
MIT License
  • Apple
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import { NileMcpServer } from '../server.js'; import { Client } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/index.js'; import { InMemoryTransport } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/inMemory.js'; import { CallToolResult } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js'; import { DatabaseCredential, NileDatabase } from '../types.js'; // Mock pg module jest.mock('pg', () => { const mockClient = { connect: jest.fn(), query: jest.fn(), end: jest.fn() }; return { Client: jest.fn(() => mockClient) }; }); describe('NileMcpServer', () => { let server: NileMcpServer; let client: Client; let transport1: InMemoryTransport; let transport2: InMemoryTransport; let pgClient: any; beforeEach(async () => { // Reset pg mock const pg = require('pg'); pgClient = new pg.Client(); pgClient.connect.mockReset(); pgClient.query.mockReset(); pgClient.end.mockReset(); // Set up server server = new NileMcpServer({ apiKey: 'test-api-key', workspaceSlug: 'test-workspace' }); // Set up transport and client [transport1, transport2] = InMemoryTransport.createLinkedPair(); client = new Client({ name: 'test-client', version: '1.0.0' }); // Connect server and client await server.connect(transport1); await client.connect(transport2); }); afterEach(async () => { try { if (transport1) await transport1.close().catch(() => {}); if (transport2) await transport2.close().catch(() => {}); if (server) await server.close().catch(() => {}); } catch (error) { console.error('Error during cleanup:', error); } }); describe('tools', () => { it('should list available tools', async () => { const tools = await client.listTools(); expect(; // Database Management Tools expect({ name: 'create-database', description: 'Creates a new Nile database', inputSchema: { $schema: '', type: 'object', properties: { name: { type: 'string', description: 'Name of the database' }, region: { type: 'string', enum: ['AWS_US_WEST_2', 'AWS_EU_CENTRAL_1'], description: 'Region where the database should be created' } }, required: ['name', 'region'], additionalProperties: false } }); expect({ name: 'list-databases', description: 'Lists all databases in the workspace', inputSchema: { $schema: '', type: 'object', properties: {}, additionalProperties: false } }); expect({ name: 'get-database', description: 'Gets details of a specific database', inputSchema: { $schema: '', type: 'object', properties: { name: { type: 'string', description: 'Name of the database to get details for' } }, required: ['name'], additionalProperties: false } }); expect({ name: 'delete-database', description: 'Deletes a database', inputSchema: { $schema: '', type: 'object', properties: { name: { type: 'string', description: 'Name of the database to delete' } }, required: ['name'], additionalProperties: false } }); // Connection String Tool expect({ name: 'get-connection-string', description: 'Gets a PostgreSQL connection string with fresh credentials', inputSchema: { $schema: '', type: 'object', properties: { databaseName: { type: 'string', description: 'Name of the database to get connection string for' } }, required: ['databaseName'], additionalProperties: false } }); // SQL Query Tool expect({ name: 'execute-sql', description: 'Executes a SQL query on a Nile database', inputSchema: { $schema: '', type: 'object', properties: { databaseName: { type: 'string', description: 'Name of the database to query' }, query: { type: 'string', description: 'SQL query to execute' }, connectionString: { type: 'string', description: 'Connection string to use for the query' } }, required: ['databaseName', 'query'], additionalProperties: false } }); }); describe('Connection String Management', () => { it('should get connection string successfully', async () => { const mockDatabase: NileDatabase = { id: 'db-123', name: 'test-db', region: 'AWS_US_WEST_2', status: 'READY', apiHost: '', dbHost: '', workspace: { name: 'test', slug: 'test-workspace' } }; global.fetch = jest.fn() .mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve({ ok: true, json: () => Promise.resolve({ id: 'cred-123', password: 'test-password' }) })) .mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve({ ok: true, json: () => Promise.resolve(mockDatabase) })); const result = await client.callTool({ name: 'get-connection-string', arguments: { databaseName: 'test-db' } }) as CallToolResult; expect(result.isError).toBe(false); expect(result.content[0].text).toContain('postgres://'); }); it('should handle connection string errors', async () => { global.fetch = jest.fn() .mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve({ ok: false, json: () => Promise.resolve({ error: 'NotFound', message: 'Database not found', status: 404 }) })); const result = await client.callTool({ name: 'get-connection-string', arguments: { databaseName: 'nonexistent-db' } }) as CallToolResult; expect(result.isError).toBe(true); expect(result.content[0].text).toContain('Failed to create credentials: Database not found'); }); }); describe('SQL Query Execution', () => { beforeEach(() => { // Mock credential response global.fetch = jest.fn() .mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve({ ok: true, json: () => Promise.resolve({ id: 'cred-123', password: 'test-password' }) })) .mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve({ ok: true, json: () => Promise.resolve({ id: 'db-123', name: 'test-db', region: 'AWS_US_WEST_2', status: 'READY', apiHost: '', dbHost: '', workspace: { name: 'test', slug: 'test-workspace' } }) })); }); it('should execute SQL query successfully', async () => { pgClient.query.mockResolvedValueOnce({ rows: [{ id: 1, name: 'Test' }], rowCount: 1, fields: [ { name: 'id', dataTypeID: 23 }, { name: 'name', dataTypeID: 25 } ] }); const result = await client.callTool({ name: 'execute-sql', arguments: { databaseName: 'test-db', query: 'SELECT * FROM test' } }) as CallToolResult; expect(result.isError).toBe(false); expect(result.content[0].text).toContain('| id | name |'); expect(result.content[0].text).toContain('| 1 | Test |'); expect(result.content[0].text).toContain('1 rows returned'); }); it('should handle SQL syntax errors', async () => { pgClient.query.mockRejectedValueOnce({ message: 'syntax error at or near "SLECT"', position: '1', hint: 'Perhaps you meant "SELECT"' }); const result = await client.callTool({ name: 'execute-sql', arguments: { databaseName: 'test-db', query: 'SLECT * FROM test' } }) as CallToolResult; expect(result.isError).toBe(true); expect(result.content[0].text).toContain('syntax error'); expect(result.content[0].text).toContain('Perhaps you meant "SELECT"'); }); it('should handle empty result sets', async () => { pgClient.query.mockResolvedValueOnce({ rows: [], rowCount: 0, fields: [] }); const result = await client.callTool({ name: 'execute-sql', arguments: { databaseName: 'test-db', query: 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE 1=0' } }) as CallToolResult; expect(result.isError).toBe(false); expect(result.content[0].text).toContain('0 rows returned'); }); }); }); });