MCP Memory Server

  • src
import lunr from 'lunr'; import fs from 'fs/promises'; import path from 'path'; import { Memory, SearchResult, MemoryType } from './types.js'; import { MemoryStorage } from './storage.js'; export class MemorySearch { private indexPath: string; private storage: MemoryStorage; private index: lunr.Index | null = null; private memoryMap: Map<string, Memory> = new Map(); constructor(storage: MemoryStorage, indexPath?: string) { = storage; // Use the memory directory from storage for the index path this.indexPath = indexPath || path.join(storage['memoryDir'], 'index.json'); } /** * Initialize the search index */ async initialize(): Promise<void> { try { // Try to load existing index await this.loadIndex(); } catch (error) { // If index doesn't exist, build a new one await this.rebuildIndex(); } } /** * Load the search index from disk */ private async loadIndex(): Promise<void> { try { const indexData = await fs.readFile(this.indexPath, 'utf-8'); const { index, memories } = JSON.parse(indexData); this.index = lunr.Index.load(index); this.memoryMap = new Map(Object.entries(memories)); } catch (error) { throw new Error('Failed to load search index'); } } /** * Save the search index to disk */ private async saveIndex(): Promise<void> { if (!this.index) { throw new Error('Index not initialized'); } const indexData = { index: this.index.toJSON(), memories: Object.fromEntries(this.memoryMap.entries()) }; // Ensure the directory exists const indexDir = path.dirname(this.indexPath); await fs.mkdir(indexDir, { recursive: true }); await fs.writeFile(this.indexPath, JSON.stringify(indexData)); } /** * Rebuild the search index from all memories */ async rebuildIndex(): Promise<void> { // Get all memories from storage const memories = await; // Build memory map for quick lookups this.memoryMap = new Map(); for (const memory of memories) { this.memoryMap.set(, memory); } // Build Lunr index this.index = lunr(function() { this.ref('id'); this.field('title', { boost: 10 }); this.field('content'); this.field('tags', { boost: 5 }); this.field('type'); // Add each memory to the index for (const memory of memories) { this.add({ id:, title: memory.title, content: memory.content, tags: memory.tags.join(' '), type: memory.type }); } }); // Save the index to disk await this.saveIndex(); } /** * Add a memory to the index */ async addToIndex(memory: Memory): Promise<void> { if (!this.index) { await this.initialize(); } // Update memory map this.memoryMap.set(, memory); // Rebuild index (for simplicity in this POC) // In a production system, we would use lunr.Index.prototype.update await this.rebuildIndex(); } /** * Remove a memory from the index */ async removeFromIndex(id: string): Promise<void> { if (!this.index) { await this.initialize(); } // Remove from memory map this.memoryMap.delete(id); // Rebuild index (for simplicity in this POC) await this.rebuildIndex(); } /** * Update a memory in the index */ async updateIndex(memory: Memory): Promise<void> { await this.addToIndex(memory); } /** * Extract a preview snippet from memory content */ private extractPreview(content: string, query: string, maxLength: number = 150): string { // Simple preview extraction - in a real system, this would be more sophisticated const lowerContent = content.toLowerCase(); const lowerQuery = query.toLowerCase(); // Try to find the query in the content const index = lowerContent.indexOf(lowerQuery); if (index >= 0) { // Calculate start and end positions for the preview const start = Math.max(0, index - 50); const end = Math.min(content.length, index + query.length + 100); // Extract the preview let preview = content.substring(start, end); // Add ellipsis if needed if (start > 0) preview = '...' + preview; if (end < content.length) preview = preview + '...'; return preview; } // If query not found, return the beginning of the content return content.length > maxLength ? content.substring(0, maxLength) + '...' : content; } /** * Search memories */ async search( query: string, options: { types?: MemoryType[], tags?: string[], limit?: number } = {} ): Promise<SearchResult[]> { if (!this.index) { await this.initialize(); } const { types, tags, limit = 10 } = options; // Build Lunr query let lunrQuery = query; // Add type filters if specified if (types && types.length > 0) { lunrQuery += ' ' + => `+type:${type}`).join(' '); } // Add tag filters if specified if (tags && tags.length > 0) { lunrQuery += ' ' + => `+tags:${tag}`).join(' '); } try { // Execute search const results = this.index!.search(lunrQuery); // Map results to SearchResult objects return results .slice(0, limit) .map(result => { const memory = this.memoryMap.get(result.ref); if (!memory) { throw new Error(`Memory ${result.ref} not found in memory map`); } return { id:, title: memory.title, type: memory.type, tags: memory.tags, score: result.score, preview: this.extractPreview(memory.content, query), created: memory.created, updated: memory.updated }; }); } catch (error) { console.error('Search error:', error); return []; } } /** * List memories with optional filtering */ async list( options: { types?: MemoryType[], tags?: string[], limit?: number } = {} ): Promise<SearchResult[]> { const { types, tags, limit } = options; // Get all memories from the map let memories = Array.from(this.memoryMap.values()); // Filter by type if specified if (types && types.length > 0) { memories = memories.filter(memory => types.includes(memory.type)); } // Filter by tags if specified if (tags && tags.length > 0) { memories = memories.filter(memory => tags.some(tag => memory.tags.includes(tag)) ); } // Sort by updated date (newest first) memories.sort((a, b) => new Date(b.updated).getTime() - new Date(a.updated).getTime() ); // Apply limit if specified if (limit) { memories = memories.slice(0, limit); } // Convert to SearchResult format return => ({ id:, title: memory.title, type: memory.type, tags: memory.tags, score: 1.0, // Default score for listing preview: memory.content.substring(0, 150) + (memory.content.length > 150 ? '...' : ''), created: memory.created, updated: memory.updated })); } }