// Types for Newman runner input
export interface CollectionRunOptions {
collection: string; // Path or URL to Postman collection
environment?: string; // Optional path or URL to environment file
globals?: string; // Optional path or URL to globals file
iterationCount?: number; // Optional number of iterations to run
// Types for test results
export interface TestSummary {
total: number;
failed: number;
passed: number;
export interface TestFailure {
name: string;
error: string;
request: {
method: string;
url: string;
export interface TestTimings {
started: string;
completed: string;
duration: number;
export interface TestResult {
success: boolean;
summary: TestSummary;
failures: TestFailure[];
timings: TestTimings;
// MCP Tool response type
export interface McpToolResponse {
content: [{
type: "text";
text: string;