TweetBinder by Audiense MCP Server


local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.

TweetBinder by Audiense MCP Server

This is a Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for the TweetBinder by Audiense API, allowing Claude and other MCP-compatible AI models to access TweetBinder by Audiense analytics data.


  • Access TweetBinder analytics directly from Claude
  • Analyze hashtags, users, and conversations on Twitter/X
  • Get engagement metrics, sentiment analysis, and more
  • Create Twitter reports with custom search queries
  • Check report generation status
  • Retrieve detailed report statistics
  • Get account balance and quota information
  • Count tweets matching specific queries
  • List and manage your TweetBinder reports
  • Access tweet content and user information from reports


Installing via Smithery

To install mcp-tweetbinder for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install @AudienseCo/mcp-tweetbinder --client claude

Manual Configuration


  • Node.js (v18 or higher)
  • Claude Desktop App
  • TweetBinder by Audiense account with API credentials
  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  3. Build the project:
    npm run build

You need a valid TweetBinder API Bearer Token to use this service. Set it in your environment:

export TWEETBINDER_API_TOKEN='your-bearer-token-here'

Usage with Claude Desktop

  1. Edit your Claude Desktop configuration file:
    • MacOS:
      code ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
    • Windows:
      code %AppData%\Claude\claude_desktop_config.json
  2. Add this configuration:
"mcpServers": { "tweetbinder": { "command": "node", "args": [ "/absolute/path/to/build/index.js" ], "env": { "TWEETBINDER_API_TOKEN": "your-bearer-token-here" } } }
  1. Restart Claude Desktop

Available Tools


Creates a new report that analyzes Twitter/X data based on a search query.

  • Parameters:
    • query (string): The search query for Twitter data. Can include operators like AND, OR, hashtags, mentions, etc.
    • limit (number, optional): Maximum number of tweets to retrieve (up to 50,000).
    • startDate (number, optional): Start date as Unix timestamp (seconds since epoch).
    • endDate (number, optional): End date as Unix timestamp (seconds since epoch).
    • reportType (enum, optional): Type of report to create: "7-day" for last week or "historical" for all time. Default: "7-day".
  • Response:
    • Report ID and status information for the created report.
    • Instructions for checking report status and retrieving statistics.


Creates a new report that counts tweets matching a search query.

  • Parameters:
    • query (string): The search query for Twitter data. Can include operators like AND, OR, hashtags, mentions, etc.
    • reportType (enum, optional): Type of report to create: "7-day" for last week or "historical" for all time. Default: "7-day".
  • Response:
    • Raw JSON response containing:
      • status: The status of the report creation
      • resourceId: The ID of the created report
      • error/message: Any error or status messages


Retrieves a list of all your TweetBinder reports with sorting capabilities.

  • Parameters:
    • order (string, optional): Sorting parameter in the format 'field|direction'. Example: 'createdAt|-1' for newest first, 'createdAt|1' for oldest first.
  • Response:
    • Raw JSON response containing an array of reports with details for each:
      • id: Report ID
      • name: Report name
      • status: Current status (Generated, Waiting, etc.)
      • createdAt: Creation timestamp
      • updatedAt: Last update timestamp
      • type: Report type
      • source: Report source
      • query: Original search query


Retrieves the actual tweets or users from a generated report with advanced filtering and pagination.

  • Parameters:
    • reportId (string): The ID of the report to retrieve content for.
    • contentType (enum): The type of content to retrieve: 'tweets' for tweet data or 'users' for user data.
    • page (number, optional): Page number for pagination. Starts at 1.
    • perPage (number, optional): Number of items per page.
    • sortBy (string, optional): Field to sort by (e.g., 'createdAt', 'counts.favorites').
    • sortDirection (enum, optional): Sort direction: '1' for ascending, '-1' for descending.
    • filter (string, optional): JSON string with filter criteria. Example: '{"counts.favorites":{"$gt":10}}'
  • Response:
    • Raw JSON response containing:
      • items: Array of tweet or user objects
      • pagination: Information about total items and pages

    When requesting tweets, detailed information is returned, including:

    • Tweet ID, text, creation date, language
    • Author details (name, username, followers, etc.)
    • Engagement metrics (retweets, likes, replies, etc.)
    • Media content (hashtags, images, links)
    • Sentiment analysis

    When requesting users, information includes:

    • User ID, name, username
    • Profile picture URL
    • Follower and following counts
    • Verification status
    • User value and other metrics

Note: Report must be in 'Generated' status to access content. Use the get-report-status tool to check if a report is ready.

Query Syntax Examples:

  • #apple: Tweets containing the hashtag #apple
  • apple lang:en: English tweets containing "apple"
  • (#apple OR #iphone) -#android: Tweets with #apple or #iphone but not #android
  • @apple: Tweets mentioning @apple
  • from:apple: Tweets posted by user "apple"

Note: After creating the count report, use the get-report-status tool to check when it's ready, then use get-report-stats to get the actual count.


Checks the current status of a TweetBinder report.

  • Parameters:
    • reportId (string): The ID of the report to check.
  • Response:
    • The current status of the report, which can be one of:
      • Generated: The report is complete and ready to use.
      • Waiting: The report is still being generated or waiting for tweets to be collected.
      • Outdated: The report is being updated with new data and will be available soon.
      • Deleted: The report has been deleted and is no longer available.
      • Archived: The report has been archived and may be deleted soon.
    • An explanation of what the status means and what actions are available.

Note: You must first create a report using the create-twitter-report or create-twitter-count tool to get a report ID.


Retrieves comprehensive statistics and analytics for a TweetBinder report.

  • Parameters:
    • reportId (string): The ID of the report to retrieve statistics for.
  • Response:
    • A formatted summary of the report statistics including:
      • Overview: Total tweets, date range, contributors, engagement, media, and links.
      • Engagement Metrics: Potential reach, impressions, retweets, and likes.
      • Sentiment Analysis: Overall sentiment score and interpretation.
      • Top Contributors: Most active users and their tweet counts.
      • Popular Content: Most retweeted posts.
      • Frequently Used Hashtags: Common hashtags used in the conversation.

Note: The report must have "Generated" status before statistics can be retrieved. Use the get-report-status tool to check if a report is ready.


Retrieves information about your account's credit balance, usage, and remaining quota.

  • Parameters:
    • None
  • Returns:
    • Raw JSON response containing:
      • total: Total credits available
      • used: Credits used
      • available: Credits currently available
      • discount: Any applicable discount
      • remainingReports: Number of reports remaining
      • quota: Quota information including:
        • startedAt: Quota period start date
        • finishedAt: Quota period end date
        • remaining: Remaining quota
        • used: Used quota
        • total: Total quota
    • Any error or status messages


Tools Not Appearing in Claude

  1. Check Claude Desktop logs:
tail -f ~/Library/Logs/Claude/mcp*.log
  1. Verify environment variables are set correctly.
  2. Ensure the absolute path to index.js is correct.

Authentication Issues

  • Double-check credentials.
  • Ensure the refresh token is still valid.
  • Verify that the required API scopes are enabled and that you have enough credits.

Viewing Logs

To check server logs:

For MacOS/Linux:

tail -n 20 -f ~/Library/Logs/Claude/mcp*.log

For Windows:

Get-Content -Path "$env:AppData\Claude\Logs\mcp*.log" -Wait -Tail 20

Security Considerations

  • Keep API credentials secure – never expose them in public repositories.
  • Use environment variables to manage sensitive data.

πŸ“„ License

This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

Allows Claude and other MCP-compatible AI models to access TweetBinder by Audiense analytics data, enabling analysis of hashtags, users, and conversations on Twitter/X with engagement metrics, sentiment analysis, and report generation.

  1. Features
    1. Installation
      1. Installing via Smithery
    2. Manual Configuration
      1. Prerequisites
    3. Usage with Claude Desktop
      1. Available Tools
        1. create-twitter-report
        2. create-twitter-count
        3. list-reports
        4. get-report-content
        5. get-report-status
        6. get-report-stats
        7. get-account-balances
      2. Troubleshooting
        1. Tools Not Appearing in Claude
        2. Authentication Issues
      3. Viewing Logs
        1. For MacOS/Linux:
        2. For Windows:
      4. Security Considerations
        1. πŸ“„ License