by yonaka15
import { loadPyodide } from "pyodide";
import * as path from "path";
import * as fs from "fs";
import { withOutputCapture } from "../../utils/output-capture.js";
import {
} from "../../formatters/index.js";
import { MIME_TYPES } from "../../lib/mime-types/index.js";
import type { PyodideInterface } from "pyodide";
// Basic mount point configuration
interface MountConfig {
hostPath: string;
mountPoint: string;
interface ResourceInfo {
name: string; // File name
uri: string; // Full URI (file://....)
mimeType: string; // MIME type
class PyodideManager {
private static instance: PyodideManager | null = null;
private pyodide: PyodideInterface | null = null;
private mountPoints: Map<string, MountConfig> = new Map();
private constructor() {}
static getInstance(): PyodideManager {
if (!PyodideManager.instance) {
PyodideManager.instance = new PyodideManager();
return PyodideManager.instance;
async initialize(packageCacheDir: string): Promise<boolean> {
try {
console.error("Initializing Pyodide...");
this.pyodide = await loadPyodide({
stdout: (text: string) => {
console.log("[Python stdout]:", text);
stderr: (text: string) => {
console.error("[Python stderr]:", text);
jsglobals: {
ImageData: {},
document: {
getElementById: (id: any) => {
if (id.includes("canvas")) return null;
return {
addEventListener: () => {},
style: {},
classList: { add: () => {}, remove: () => {} },
setAttribute: () => {},
appendChild: () => {},
remove: () => {},
createElement: () => ({
addEventListener: () => {},
style: {},
classList: { add: () => {}, remove: () => {} },
setAttribute: () => {},
appendChild: () => {},
remove: () => {},
createTextNode: () => ({
addEventListener: () => {},
style: {},
classList: { add: () => {}, remove: () => {} },
setAttribute: () => {},
appendChild: () => {},
remove: () => {},
body: {
appendChild: () => {},
console.error("Pyodide initialized successfully");
return true;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to initialize Pyodide:", error);
return false;
getPyodide(): PyodideInterface | null {
return this.pyodide;
// Mount filesystem directories
async mountDirectory(name: string, hostPath: string): Promise<boolean> {
if (!this.pyodide) return false;
try {
const absolutePath = path.resolve(hostPath);
// Create directory if it doesn't exist
if (!fs.existsSync(absolutePath)) {
fs.mkdirSync(absolutePath, { recursive: true });
console.error(`Created directory: ${absolutePath}`);
const mountPoint = `/mnt/${name}`;
root: absolutePath,
this.mountPoints.set(name, {
hostPath: absolutePath,
return true;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Failed to mount directory ${hostPath}:`, error);
return false;
// Get information about all mount points
async getMountPoints() {
if (!this.pyodide) {
return formatCallToolError("Pyodide not initialized");
try {
const mountPoints = Array.from(this.mountPoints.entries()).map(
([name, config]) => ({
hostPath: config.hostPath,
mountPoint: config.mountPoint,
return formatCallToolSuccess(JSON.stringify(mountPoints, null, 2));
} catch (error) {
return formatCallToolError(error);
// List contents of a mounted directory
async listMountedDirectory(mountName: string) {
if (!this.pyodide) {
return formatCallToolError("Pyodide not initialized");
const mountConfig = this.mountPoints.get(mountName);
if (!mountConfig) {
return formatCallToolError(`Mount point not found: ${mountName}`);
try {
// Use Python code to get directory contents
const pythonCode = `
import os
def list_directory(path):
contents = []
for item in os.listdir(path):
full_path = os.path.join(path, item)
if os.path.isfile(full_path):
contents.append(f"FILE: {item}")
elif os.path.isdir(full_path):
contents.append(f"DIR: {item}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error listing directory: {e}")
return []
return contents
return await this.executePython(pythonCode, 5000);
} catch (error) {
return formatCallToolError(error);
* Get mount name from file path
* @param filePath Full path to check
* @returns Mount name if found, null if not matched
getMountNameFromPath(filePath: string): string | null {
if (!filePath) return null;
// Normalize path separators
const normalizedPath = filePath.replace(/\\/g, "/");
let longestMatch = "";
let matchedMountName: string | null = null;
// Check each mount point
for (const [mountName, config] of this.mountPoints.entries()) {
const normalizedHostPath = config.hostPath.replace(/\\/g, "/");
// Check if path starts with this mount point
if (normalizedPath.startsWith(normalizedHostPath)) {
// Keep track of the longest matching path
if (normalizedHostPath.length > longestMatch.length) {
longestMatch = normalizedHostPath;
matchedMountName = mountName;
return matchedMountName;
* Get mount point information from a file URI
* @param uri File URI (e.g., "file:///mnt/data/file.txt")
* @returns MountPathInfo object or null if not found
getMountPointInfo(uri: string) {
// Remove "file://" prefix
let filePath = uri.replace("file://", "");
// Find matching mount point
for (const [mountName, config] of this.mountPoints.entries()) {
const mountPoint = config.mountPoint;
// Check if path starts with this mount point
if (filePath.startsWith(mountPoint)) {
// Get relative path by removing mount point prefix
const relativePath = filePath
.replace(/^[/\\]+/, ""); // Remove leading slashes
return {
return null;
async executePython(code: string, timeout: number) {
if (!this.pyodide) {
return formatCallToolError("Pyodide not initialized");
try {
const { result, output } = await withOutputCapture(
async () => {
const executionResult = await Promise.race([
new Promise((_, reject) =>
setTimeout(() => reject(new Error("Execution timeout")), timeout)
// Memory cleanup
await this.pyodide!.runPythonAsync("import gc; gc.collect()");
return executionResult;
{ suppressConsole: true }
return formatCallToolSuccess(
? `Output:\n${output}\nResult:\n${String(result)}`
: String(result)
} catch (error) {
return formatCallToolError(error);
async installPackage(packageName: string) {
if (!this.pyodide) {
return formatCallToolError("Pyodide not initialized");
try {
const { output } = await withOutputCapture(
async () => {
await this.pyodide!.loadPackage(packageName, {
messageCallback: (msg: string) => console.log(msg),
errorCallback: (err: string) => console.error(err),
{ suppressConsole: true }
return formatCallToolSuccess(output);
} catch (error) {
return formatCallToolError(error);
async readResource(
mountName: string,
resourcePath: string
): Promise<
| {
blob: string;
mimeType: string;
| { error: string }
> {
if (!this.pyodide) {
return { error: "Pyodide not initialized" };
const mountConfig = this.mountPoints.get(mountName);
if (!mountConfig) {
return { error: `Mount point not found: ${mountName}` };
try {
// Get full path to the image
const fullPath = path.join(mountConfig.hostPath, resourcePath);
if (!fs.existsSync(fullPath)) {
return { error: `Image file not found: ${fullPath}` };
// Get MIME type from file extension
const ext = path.extname(fullPath).toLowerCase();
const mimeType = MIME_TYPES[ext];
if (!mimeType) {
return { error: `Unsupported image format: ${ext}` };
// Read and encode image
const imageBuffer = await fs.promises.readFile(fullPath);
const base64Data = imageBuffer.toString("base64");
return { blob: base64Data, mimeType };
} catch (error) {
return { error: String(error) };
* List all files matching the given MIME types across all mount points
* @param mimeTypes Array of MIME types to match (e.g., ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'])
* @returns Array of ResourceInfo objects
async listResources(): Promise<ResourceInfo[]> {
const resources: ResourceInfo[] = [];
const validMimeTypes = new Set(Object.values(MIME_TYPES));
const isMatchingMimeType = (filePath: string): string | null => {
const ext = path.extname(filePath).toLowerCase();
const mimeType = MIME_TYPES[ext];
return mimeType && validMimeTypes.has(mimeType) ? mimeType : null;
const scanDirectory = (dirPath: string): void => {
try {
const items = fs.readdirSync(dirPath);
const mountName = this.getMountNameFromPath(dirPath);
if (!mountName) return;
const config = this.mountPoints.get(mountName);
if (!config) return;
const { hostPath, mountPoint } = config;
for (const item of items) {
const fullPath = path.join(dirPath, item);
const stat = fs.statSync(fullPath);
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
// Recursively scan subdirectories
} else if (stat.isFile()) {
// Check if file matches MIME type
const mimeType = isMatchingMimeType(item);
if (mimeType) {
// Calculate relative path from hostPath
const relativePath = path.relative(hostPath, fullPath);
// Construct URI with full path
const uri = `file://${path.join(mountPoint, relativePath)}`;
name: item,
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error scanning directory ${dirPath}:`, error);
// Scan all mount points
for (const [_, config] of this.mountPoints.entries()) {
return resources;
async readImage(mountName: string, imagePath: string) {
if (!this.pyodide) {
return formatCallToolError("Pyodide not initialized");
try {
const resource = await this.readResource(mountName, imagePath);
if ("error" in resource) {
return formatCallToolError(resource.error);
const content = contentFormatters.formatImage(
return formatCallToolSuccess(content);
} catch (error) {
return formatCallToolError(error);
export { PyodideManager };