# LlamaIndex Agent Example with OpenDAL MCP
## Start the MCP Server
To run this example, you need to have a MCP server running.
Make sure you are in the root directory of the project, set the environment variables first:
- `OPENDAL_FS_ROOT=./examples/`
Then, run the following command:
uv sync # To install the project, this should be done only once
uv run mcp-server-opendal --transport sse
## Run the Example
Set the environment variables below.
- `MCP_HOST`: The host of the MCP server
- `MCP_PORT`: The port of the MCP server
- `OPENAI_API_KEY`: The API key of the OpenAI API
- `OPENAI_MODEL`: The model of the OpenAI API
- `OPENAI_ENDPOINT`: The endpoint of the OpenAI API
Then, run the example with the following command:
uv run examples/llamaindex-with-opendal-mcp.py