Strapi MCP Server

  • src
#!/usr/bin/env node /** * Strapi MCP Server * Version 2.3.0 * * Version History: * 2.3.0 - Documentation & Configuration Enhancement * - Added detailed project documentation to * - Expanded configuration options with version support * - Improved error messaging and troubleshooting guides * - Enhanced REST API documentation and examples * - Added best practices for content management * * 2.2.0 - Security & Version Handling Update * - Added strict write protection policy * - Enhanced version format support (5.*, 4.1.5, v4, etc.) * - Integrated documentation into server capabilities * - Removed connect prompt (now in capabilities) * - Improved error handling and validation * * 2.1.0 - Previous Release * - Basic Strapi integration * - Server configuration * - Content type handling * - Media upload support */ import { Server } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js"; import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js"; import { CallToolRequestSchema, ListToolsRequestSchema, ListPromptsRequestSchema, GetPromptRequestSchema, } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js"; import { z } from "zod"; import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import FormData from 'form-data'; import sharp from 'sharp'; import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; import { homedir } from 'os'; import { join } from 'path'; import qs from 'qs'; // Define version info type type VersionInfo = { id_field: string; data_structure: string; attributes: string; auth_pattern: string; key_features: string[]; breaking_changes: { database: string[]; api: string[]; configuration: string[]; plugins: string[]; }; migration_flags: { rest_api: string; graphql: string; }; compatibility_notes: string[]; }; type StrapiVersionDifferences = { v4: VersionInfo; v5: VersionInfo; }; // Define version differences for reference const STRAPI_VERSION_DIFFERENCES: StrapiVersionDifferences = { "v4": { "id_field": "id", "data_structure": "Uses data wrapper structure", "attributes": "Nested under attributes object", "auth_pattern": "Classic JWT pattern", "key_features": [ "Numeric IDs", "Nested attribute structure", "Data wrapper in responses", "Traditional REST patterns", "External i18n plugin" ], "breaking_changes": { "database": [], "api": [], "configuration": [], "plugins": [] }, "migration_flags": { "rest_api": "N/A", "graphql": "N/A" }, "compatibility_notes": [ "Uses SQLite3 for SQLite support", "Supports MySQL v5", "Uses traditional lifecycle hooks", "External i18n plugin required" ] }, "v5": { "id_field": "documentId", "data_structure": "Direct access without wrapper", "attributes": "Direct access at root level", "auth_pattern": "Enhanced JWT with improved security", "key_features": [ "Document-based IDs", "Flat data structure", "Direct attribute access", "Improved REST patterns", "Better error handling", "Integrated i18n support", "New Document Service API", "Enhanced database support" ], "breaking_changes": { "database": [ "Only better-sqlite3 supported for SQLite", "Only mysql2 supported for MySQL", "MySQL v5 no longer supported", "New lifecycle hooks system" ], "api": [ "New REST API response format", "Updated GraphQL schema and responses", "New Document Service API replaces Entity Service" ], "configuration": [ "New server configuration for env variables", "Stricter custom configuration requirements" ], "plugins": [ "helper-plugin removed", "i18n integrated into core" ] }, "migration_flags": { "rest_api": "Set 'Strapi-Response-Format: v4' header for v4 compatibility", "graphql": "Set v4CompatibilityMode: true in graphql.config for v4 compatibility" }, "compatibility_notes": [ "Uses better-sqlite3 for improved SQLite support", "Requires MySQL v8+ for MySQL support", "New Document Service API for data operations", "Built-in i18n support", "New lifecycle hooks system with Document Service Middlewares", "Environment variables now handled by server configuration" ] } }; // Read config file const CONFIG_PATH = join(homedir(), '.mcp', 'strapi-mcp-server.config.json'); let config: Record<string, { api_url: string, api_key: string, version?: string }>; try { const configContent = readFileSync(CONFIG_PATH, 'utf-8'); config = JSON.parse(configContent); if (Object.keys(config).length === 0) { throw new Error('Config file exists but is empty'); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error reading config file:', error); config = {}; } // Create server instance const server = new Server( { name: "strapi-mcp", version: "2.3.0", }, { capabilities: { tools: {}, prompts: {}, strapi: { security: { write_protection: { policy: "STRICT_USER_AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED", description: "No write operations without explicit user authorization", protected_operations: [ "POST /api/* (Create)", "PUT /api/* (Update)", "DELETE /api/* (Delete)", "POST /api/upload (Media Upload)" ], requirements: [ "Explicit user authorization for each write operation", "No automatic updates or deletions", "User confirmation for each data change", "Logging of all write operations" ], validation_steps: [ "Verification of user authorization", "Validation of data to be modified", "User confirmation of operation", "Logging of changes with user reference" ] } }, versions: STRAPI_VERSION_DIFFERENCES, defaultVersion: "v5", supportedVersions: ["v4", "v5"], migrationGuides: { "v4_to_v5": { steps: [ "Update database (better-sqlite3, mysql2)", "Replace id with documentId", "Remove data wrapper structure", "Update lifecycle hooks", "Check plugin compatibility" ], compatibilityFlags: { rest: "Strapi-Response-Format: v4", graphql: "v4CompatibilityMode: true" } } }, documentation: { schema_conventions: { description: "Schema & naming conventions for Content Types", examples: { schema: { singularName: "article", pluralName: "articles", collectionName: "articles" }, endpoints: { rest: "api/articles", graphql_collection: "query { articles }", graphql_single: "query { article }" } } }, api_patterns: { rest: { collection: "GET /api/{pluralName}", single: "GET /api/{pluralName}/{id}", create: "POST /api/{pluralName}", update: "PUT /api/{pluralName}/{id}", delete: "DELETE /api/{pluralName}/{id}" }, graphql: { collection: "query { pluralName(pagination: { page: 1, pageSize: 100 }) { data { id attributes } } }", single: "query { singularName(id: 1) { data { id attributes } } }", create: "mutation { createPluralName(data: { field: value }) { data { id } } }", update: "mutation { updatePluralName(id: 1, data: { field: value }) { data { id } } }" } }, media_handling: { upload_steps: [ "Upload via strapi_upload_media", "Provide metadata (name, caption, alternativeText)", "Choose format (jpeg, png, webp)", "Get image ID from response" ], linking_steps: [ "Use PUT request", "Include complete data structure", "Use documentId for v5", "Images as array" ], example: { upload: { url: "", metadata: { name: "article-name", caption: "Article Caption", alternativeText: "Article Alt Text" } }, link: { method: "PUT", endpoint: "api/articles/{documentId}", body: { data: { images: ["imageId"] } } } } }, common_errors: { "404": [ "Numerical ID used instead of documentId", "Incorrect plural/singular form in endpoint", "DocumentId missing" ], "405": ["Incorrect endpoint (/article instead of /articles)"], "400": ["Data-Wrapper missing"] }, best_practices: [ "Always check schema first", "When using URLs, first validate the content with webtools", "Always use documentId for IDs", "Always use data-Wrapper for updates", "Always use pluralName for collections", "Check if singular/plural applies based on API type", "In Strapi 5: Direct attribute query without data-Wrapper", "Use documentId instead of id" ], debugging_guide: { steps: [ "When 404: Check if plural/singular form is correct", "When 400: Check if data-Wrapper is present", "When errors in URLs: First validate with webtools", "When ID problems: Check on documentId", "Check schema and configuration in Strapi" ] }, graphql_tips: { pagination: { example: `query { articles(pagination: { page: 1, pageSize: 10 }) { documentId name } }` }, best_practices: [ "Complete attribute specification", "No pagination parameter for simple queries", "Precise attribute writing" ] }, initialization_steps: [ "Get schema and analyze", "Capture Content Types and structures", "Remember endpoint names (pluralName/singularName)", "Document fields and types", "Identify relations", "Consider required fields and validations" ] } } }, } ); // Helper function to get server config function getServerConfig(serverName: string): { API_URL: string, JWT: string } { if (Object.keys(config).length === 0) { const exampleConfig = { "myserver": { "api_url": "http://localhost:1337", "api_key": "your-jwt-token-from-strapi-admin" } }; throw new Error( `No server configuration found!\n\n` + `Please create a configuration file at:\n` + `${CONFIG_PATH}\n\n` + `Example configuration:\n` + `${JSON.stringify(exampleConfig, null, 2)}\n\n` + `Steps to set up:\n` + `1. Create the .mcp directory: mkdir -p ~/.mcp\n` + `2. Create the config file: touch ~/.mcp/strapi-mcp-server.config.json\n` + `3. Add your server configuration using the example above\n` + `4. Get your JWT token from Strapi Admin Panel > Settings > API Tokens\n` + `5. Make sure the file permissions are secure: chmod 600 ~/.mcp/strapi-mcp-server.config.json` ); } const serverConfig = config[serverName]; if (!serverConfig) { throw new Error( `Server "${serverName}" not found in config.\n\n` + `Available servers: ${Object.keys(config).join(', ')}\n\n` + `To add a new server, edit:\n` + `${CONFIG_PATH}\n\n` + `Example configuration:\n` + `{\n` + ` "${serverName}": {\n` + ` "api_url": "http://localhost:1337",\n` + ` "api_key": "your-jwt-token-from-strapi-admin"\n` + ` }\n` + `}` ); } return { API_URL: serverConfig.api_url, JWT: serverConfig.api_key }; } // Define prompt types interface PromptArgument { name: string; description: string; required: boolean; } interface Prompt { name: string; description: string; arguments: PromptArgument[]; } // Define prompts const PROMPTS: Record<string, Prompt> = {}; // List available prompts server.setRequestHandler(ListPromptsRequestSchema, async () => { return { prompts: Object.values(PROMPTS) }; }); // Get specific prompt server.setRequestHandler(GetPromptRequestSchema, async (request) => { const prompt = PROMPTS[]; if (!prompt) { throw new Error(`Prompt not found: ${}`); } throw new Error("Prompt implementation not found"); }); // Helper function for making Strapi API requests async function makeStrapiRequest(serverName: string, endpoint: string, params?: Record<string, string>): Promise<any> { const serverConfig = getServerConfig(serverName); let url = `${serverConfig.API_URL}${endpoint}`; if (params) { const queryString = new URLSearchParams(params).toString(); url = `${url}?${queryString}`; } const headers = { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${serverConfig.JWT}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }; try { const response = await fetch(url, { headers }); return await handleStrapiError(response, `Request to ${endpoint}`); } catch (error) { console.error("Error making Strapi request:", error); throw error; } } // Helper function to download image as buffer async function downloadImage(url: string): Promise<Buffer> { const response = await fetch(url); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Failed to download image: ${response.statusText}`); } return Buffer.from(await response.arrayBuffer()); } // Helper function to process image with Sharp async function processImage(buffer: Buffer, format: string, quality: number): Promise<Buffer> { let sharpInstance = sharp(buffer); if (format !== 'original') { switch (format) { case 'jpeg': sharpInstance = sharpInstance.jpeg({ quality }); break; case 'png': // PNG quality is 0-100 for zlib compression level sharpInstance = sharpInstance.png({ compressionLevel: Math.floor((100 - quality) / 100 * 9) }); break; case 'webp': sharpInstance = sharpInstance.webp({ quality }); break; } } return sharpInstance.toBuffer(); } // Update uploadMedia with server config and authorization check async function uploadMedia(serverName: string, imageBuffer: Buffer, fileName: string, format: string, metadata?: Record<string, any>, userAuthorized: boolean = false): Promise<any> { // Check for explicit user authorization for this upload operation if (!userAuthorized) { throw new Error( `AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED: Media upload operations require explicit user authorization.\n\n` + `IMPORTANT: The client MUST:\n` + `1. Ask the user for explicit permission before uploading this media\n` + `2. Show the user what media will be uploaded\n` + `3. Receive clear confirmation from the user\n` + `4. Set userAuthorized=true when making the request\n\n` + `This is a security measure to prevent unauthorized uploads.` ); } const serverConfig = getServerConfig(serverName); const formData = new FormData(); // Update filename extension if format is changed if (format !== 'original') { fileName = fileName.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, '') + '.' + format; } // Add the file formData.append('files', imageBuffer, { filename: fileName, contentType: `image/${format === 'original' ? 'jpeg' : format}` // Default to jpeg for original }); // Add metadata if provided if (metadata) { formData.append('fileInfo', JSON.stringify(metadata)); } const url = `${serverConfig.API_URL}/api/upload`; const response = await fetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${serverConfig.JWT}`, ...formData.getHeaders() }, body: formData }); return handleStrapiError(response, 'Media upload'); } // List available tools server.setRequestHandler(ListToolsRequestSchema, async () => { return { tools: [ { name: "strapi_list_servers", description: "List all available Strapi servers from the configuration.", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: {}, required: [], }, }, { name: "strapi_get_content_types", description: "Get all content types from Strapi. Returns the complete schema of all content types.", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { server: { type: "string", description: "The name of the server to connect to" } }, required: ["server"], }, }, { name: "strapi_get_components", description: "Get all components from Strapi with pagination support. Returns both component data and pagination metadata (page, pageSize, total, pageCount).", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { server: { type: "string", description: "The name of the server to connect to" }, page: { type: "number", description: "Page number (starts at 1)", minimum: 1, default: 1 }, pageSize: { type: "number", description: "Number of items per page", minimum: 1, default: 25 }, }, required: ["server"], }, }, { name: "strapi_rest", description: "Execute REST API requests against Strapi endpoints. IMPORTANT: All write operations (POST, PUT, DELETE) require explicit user authorization via the userAuthorized parameter.\n\n" + "1. Reading components:\n" + "params: { populate: ['SEO'] } // Populate a component\n" + "params: { populate: { SEO: { fields: ['Title', 'seoDescription'] } } } // With field selection\n\n" + "2. Updating components (REQUIRES USER AUTHORIZATION):\n" + "body: {\n" + " data: {\n" + " // For single components:\n" + " componentName: {\n" + " Title: 'value',\n" + " seoDescription: 'value'\n" + " },\n" + " // For repeatable components:\n" + " componentName: [\n" + " { field: 'value' }\n" + " ]\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "userAuthorized: true // Must set this to true for POST/PUT/DELETE after getting user permission\n\n" + "3. Other parameters:\n" + "- fields: Select specific fields\n" + "- filters: Filter results\n" + "- sort: Sort results\n" + "- pagination: Page through results", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { server: { type: "string", description: "The name of the server to connect to" }, endpoint: { type: "string", description: "The API endpoint (e.g., 'api/articles')" }, method: { type: "string", enum: ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"], description: "HTTP method to use", default: "GET" }, params: { type: "object", description: "Optional query parameters for GET requests. For components, use populate: ['componentName'] or populate: { componentName: { fields: ['field1'] } }", additionalProperties: true, required: false }, body: { type: "object", description: "Request body for POST/PUT requests. For components, use: { data: { componentName: { field: 'value' } } } for single components or { data: { componentName: [{ field: 'value' }] } } for repeatable components", additionalProperties: true, required: false }, userAuthorized: { type: "boolean", description: "REQUIRED for POST/PUT/DELETE operations. Client MUST obtain explicit user authorization before setting this to true.", default: false } }, required: ["server", "endpoint"], }, }, { name: "strapi_upload_media", description: "Upload media to Strapi's media library from a URL with format conversion, quality control, and metadata options. IMPORTANT: This is a write operation that REQUIRES explicit user authorization via the userAuthorized parameter.", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { server: { type: "string", description: "The name of the server to connect to" }, url: { type: "string", description: "URL of the image to upload" }, format: { type: "string", enum: ["jpeg", "png", "webp", "original"], description: "Target format for the image. Use 'original' to keep the source format.", default: "original" }, quality: { type: "number", description: "Image quality (1-100). Only applies when converting formats.", minimum: 1, maximum: 100, default: 80 }, metadata: { type: "object", properties: { name: { type: "string", description: "Name of the file" }, caption: { type: "string", description: "Caption for the image" }, alternativeText: { type: "string", description: "Alternative text for accessibility" }, description: { type: "string", description: "Detailed description of the image" } } }, userAuthorized: { type: "boolean", description: "REQUIRED for media upload operations. Client MUST obtain explicit user authorization before setting this to true.", default: false } }, required: ["server", "url"] } } ], }; }); // Handle tool execution server.setRequestHandler(CallToolRequestSchema, async (request) => { const { name, arguments: args } = request.params; try { if (name === "strapi_list_servers") { if (Object.keys(config).length === 0) { const exampleConfig = { "myserver": { "api_url": "http://localhost:1337", "api_key": "your-jwt-token-from-strapi-admin", "version": "5.*" } }; return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify({ error: "No servers configured", help: { message: "No server configuration found. Please create a configuration file.", config_path: CONFIG_PATH, example_config: exampleConfig, setup_steps: [ "Create the .mcp directory: mkdir -p ~/.mcp", "Create the config file: touch ~/.mcp/strapi-mcp-server.config.json", "Add your server configuration using the example above", "Get your JWT token from Strapi Admin Panel > Settings > API Tokens", "Make sure the file permissions are secure: chmod 600 ~/.mcp/strapi-mcp-server.config.json" ] } }, null, 2), }, ], }; } const servers = Object.keys(config).map(serverName => { const serverConfig = config[serverName]; const version = serverConfig.version || "v4"; // Default to v4 if not specified // Extract major version from different formats: "5.*", "4.1.5", "v4", "4.*" let majorVersion: keyof StrapiVersionDifferences; if (version.includes('*')) { // Handle "5.*" or "4.*" format majorVersion = version.split('.')[0] as keyof StrapiVersionDifferences; } else if (version.startsWith('v')) { // Handle "v4" or "v5" format majorVersion = version.substring(1) as keyof StrapiVersionDifferences; } else { // Handle "4.1.5" or plain "4" format majorVersion = version.split('.')[0] as keyof StrapiVersionDifferences; } return { name: serverName, api_url: serverConfig.api_url, version: serverConfig.version, version_details: STRAPI_VERSION_DIFFERENCES[majorVersion] }; }); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify({ servers, config_path: CONFIG_PATH, help: "To add more servers, edit the configuration file at the path shown above.", version_differences: STRAPI_VERSION_DIFFERENCES, user_action_required: { message: "Please specify which server you want to work with by providing the server name in your next command.", example: "For example: 'I want to work with the server \"myserver\"' or 'Use server \"myserver\" for the next operations'", available_servers: =>, warning: "Only use servers that are listed in available_servers. Do not attempt to access servers that are not properly configured." }, security: { note: "For security reasons, only servers listed in the configuration file can be accessed.", requirement: "Each server must be properly configured with valid credentials before use." } }, null, 2), }, ], }; } else if (name === "strapi_get_content_types") { const { server } = args as { server: string }; const data = await makeStrapiRequest(server, "/api/content-type-builder/content-types"); // Add helpful usage information to the response const response = { data: data, usage_guide: { naming_conventions: { rest_api: "Use pluralName for REST API endpoints (e.g., 'api/articles' for pluralName: 'articles')", graphql: { collections: "Use pluralName for collections (e.g., 'query { articles { data { id } } }')", single_items: "Use singularName for single items (e.g., 'query { article(id: 1) { data { id } } }')" } }, examples: { rest: { collection: "GET /api/{pluralName}", single: "GET /api/{pluralName}/{id}", create: "POST /api/{pluralName}", update: "PUT /api/{pluralName}/{id}", delete: "DELETE /api/{pluralName}/{id}" }, graphql: { collection: "query { pluralName(pagination: { page: 1, pageSize: 100 }) { data { id attributes } } }", single: "query { singularName(id: 1) { data { id attributes } } }", create: "mutation { createPluralName(data: { field: value }) { data { id } } }", update: "mutation { updatePluralName(id: 1, data: { field: value }) { data { id } } }" } }, important_notes: [ "Always check singularName and pluralName in the schema for correct endpoint/query names", "REST endpoints always start with 'api/'", "Include pagination in GraphQL collection queries", "For updates, always fetch current data first and include ALL fields in the update" ] } }; return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(response, null, 2), }, ], }; } else if (name === "strapi_get_components") { const { server, page, pageSize } = args as { server: string, page: number, pageSize: number }; const params = { 'pagination[page]': page.toString(), 'pagination[pageSize]': pageSize.toString(), }; const data = await makeStrapiRequest(server, "/api/content-type-builder/components", params); // Add pagination metadata to the response const response = { data: data, pagination: { page, pageSize, total: data.length, pageCount: Math.ceil(data.length / pageSize), }, }; return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(response, null, 2), }, ], }; } else if (name === "strapi_rest") { const { server, endpoint, method, params, body, userAuthorized } = args as { server: string, endpoint: string, method: string, params?: Record<string, any>, body?: Record<string, any>, userAuthorized?: boolean }; const data = await makeRestRequest(server, endpoint, method, params, body, userAuthorized === true); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(data, null, 2), }, ], }; } else if (name === "strapi_upload_media") { const { server, url, format, quality, metadata, userAuthorized } = args as { server: string, url: string, format: string, quality: number, metadata?: Record<string, any>, userAuthorized?: boolean }; // Extract filename from URL const fileName = url.split('/').pop() || 'image'; // Download the image const imageBuffer = await downloadImage(url); // Process the image if format conversion is requested const processedBuffer = await processImage(imageBuffer, format, quality); // Upload to Strapi with metadata (with authorization check) const data = await uploadMedia(server, processedBuffer, fileName, format, metadata, userAuthorized === true); // Format response with helpful usage information const response = { success: true, data: data, image_info: { format: format === 'original' ? 'original (unchanged)' : format, quality: format === 'original' ? 'original (unchanged)' : quality, filename: data[0].name, size: data[0].size, mime: data[0].mime }, usage_guide: { file_id: data[0].id, url: data[0].url, how_to_use: { rest_api: "Use the file ID in your content type's media field", graphql: "Use the file ID in your GraphQL mutations", examples: { rest: "PUT /api/content-type/1 with body: { data: { image: " + data[0].id + " } }", graphql: "mutation { updateContentType(id: 1, data: { image: " + data[0].id + " }) { data { id } } }" } } } }; return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(response, null, 2) } ] }; } else { throw new Error(`Unknown tool: ${name}`); } } catch (error: unknown) { console.error("Error executing tool:", error); const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'An unknown error occurred'; return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `Error: ${errorMessage}`, }, ], }; } }); // Enhanced REST request function async function makeRestRequest( serverName: string, endpoint: string, method: string = 'GET', params?: Record<string, any>, body?: Record<string, any>, userAuthorized: boolean = false ): Promise<any> { // Check for write operations that require explicit user authorization if ((method === 'POST' || method === 'PUT' || method === 'DELETE') && !userAuthorized) { throw new Error( `AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED: ${method} operations require explicit user authorization.\n\n` + `IMPORTANT: The client MUST:\n` + `1. Ask the user for explicit permission before making this request\n` + `2. Show the user exactly what data will be modified\n` + `3. Receive clear confirmation from the user\n` + `4. Set userAuthorized=true when making the request\n\n` + `This is a security measure to prevent unauthorized data modifications.` ); } const serverConfig = getServerConfig(serverName); let url = `${serverConfig.API_URL}/${endpoint}`; // Parse query parameters if provided if (params) { const queryString = qs.stringify(params, { encodeValuesOnly: true }); if (queryString) { url = `${url}?${queryString}`; } } const headers = { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${serverConfig.JWT}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }; const requestOptions: import('node-fetch').RequestInit = { method, headers, }; if (body && (method === 'POST' || method === 'PUT')) { requestOptions.body = JSON.stringify(body); } try { const response = await fetch(url, requestOptions); return await handleStrapiError(response, `REST request to ${endpoint}`); } catch (error) { console.error(`REST request to ${endpoint} failed:`, error); throw error; } } // Update error handler to be more generic and helpful async function handleStrapiError(response: import('node-fetch').Response, context: string): Promise<any> { if (!response.ok) { let errorMessage = `${context} failed with status: ${response.status}`; try { const errorData = await response.json(); if (errorData.error) { errorMessage += ` - ${errorData.error.message || JSON.stringify(errorData.error)}`; // Add helpful hints based on status if (response.status === 400) { errorMessage += "\nHINT: Check the request structure matches Strapi's expectations. For v4/v5 differences, refer to Strapi's migration guide."; } else if (response.status === 404) { errorMessage += "\nHINT: Check the endpoint path and ID are correct."; } } } catch { errorMessage += ` - ${response.statusText}`; } throw new Error(errorMessage); } return response.json(); } // Start the server async function main() { const transport = new StdioServerTransport(); await server.connect(transport); console.error("Strapi MCP Server running on stdio"); } main().catch((error: unknown) => { console.error("Fatal error in main():", error); process.exit(1); });