Gemini Thinking Server

/** * Base parameters for a number of methods. * @public */ export declare interface BaseParams { safetySettings?: SafetySetting[]; generationConfig?: GenerationConfig; } /** * Params for calling {@link GenerativeModel.batchEmbedContents} * @public */ export declare interface BatchEmbedContentsRequest { requests: EmbedContentRequest[]; } /** * Response from calling {@link GenerativeModel.batchEmbedContents}. * @public */ export declare interface BatchEmbedContentsResponse { embeddings: ContentEmbedding[]; } /** * Reason that a prompt was blocked. * @public */ export declare enum BlockReason { BLOCKED_REASON_UNSPECIFIED = "BLOCKED_REASON_UNSPECIFIED", SAFETY = "SAFETY", OTHER = "OTHER" } /** * ChatSession class that enables sending chat messages and stores * history of sent and received messages so far. * * @public */ export declare class ChatSession { model: string; params?: StartChatParams; requestOptions?: RequestOptions; private _apiKey; private _history; private _sendPromise; constructor(apiKey: string, model: string, params?: StartChatParams, requestOptions?: RequestOptions); /** * Gets the chat history so far. Blocked prompts are not added to history. * Blocked candidates are not added to history, nor are the prompts that * generated them. */ getHistory(): Promise<Content[]>; /** * Sends a chat message and receives a non-streaming * {@link GenerateContentResult} */ sendMessage(request: string | Array<string | Part>): Promise<GenerateContentResult>; /** * Sends a chat message and receives the response as a * {@link GenerateContentStreamResult} containing an iterable stream * and a response promise. */ sendMessageStream(request: string | Array<string | Part>): Promise<GenerateContentStreamResult>; } /** * Citation metadata that may be found on a {@link GenerateContentCandidate}. * @public */ export declare interface CitationMetadata { citationSources: CitationSource[]; } /** * A single citation source. * @public */ export declare interface CitationSource { startIndex?: number; endIndex?: number; uri?: string; license?: string; } /** * @license * Copyright 2023 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Content type for both prompts and response candidates. * @public */ export declare interface Content extends InputContent { parts: Part[]; } /** * A single content embedding. * @public */ export declare interface ContentEmbedding { values: number[]; } /** * Params for calling {@link GenerativeModel.countTokens} * @public */ export declare interface CountTokensRequest { contents: Content[]; } /** * Response from calling {@link GenerativeModel.countTokens}. * @public */ export declare interface CountTokensResponse { totalTokens: number; } /** * Params for calling {@link GenerativeModel.embedContent} * @public */ export declare interface EmbedContentRequest { content: Content; taskType?: TaskType; title?: string; } /** * Response from calling {@link GenerativeModel.embedContent}. * @public */ export declare interface EmbedContentResponse { embedding: ContentEmbedding; } /** * Response object wrapped with helper methods. * * @public */ export declare interface EnhancedGenerateContentResponse extends GenerateContentResponse { /** * Returns the text string from the response, if available. * Throws if the prompt or candidate was blocked. */ text: () => string; } /** * Reason that a candidate finished. * @public */ export declare enum FinishReason { FINISH_REASON_UNSPECIFIED = "FINISH_REASON_UNSPECIFIED", STOP = "STOP", MAX_TOKENS = "MAX_TOKENS", SAFETY = "SAFETY", RECITATION = "RECITATION", OTHER = "OTHER" } /** * A candidate returned as part of a {@link GenerateContentResponse}. * @public */ export declare interface GenerateContentCandidate { index: number; content: Content; finishReason?: FinishReason; finishMessage?: string; safetyRatings?: SafetyRating[]; citationMetadata?: CitationMetadata; } /** * Request sent to `generateContent` endpoint. * @public */ export declare interface GenerateContentRequest extends BaseParams { contents: Content[]; } /** * Individual response from {@link GenerativeModel.generateContent} and * {@link GenerativeModel.generateContentStream}. * `generateContentStream()` will return one in each chunk until * the stream is done. * @public */ export declare interface GenerateContentResponse { candidates?: GenerateContentCandidate[]; promptFeedback?: PromptFeedback; } /** * Result object returned from generateContent() call. * * @public */ export declare interface GenerateContentResult { response: EnhancedGenerateContentResponse; } /** * Result object returned from generateContentStream() call. * Iterate over `stream` to get chunks as they come in and/or * use the `response` promise to get the aggregated response when * the stream is done. * * @public */ export declare interface GenerateContentStreamResult { stream: AsyncGenerator<EnhancedGenerateContentResponse>; response: Promise<EnhancedGenerateContentResponse>; } /** * Config options for content-related requests * @public */ export declare interface GenerationConfig { candidateCount?: number; stopSequences?: string[]; maxOutputTokens?: number; temperature?: number; topP?: number; topK?: number; } /** * Interface for sending an image. * @public */ export declare interface GenerativeContentBlob { mimeType: string; /** * Image as a base64 string. */ data: string; } /** * Class for generative model APIs. * @public */ export declare class GenerativeModel { apiKey: string; model: string; generationConfig: GenerationConfig; safetySettings: SafetySetting[]; requestOptions: RequestOptions; constructor(apiKey: string, modelParams: ModelParams, requestOptions?: RequestOptions); /** * Makes a single non-streaming call to the model * and returns an object containing a single {@link GenerateContentResponse}. */ generateContent(request: GenerateContentRequest | string | Array<string | Part>): Promise<GenerateContentResult>; /** * Makes a single streaming call to the model * and returns an object containing an iterable stream that iterates * over all chunks in the streaming response as well as * a promise that returns the final aggregated response. */ generateContentStream(request: GenerateContentRequest | string | Array<string | Part>): Promise<GenerateContentStreamResult>; /** * Gets a new {@link ChatSession} instance which can be used for * multi-turn chats. */ startChat(startChatParams?: StartChatParams): ChatSession; /** * Counts the tokens in the provided request. */ countTokens(request: CountTokensRequest | string | Array<string | Part>): Promise<CountTokensResponse>; /** * Embeds the provided content. */ embedContent(request: EmbedContentRequest | string | Array<string | Part>): Promise<EmbedContentResponse>; /** * Embeds an array of {@link EmbedContentRequest}s. */ batchEmbedContents(batchEmbedContentRequest: BatchEmbedContentsRequest): Promise<BatchEmbedContentsResponse>; } /** * Top-level class for this SDK * @public */ export declare class GoogleGenerativeAI { apiKey: string; constructor(apiKey: string); /** * Gets a {@link GenerativeModel} instance for the provided model name. */ getGenerativeModel(modelParams: ModelParams, requestOptions?: RequestOptions): GenerativeModel; } /** * Threshold above which a prompt or candidate will be blocked. * @public */ export declare enum HarmBlockThreshold { HARM_BLOCK_THRESHOLD_UNSPECIFIED = "HARM_BLOCK_THRESHOLD_UNSPECIFIED", BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE = "BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE", BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE = "BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE", BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH = "BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH", BLOCK_NONE = "BLOCK_NONE" } /** * @license * Copyright 2023 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Harm categories that would cause prompts or candidates to be blocked. * @public */ export declare enum HarmCategory { HARM_CATEGORY_UNSPECIFIED = "HARM_CATEGORY_UNSPECIFIED", HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH = "HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH", HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT = "HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT", HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT = "HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT", HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT = "HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT" } /** * Probability that a prompt or candidate matches a harm category. * @public */ export declare enum HarmProbability { HARM_PROBABILITY_UNSPECIFIED = "HARM_PROBABILITY_UNSPECIFIED", NEGLIGIBLE = "NEGLIGIBLE", LOW = "LOW", MEDIUM = "MEDIUM", HIGH = "HIGH" } /** * Content part interface if the part represents an image. * @public */ export declare interface InlineDataPart { text?: never; inlineData: GenerativeContentBlob; } /** * Content that can be provided as history input to startChat(). * @public */ export declare interface InputContent { parts: string | Array<string | Part>; role: string; } /** * Params passed to {@link GoogleGenerativeAI.getGenerativeModel}. * @public */ export declare interface ModelParams extends BaseParams { model: string; } /** * Content part - includes text or image part types. * @public */ export declare type Part = TextPart | InlineDataPart; /** * If the prompt was blocked, this will be populated with `blockReason` and * the relevant `safetyRatings`. * @public */ export declare interface PromptFeedback { blockReason: BlockReason; safetyRatings: SafetyRating[]; blockReasonMessage?: string; } /** * Params passed to {@link GoogleGenerativeAI.getGenerativeModel}. * @public */ export declare interface RequestOptions { timeout?: number; } /** * A safety rating associated with a {@link GenerateContentCandidate} * @public */ export declare interface SafetyRating { category: HarmCategory; probability: HarmProbability; } /** * Safety setting that can be sent as part of request parameters. * @public */ export declare interface SafetySetting { category: HarmCategory; threshold: HarmBlockThreshold; } /** * Params for {@link GenerativeModel.startChat}. * @public */ export declare interface StartChatParams extends BaseParams { history?: InputContent[]; } /** * Task type for embedding content. * @public */ export declare enum TaskType { TASK_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = "TASK_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED", RETRIEVAL_QUERY = "RETRIEVAL_QUERY", RETRIEVAL_DOCUMENT = "RETRIEVAL_DOCUMENT", SEMANTIC_SIMILARITY = "SEMANTIC_SIMILARITY", CLASSIFICATION = "CLASSIFICATION", CLUSTERING = "CLUSTERING" } /** * Content part interface if the part represents a text string. * @public */ export declare interface TextPart { text: string; inlineData?: never; } export { }