MCP Server for Apache OpenDAL™
by Xuanwo
- src
- mcp_server_opendal
import logging
import os
from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Union
import opendal
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from mcp.server.fastmcp.resources import Resource
from opendal import Entry, Metadata
from opendal.layers import RetryLayer
from pydantic import Field
logger = logging.getLogger("mcp_server_opendal")
# all opendal related environment variables
k.replace("OPENDAL_", "").lower(): v.lower()
for k, v in os.environ.items()
if k.startswith("OPENDAL_")
class OpendalResource(Resource):
OpenDAL Resource provider that handles interactions with different storage services.
Acts both as a FastMCP Resource and as an interface to OpenDAL operations.
This resource provider will read the environment variables for the given scheme and use them to configure the opendal operator.
For example, if the scheme is "mys3", the environment variables should be:
scheme: str = Field("", description="Storage scheme (e.g., s3, fs)")
op: Any = None
def __init__(self, scheme: str):
scheme = scheme.lower()
# Configure OpenDAL operator
opendal_type = OPENDAL_OPTIONS.get(f"{scheme}_type")
opendal_options = {
k.replace(f"{scheme}_", ""): v
for k, v in OPENDAL_OPTIONS.items()
if k.startswith(f"{scheme}_")
logger.debug(f"Initializing OpendalResource with options: {opendal_options}")
# Initialize FastMCP Resource
name=f"{scheme} storage",
description=f"Storage service accessed via OpenDAL {scheme} protocol",
mime_type="application/vnd.folder", # for containers/directories
# Initialize OpenDAL operator
self.scheme = scheme
self.op = opendal.AsyncOperator(opendal_type, **opendal_options).layer(
logger.debug(f"Initialized OpendalResource: {self.op}")
async def read(self) -> str:
Read method for scheme-level resources, only returns descriptive information
Actual file content is obtained through path-specific methods
info = f"OpenDAL {self.scheme} storage resource.\n\n"
info += f"To access specific files, use: {self.scheme}://path/to/file\n"
info += f"To list directory contents, use the 'list' tool with: {self.scheme}://path/to/dir\n"
return info
async def list(
self, prefix: Union[str, os.PathLike], max_keys: int = 1000
) -> List[Entry]:
"""List entries with the given prefix"""
logger.debug(f"Listing entries with prefix: {prefix}")
if max_keys <= 0:
return []
entries = []
it = await self.op.list(prefix)
async for entry in it:
logger.debug(f"Listing entry: {entry}")
if len(entries) >= max_keys:
return entries
async def read_path(self, path: Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> bytes:
"""Read content from a specific path"""
logger.debug(f"Reading path: {path}")
return await
async def stat(self, path: Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> Metadata:
"""Get metadata for a specific path"""
logger.debug(f"Statting path: {path}")
return await self.op.stat(path)
def is_text_file(self, path: Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> bool:
"""Determine if a file is text-based by its extension"""
text_extensions = {
return any(path.lower().endswith(ext) for ext in text_extensions)
def parse_uri(uri: str) -> Tuple[OpendalResource, str]:
"""Parse a URI into a resource and path"""
from urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse
logger.debug(f"Parsing URI: {uri}")
parsed = urlparse(uri)
scheme = parsed.scheme
path = parsed.netloc + parsed.path
path = unquote(path) # Decode URL-encoded characters
return (OpendalResource(scheme), path)