
by madarco
import { Checkbox } from "@repo/design/shadcn/checkbox"; import { DataTableColumnHeader } from "../data-table-column-header"; import { cellConfig } from "./default-cells"; import { DataTableFacetedFilter } from "../data-table-faceted-filter"; import { Button } from "@repo/design/shadcn/button"; import { toast } from "@repo/design/hooks/use-toast"; import { ColumnDefToolbar } from "../data-table-toolbar"; import { cn } from "@repo/design/lib/utils"; import { EasyTooltip } from "@repo/design/components/tooltip/tooltip"; import type { ColumnDef, Table } from "@tanstack/react-table"; // Some convenient default columns configs for tanstack table export function getIdsFromMultiselect(table: Table<any>) { return Object.entries(table.getState().rowSelection) .filter(([, value]) => value) .map(([key]) => { try { return table.getRow(key)?.original?.id; } catch (e) { return null; } }) .filter((id) => id !== null); } export function SelectionDeleteButton({ table, deleteAction, optimisticAction, }: { table: Table<any>; deleteAction: ({ ids }: { ids: number[] }) => Promise<any>; optimisticAction?: (ids: number[], resp: any) => void; }) { async function handleDelete(table: Table<any>, deleteAction: any) { const ids = getIdsFromMultiselect(table); const resp = await deleteAction({ ids }); if (resp.serverError || resp.validationErrors || resp.bindArgsValidationErrors || !(resp.data as any).success) { toast({ title: "Failed to delete elements", variant: "destructive" }); } else { await optimisticAction?.(ids, resp); toast({ title: `Deleted ${ids.length} elements` }); table.resetRowSelection(); } } return ( <Button variant="destructive" size="sm" className="ml-auto hidden h-8 lg:flex" onClick={() => handleDelete(table, deleteAction)} > Delete </Button> ); } /** * Column for id field supporting multiple selection. * If passed an action it will add a delete button to the toolbar for the selected rows. * eg: * const { executeAsync: deleteAction } = useAction(onDelete); * columnMultiselect({ deleteAction }) */ export function columnMultiselect({ deleteAction }: { deleteAction?: any }): Partial<ColumnDefToolbar<any, any>> { const res: Partial<ColumnDefToolbar<any, any>> = { size: 30, header: ({ table }) => ( <Checkbox checked={table.getIsAllPageRowsSelected() || (table.getIsSomePageRowsSelected() && "indeterminate") || false} onCheckedChange={(value) => table.toggleAllPageRowsSelected(!!value)} aria-label="Select all" className="translate-y-[2px]" /> ), cell: ({ row }) => ( <Checkbox checked={row.getIsSelected()} onCheckedChange={(value) => row.toggleSelected(!!value)} aria-label="Select row" className="translate-y-[2px]" /> ), enableSorting: false, enableHiding: false, }; if (deleteAction) { res.multiselectToolbar = ({ table }) => <SelectionDeleteButton table={table} deleteAction={deleteAction} />; } return res; } export function columnText({ id, title, fieldConfig }: { id: string; title: string; fieldConfig?: cellConfig[] }) { return { ...(fieldConfig ? { facetedToolbar: ({ table }) => ( <DataTableFacetedFilter column={table.getColumn(id)} title={title} options={fieldConfig} /> ), } : {}), header: ({ column }) => <DataTableColumnHeader column={column} title={title} />, cell: ({ row }) => <span className="hyphens-auto">{row.getValue(id)}</span>, enableSorting: true, enableHiding: true, }; } export function columnIcon({ id, title, fieldConfig }: { id: string; title: string; fieldConfig: cellConfig[] }) { return { size: 100, title: title, facetedToolbar: ({ table }) => ( <DataTableFacetedFilter column={table.getColumn(id)} title={title} options={fieldConfig} /> ), header: ({ column }) => <DataTableColumnHeader column={column} title={title} />, cell: ({ row }) => { const config = fieldConfig.find((status) => status.value.toString() == row.getValue(id).toString()); return ( <div className={cn("flex w-[100px] items-center", config?.className)}> {config?.icon && <config.icon className="mr-2 h-4 w-4 opacity-50" />} <span>{config?.label || row.getValue(id)}</span> </div> ); }, filterFn: (row, id, value) => { return value.includes(row.getValue(id)); }, }; } export function addTooltip({ tooltip, columnConfig, }: { tooltip: string | ((args: any) => React.ReactNode); columnConfig: any; }): any { if (typeof tooltip === "function") { return { ...columnConfig, cell: (args) => ( <EasyTooltip tooltip={tooltip(args)} duration={0}> {columnConfig.cell(args)} </EasyTooltip> ), }; } else { return { ...columnConfig, cell: (args) => ( <EasyTooltip tooltip={tooltip} duration={0}> {columnConfig.cell(args)} </EasyTooltip> ), }; } }