Systemprompt MCP Gmail Server

by Ejb503
import { jest } from "@jest/globals"; /** * Type for mock response options */ export interface MockResponseOptions { ok?: boolean; status?: number; statusText?: string; headers?: Record<string, string>; } /** * Creates a mock response object for testing */ export function createMockResponse( data: any, options: MockResponseOptions = {} ): Response { const { ok = true, status = 200, statusText = "OK", headers = {} } = options; return { ok, status, statusText, headers: new Headers(headers), json: () => Promise.resolve(data), text: () => Promise.resolve(typeof data === "string" ? data : JSON.stringify(data)), blob: () => Promise.resolve(new Blob()), } as Response; } /** * Test fixture generator for common test data */ export class TestFixtures { static createNote(overrides = {}) { return { id: "test-note-1", title: "Test Note", content: "Test content", created: new Date().toISOString(), ...overrides, }; } static createNoteList(count: number) { return Array.from({ length: count }, (_, i) => this.createNote({ id: `test-note-${i + 1}` }) ); } } /** * Helper to wait for promises to resolve */ export const flushPromises = () => new Promise((resolve) => setImmediate(resolve)); /** * Type guard for error objects */ export function isError(error: unknown): error is Error { return error instanceof Error; } /** * Creates a partial mock object with type safety */ export function createPartialMock<T extends object>( overrides: Partial<T> = {} ): jest.Mocked<T> { return overrides as jest.Mocked<T>; }