Twitter MCP Server

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.

Twitter MCP Server

A powerful Twitter integration for AI agents that leverages the Model Context Protocol (MCP) standard, providing a comprehensive set of Twitter functionality through a clean and consistent interface.


This server provides access to Twitter's features through MCP tools, allowing seamless integration with AI assistants and other MCP-compatible clients. It's built on top of the agent-twitter-client library and provides robust error handling, rate limiting, and consistent response formatting.


Basic Reading

  • Get tweets from users with media support
  • Fetch user profiles with detailed information
  • Search tweets by hashtags or keywords
  • Filter search results by latest/top
  • Rate limiting (max 50 tweets per request)

User Interactions

  • Like/Unlike tweets
  • Retweet/Undo retweet
  • Post tweets with:
    • Text content
    • Media attachments (images, videos)
    • Reply functionality
    • Quote tweet capability

Advanced Features

  • Get user relationships (followers/following)
  • Fetch trending topics
  • Access different timeline types:
    • Home timeline
    • Following timeline
    • User timeline
  • List management (fetch list tweets)

Media & Advanced Interactions

  • Media handling:
    • Image upload (JPEG, PNG, GIF)
    • Video upload (MP4)
    • Alt text support
  • Thread creation
  • Follow/Unfollow users


Reading Tools

  • get_tweets - Fetch recent tweets from a user
  • get_profile - Get a user's profile information
  • search_tweets - Search for tweets by hashtag or keyword

Interaction Tools

  • like_tweet - Like or unlike a tweet
  • retweet - Retweet or undo retweet
  • post_tweet - Post a new tweet with optional media
  • create_thread - Create a Twitter thread

Timeline Tools

  • get_timeline - Get tweets from different timeline types
  • get_list_tweets - Get tweets from a Twitter list
  • get_trends - Get current trending topics

User Management Tools

  • get_user_relationships - Get followers or following list
  • follow_user - Follow or unfollow a user


  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Build the server:
npm run build
  1. Configure environment variables:
# Required: Twitter Account Credentials (for user authentication) TWITTER_USERNAME=your_username TWITTER_PASSWORD=your_password TWITTER_EMAIL=your_email # Twitter API Authentication (Optional) TWITTER_API_KEY=your_api_key TWITTER_API_SECRET_KEY=your_api_secret_key TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN=your_access_token TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=your_access_token_secret
  1. Add the server config to your MCP client:

On MacOS:

~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json

On Windows:



{ "mcpServers": { "twitter-mcp-server": { "command": "/path/to/twitter-mcp-server/build/index.js" } } }


For development with auto-rebuild:

npm run watch


Since MCP servers communicate over stdio, you can use the MCP Inspector for debugging:

npm run inspector

The Inspector will provide a URL to access debugging tools in your browser.

Error Handling

The server implements comprehensive error handling:

  • Input validation for all parameters
  • Rate limiting protection
  • Detailed error messages
  • Proper error propagation
  • Logging for debugging

Response Format

All tools return responses in a consistent format:

{ content: [{ type: "text", text: string // JSON stringified response or error message }] }


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


MIT License - see LICENSE file for details

security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

Provides AI agents with comprehensive Twitter functionality through the Model Context Protocol standard, enabling reading tweets, posting content, managing interactions, and accessing timeline data with robust error handling.

  1. Overview
    1. Features
      1. Basic Reading
        1. User Interactions
          1. Advanced Features
            1. Media & Advanced Interactions
            2. Tools
              1. Reading Tools
                1. Interaction Tools
                  1. Timeline Tools
                    1. User Management Tools
                    2. Installation
                      1. Development
                        1. Debugging
                        2. Error Handling
                          1. Response Format
                            1. Contributing
                              1. License