Postman MCP Server

  • test
import { describe, it, expect, vi, beforeEach } from "vitest"; import { NewmanRunner } from "../src/newman/runner.js"; import type { NewmanRunSummary, NewmanRunOptions } from "newman"; import { EventEmitter } from "events"; const mockRun = vi.hoisted(() => vi.fn()); vi.mock("newman", () => ({ default: { run: mockRun, }, })); describe("NewmanRunner", () => { beforeEach(() => { mockRun.mockReset(); mockRun.mockImplementation( ( options: NewmanRunOptions, callback: (err: Error | null, summary: NewmanRunSummary) => void, ) => { callback(null, {} as NewmanRunSummary); return new EventEmitter(); }, ); }); const runner = new NewmanRunner(); it("should successfully run a collection", async (): Promise<void> => { // Mock successful newman run const mockSummary = { run: { stats: { tests: { total: 5, failed: 1, }, }, failures: [ { error: { test: "Test case 1", message: "Expected 200 but got 404", }, source: { request: { method: "GET", url: { toString: () => "", }, }, }, }, ], }, }; mockRun.mockImplementationOnce( ( options: NewmanRunOptions, callback: (err: Error | null, summary: NewmanRunSummary) => void, ) => { if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(null, mockSummary as unknown as NewmanRunSummary); } return new EventEmitter(); }, ); const result = await runner.runCollection({ collection: "./test-collection.json", }); expect(result.success).toBe(false); expect(; expect(result.summary.failed).toBe(1); expect(result.summary.passed).toBe(4); expect(result.failures).toHaveLength(1); expect(result.failures[0]).toEqual({ name: "Test case 1", error: "Expected 200 but got 404", request: { method: "GET", url: "", }, }); }); it("should handle newman run errors", async (): Promise<void> => { // Mock newman error mockRun.mockImplementationOnce( ( options: NewmanRunOptions, callback: (err: Error | null, summary: NewmanRunSummary) => void, ) => { if (typeof callback === "function") { callback( new Error("Failed to load collection"), {} as NewmanRunSummary, ); } return new EventEmitter(); }, ); await expect( runner.runCollection({ collection: "./invalid-collection.json", }), ).rejects.toThrow("Failed to load collection"); }); it("should handle invalid failure objects", async (): Promise<void> => { // Mock newman run with invalid failure object const mockSummary = { run: { stats: { tests: { total: 1, failed: 1, }, }, failures: [ { // Missing required properties error: {}, source: {}, }, ], }, }; mockRun.mockImplementationOnce( ( options: NewmanRunOptions, callback: (err: Error | null, summary: NewmanRunSummary) => void, ) => { if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(null, mockSummary as unknown as NewmanRunSummary); } return new EventEmitter(); }, ); const result = await runner.runCollection({ collection: "./test-collection.json", }); expect(result.success).toBe(false); expect(result.failures).toHaveLength(0); // Invalid failure should be filtered out }); });