
by madarco
import { Meta, StoryObj } from "@storybook/react"; import { EasyTooltip } from "./tooltip"; import { Button } from "@repo/design/shadcn/button"; const meta: Meta<typeof EasyTooltip> = { title: "UI/Custom/Tooltip", component: EasyTooltip, tags: ["autodocs"], argTypes: { tooltip: { control: "text", description: "The tooltip content to display", }, duration: { control: "number", description: "Delay duration in milliseconds before showing tooltip", }, }, }; export default meta; type Story = StoryObj<typeof EasyTooltip>; export const Default: Story = { args: { children: "Hover me", tooltip: "This is a tooltip", }, }; export const WithDelay: Story = { args: { children: "Hover with delay", tooltip: "This tooltip has a delay", duration: 500, }, }; export const WithLongContent: Story = { args: { children: "Hover for long content", tooltip: "This is a longer tooltip that demonstrates how the component handles multiple lines of text content", }, }; export const NoTooltip: Story = { args: { children: "No tooltip appears", tooltip: undefined, }, };