mcp-youtube-sheetsRickyyy1116-securityAlicense-qualityProvides functionality to search YouTube videos and automatically save the results to Google Sheets.29JavaScriptMIT License
mcp-server-google-analyticsruchernchong-securityAlicense-qualityAn MCP server implementation for accessing Google Analytics 4 (GA4) data, built using the Model Context Protocol TypeScript SDK.4TypeScriptMIT License
YouTube MCP ServeranaisbettsVerifiedAsecurityAlicenseAqualityUses yt-dlp to download subtitles from YouTube and connects it to via Model Context Protocol.158148JavaScriptMIT LicenseApple
NYTimes Article Search MCP ServerangheljfAsecurityAlicenseAqualityThis is a TypeScript-based MCP server that allows searching for New York Times articles from the last 30 days based on a keyword.177JavaScriptMIT LicenseApple
mcp-server-youtube-transcriptkimtaeyoon83AsecurityAlicenseAqualityA Model Context Protocol server that enables retrieval of transcripts from YouTube videos. This server provides direct access to video captions and subtitles through a simple interface.110631JavaScriptMIT License