Hive MCP Server

by gluneau
// Configuration manager for environment variables and settings import { PrivateKey } from '@hiveio/dhive'; interface HiveConfig { username: string | undefined; postingKey: string | undefined; activeKey: string | undefined; memoKey: string | undefined; ownerKey?: string | undefined; } interface LogConfig { logLevel: 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error'; } interface ServerConfig { name: string; version: string; } interface AppConfig { hive: HiveConfig; server: ServerConfig; log: LogConfig; } // Create a function to read environment variables const readEnvConfig = (): HiveConfig => { return { username: process.env.HIVE_USERNAME, postingKey: process.env.HIVE_POSTING_KEY, activeKey: process.env.HIVE_ACTIVE_KEY, memoKey: process.env.HIVE_MEMO_KEY, }; }; // Default configuration const defaultConfig: AppConfig = { hive: readEnvConfig(), server: { name: 'HiveServer', version: '1.0.2', }, log: { logLevel: 'info', }, }; // Validate a private key format (without logging the actual key) export const validatePrivateKey = (key: string | undefined): boolean => { if (!key) return false; try { PrivateKey.fromString(key); return true; } catch (error) { return false; } }; // Get the configuration export const getConfig = (): AppConfig => { return defaultConfig; }; // Refresh the environment variables in the config export const refreshEnvConfig = (): void => { defaultConfig.hive = readEnvConfig(); }; // Check if the authenticated operations are available export const canPerformAuthenticatedOperations = (): boolean => { // Always read the latest environment values refreshEnvConfig(); const { username, postingKey } = defaultConfig.hive; return Boolean(username && postingKey && validatePrivateKey(postingKey)); }; // Check if token transfers are available export const canPerformTokenTransfers = (): boolean => { // Always read the latest environment values refreshEnvConfig(); const { username, activeKey } = defaultConfig.hive; return Boolean(username && activeKey && validatePrivateKey(activeKey)); }; export default defaultConfig;