39.417Z" }, ], }, }, }, ], }, }); mockGmailAPI.users.labels.list.mockResolvedValue({ data: { labels: [{ id: "INBOX", name: "INBOX" }], }, }); mockGmailAPI.users.labels.create.mockResolvedValue({ data: { id: "new-label", name: "New Label" }, }); ( as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(mockGmailAPI); // Mock auth service mockAuth = { initialize: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve()), authenticate: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve()), getAuth: jest.fn(), saveToken: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve()), oAuth2Client: undefined, authUrl: "", } as unknown as jest.Mocked<GoogleAuthService>; (GoogleAuthService.getInstance as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(mockAuth); // Create service instance and wait for initialization service = new TestGmailService(); await service.testInit(); }); describe("Email Validation", () => { it("should validate correct email addresses", async () => { await expect( service.sendEmail({ to: "", subject: "Test", body: "Test", }) ).resolves.toBeDefined(); }); it("should reject invalid email addresses", async () => { await expect( service.sendEmail({ to: "invalid-email", subject: "Test", body: "Test", }) ).rejects.toThrow("Invalid email address"); }); it("should validate multiple email addresses", async () => { await expect( service.sendEmail({ to: ["", ""], subject: "Test", body: "Test", }) ).resolves.toBeDefined(); }); it("should handle malformed email addresses", async () => { const malformedEmail = ""; // Without angle brackets mockGmailAPI.users.messages.send.mockResolvedValueOnce({ data: { id: "123" }, }); await expect( service.sendEmail({ to: malformedEmail, subject: "Test", body: "Test body", }) ).resolves.toBeDefined(); expect(mockGmailAPI.users.messages.send).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should handle email addresses with display names", async () => { const emailWithName = ""; // Without display name mockGmailAPI.users.messages.send.mockResolvedValueOnce({ data: { id: "123" }, }); await expect( service.sendEmail({ to: emailWithName, subject: "Test", body: "Test body", }) ).resolves.toBeDefined(); expect(mockGmailAPI.users.messages.send).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe("Message Operations", () => { it("should list messages", async () => { const result = await service.listMessages(); expect(result).toEqual([mockMessageMetadata]); }); it("should handle empty message list", async () => { mockGmailAPI.users.messages.list.mockResolvedValueOnce({ data: { messages: [] }, }); const result = await service.listMessages(); expect(result).toEqual([]); }); it("should get message with simple body", async () => { mockGmailAPI.users.messages.get.mockResolvedValueOnce({ data: { id: "1", threadId: "thread1", labelIds: ["INBOX"], snippet: "Test email", payload: { headers: [ { name: "Subject", value: "Test Subject" }, { name: "From", value: "Test Sender <>" }, { name: "To", value: "Test Recipient <>" }, { name: "Date", value: "2025-01-14T11:47:39.417Z" }, ], body: { data: Buffer.from("Test body").toString("base64"), }, }, }, }); const result = await service.getMessage("1"); expect(result).toEqual(mockMessage); }); it("should get message with multipart body", async () => { const result = await service.getMessage("1"); expect(result).toEqual(mockMessage); }); it("should handle message without body", async () => { mockGmailAPI.users.messages.get.mockResolvedValueOnce({ data: { id: "1", threadId: "thread1", labelIds: ["INBOX"], snippet: "Test email", payload: { headers: [ { name: "Subject", value: "Test Subject" }, { name: "From", value: "Test Sender <>" }, { name: "To", value: "Test Recipient <>" }, { name: "Date", value: "2025-01-14T11:47:39.417Z" }, ], }, }, }); const result = await service.getMessage("1"); expect(result.body).toBe(""); }); it("should search messages", async () => { const result = await service.searchMessages("test query"); expect(result).toEqual([mockMessageMetadata]); }); it("should modify message labels", async () => { await service.modifyMessage("1", { addLabelIds: ["Label_1"], removeLabelIds: ["Label_2"], }); expect(mockGmailAPI.users.messages.modify).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ userId: "me", id: "1", requestBody: { addLabelIds: ["Label_1"], removeLabelIds: ["Label_2"], }, }); }); it("should trash message", async () => { await service.trashMessage("1"); expect(mockGmailAPI.users.messages.trash).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ userId: "me", id: "1", }); }); it("should untrash message", async () => { await service.untrashMessage("1"); expect(mockGmailAPI.users.messages.untrash).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ userId: "me", id: "1", }); }); it("should delete message", async () => { await service.deleteMessage("1"); expect(mockGmailAPI.users.messages.delete).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ userId: "me", id: "1", }); }); it("should handle errors in message metadata retrieval", async () => { mockGmailAPI.users.messages.get.mockRejectedValueOnce( new Error("Metadata Error") ); await expect(service.getMessage("1")).rejects.toThrow("Metadata Error"); }); it("should create email with CC and BCC", async () => { await service.sendEmail({ to: "", cc: ["", ""], bcc: "", subject: "Test", body: "Test body", }); expect(mockGmailAPI.users.messages.send).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should create email with attachments", async () => { await service.sendEmail({ to: "", subject: "Test with attachment", body: "Test body", attachments: [ { filename: "test.txt", content: "Test content", contentType: "text/plain", }, ], }); expect(mockGmailAPI.users.messages.send).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should create HTML email with reply-to", async () => { await service.sendEmail({ to: "", subject: "Test HTML", body: "<p>Test body</p>", isHtml: true, replyTo: "", }); expect(mockGmailAPI.users.messages.send).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe("Draft Operations", () => { it("should create draft", async () => { const result = await service.createDraft({ to: "", subject: "Test Draft", body: "Draft body", }); expect(result).toBe("draft1"); }); it("should update draft", async () => { const result = await service.updateDraft({ id: "draft1", to: "", subject: "Updated Draft", body: "Updated body", }); expect(result).toBe("draft1"); }); it("should list drafts", async () => { const result = await service.listDrafts(); expect(result).toEqual([mockMessageMetadata]); }); it("should delete draft", async () => { await service.deleteDraft("draft1"); expect(mockGmailAPI.users.drafts.delete).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ userId: "me", id: "draft1", }); }); it("should handle errors in draft creation", async () => { mockGmailAPI.users.drafts.create.mockRejectedValueOnce( new Error("Draft Error") ); await expect( service.createDraft({ to: "", subject: "Test", body: "Test", }) ).rejects.toThrow("Draft Error"); }); it("should handle errors in draft update", async () => { mockGmailAPI.users.drafts.update.mockRejectedValueOnce( new Error("Update Error") ); await expect( service.updateDraft({ id: "draft1", to: "", subject: "Test", body: "Test", }) ).rejects.toThrow("Update Error"); }); it("should handle errors in draft deletion", async () => { mockGmailAPI.users.drafts.delete.mockRejectedValueOnce( new Error("Delete Error") ); await expect(service.deleteDraft("draft1")).rejects.toThrow( "Delete Error" ); }); it("should handle empty draft list", async () => { mockGmailAPI.users.drafts.list.mockResolvedValueOnce({ data: {}, // No drafts property }); const result = await service.listDrafts(); expect(result).toEqual([]); }); it("should handle draft creation with minimal options", async () => { await service.createDraft({ to: "", subject: "Test", body: "Test", }); expect(mockGmailAPI.users.drafts.create).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should handle draft metadata", async () => { const draftId = "draft123"; const emailOptions = { to: "", subject: "Test Draft", body: "Test body", }; mockGmailAPI.users.drafts.create.mockResolvedValueOnce({ data: { id: draftId, message: { id: "msg123", threadId: "thread123", }, }, }); await service.createDraft(emailOptions); expect(mockGmailAPI.users.drafts.create).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe("Label Operations", () => { it("should list labels", async () => { const result = await service.getLabels(); expect(result).toEqual([{ id: "INBOX", name: "INBOX" }]); }); it("should create label", async () => { const result = await service.createLabel("New Label", { textColor: "#000000", backgroundColor: "#ffffff", messageListVisibility: "show", labelListVisibility: "labelShow", }); expect(result).toEqual({ id: "new-label", name: "New Label" }); }); it("should delete label", async () => { await service.deleteLabel("label1"); expect(mockGmailAPI.users.labels.delete).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ userId: "me", id: "label1", }); }); it("should handle errors in label creation", async () => { mockGmailAPI.users.labels.create.mockRejectedValueOnce( new Error("Label Error") ); await expect(service.createLabel("Test Label")).rejects.toThrow( "Label Error" ); }); it("should handle errors in label deletion", async () => { mockGmailAPI.users.labels.delete.mockRejectedValueOnce( new Error("Delete Error") ); await expect(service.deleteLabel("label1")).rejects.toThrow( "Delete Error" ); }); it("should handle empty label list", async () => { mockGmailAPI.users.labels.list.mockResolvedValueOnce({ data: {}, // No labels property }); const result = await service.getLabels(); expect(result).toEqual([]); }); it("should handle label creation with all options", async () => { await service.createLabel("Test Label", { textColor: "#000000", backgroundColor: "#ffffff", messageListVisibility: "show", labelListVisibility: "labelShow", }); expect(mockGmailAPI.users.labels.create).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ userId: "me", requestBody: { name: "Test Label", color: { textColor: "#000000", backgroundColor: "#ffffff", }, messageListVisibility: "show", labelListVisibility: "labelShow", }, }); }); it("should handle label creation with minimal options", async () => { await service.createLabel("Test Label"); expect(mockGmailAPI.users.labels.create).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ userId: "me", requestBody: { name: "Test Label", }, }); }); }); describe("Error Handling", () => { it("should handle API errors in listMessages", async () => { mockGmailAPI.users.messages.list.mockRejectedValue( new Error("API Error") ); await expect(service.listMessages()).rejects.toThrow("API Error"); }); it("should handle API errors in getMessage", async () => { mockGmailAPI.users.messages.get.mockRejectedValue(new Error("API Error")); await expect(service.getMessage("1")).rejects.toThrow("API Error"); }); it("should handle API errors in searchMessages", async () => { mockGmailAPI.users.messages.list.mockRejectedValue( new Error("API Error") ); await expect(service.searchMessages("query")).rejects.toThrow( "API Error" ); }); }); describe("Message Modification", () => { it("should handle errors in message modification", async () => { mockGmailAPI.users.messages.modify.mockRejectedValueOnce( new Error("Modify Error") ); await expect( service.modifyMessage("1", { addLabelIds: ["Label_1"] }) ).rejects.toThrow("Modify Error"); }); it("should handle errors in message trash operation", async () => { mockGmailAPI.users.messages.trash.mockRejectedValueOnce( new Error("Trash Error") ); await expect(service.trashMessage("1")).rejects.toThrow("Trash Error"); }); it("should handle errors in message untrash operation", async () => { mockGmailAPI.users.messages.untrash.mockRejectedValueOnce( new Error("Untrash Error") ); await expect(service.untrashMessage("1")).rejects.toThrow( "Untrash Error" ); }); it("should handle errors in message delete operation", async () => { mockGmailAPI.users.messages.delete.mockRejectedValueOnce( new Error("Delete Error") ); await expect(service.deleteMessage("1")).rejects.toThrow("Delete Error"); }); }); describe("Email Parsing", () => { it("should handle errors in email parsing", async () => { const messageId = "123"; mockGmailAPI.users.messages.get.mockRejectedValueOnce( new Error("Parse Error") ); await expect(service.getMessage(messageId)).rejects.toThrow( "Parse Error" ); }); it("should handle malformed email parsing", async () => { const messageId = "123"; mockGmailAPI.users.messages.get.mockResolvedValue({ data: { id: messageId, threadId: undefined, labelIds: [], snippet: "", payload: { headers: [], parts: [], }, }, }); const result = await service.getMessage(messageId); expect(result).toEqual({ id: messageId, threadId: undefined, subject: "(no subject)", from: { email: "" }, to: [{ email: "" }], date: expect.any(Date), body: "", snippet: "", labels: [], isUnread: false, isImportant: false, hasAttachments: false, }); }); }); describe("Label Handling", () => { it("should handle errors in label handling", async () => { const labelName = "Test Label"; mockGmailAPI.users.labels.create.mockRejectedValueOnce( new Error("Label Error") ); await expect(service.createLabel(labelName)).rejects.toThrow( "Label Error" ); }); it("should handle label visibility options", async () => { const labelName = "Test Label"; mockGmailAPI.users.labels.create.mockResolvedValueOnce({ data: { id: "Label_123", name: labelName, labelListVisibility: "labelShow", messageListVisibility: "show", }, }); await service.createLabel(labelName, { labelListVisibility: "labelShow", messageListVisibility: "show", }); expect(mockGmailAPI.users.labels.create).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ userId: "me", requestBody: { name: labelName, labelListVisibility: "labelShow", messageListVisibility: "show", }, }); }); }); describe("Draft Operations", () => { it("should handle errors in draft operations with metadata", async () => { const draftId = "draft123"; const emailOptions = { to: "", subject: "Test Draft", body: "Test body", }; mockGmailAPI.users.drafts.create.mockRejectedValueOnce( new Error("Draft Error") ); await expect(service.createDraft(emailOptions)).rejects.toThrow( "Draft Error" ); }); it("should handle draft metadata", async () => { const draftId = "draft123"; const emailOptions = { to: "", subject: "Test Draft", body: "Test body", }; mockGmailAPI.users.drafts.create.mockResolvedValueOnce({ data: { id: draftId, message: { id: "msg123", threadId: "thread123", }, }, }); await service.createDraft(emailOptions); expect(mockGmailAPI.users.drafts.create).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); });