
by madarco
"use client"; import { toast } from "@repo/design/hooks/use-toast"; import { createContext, useContext, useState } from "react"; export type WithId = { id: number; }; export interface ContextType<T extends WithId> { data: T[]; refresh: () => Promise<void>; isLoading: boolean; patch: (data: Partial<T>[]) => Promise<void>; remove: (ids: number[]) => Promise<void>; replace: (data: T[]) => Promise<void>; add: (data: T[]) => Promise<void>; } export function createCRUDProvider<T extends WithId>({ refreshAction, }: { refreshAction: (any) => Promise<{ data?: T[] }>; }) { const CustomContext = createContext<ContextType<T> | undefined>(undefined); function useIndexes() { const context = useContext(CustomContext); if (context === undefined) { throw new Error("useIndexes must be used within an IndexesProvider"); } return context; } function CRUDProvider({ children, initialData }: { children: React.ReactNode; initialData: T[] }) { const [data, setData] = useState<T[]>(initialData); const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); async function refresh() { setIsLoading(true); try { const { data: freshData } = await refreshAction({}); setData(freshData); } catch (error) { toast({ title: "Failed to refresh", variant: "destructive" }); console.error("Failed to refresh:", { base: error }); } finally { setIsLoading(false); } } async function patch(data: Partial<T>[]) { const ids = data.map((d) => d.id); setData((prev) => prev.map((i) => (ids.includes(i.id) ? Object.assign(i, data) : i))); } async function replace(data: T[]) { const ids = data.map((d) => d.id); setData((prev) => prev.filter((i) => !ids.includes(i.id)).concat(data)); } async function remove(ids: number[]) { setData((prev) => prev.filter((i) => !ids.includes(i.id))); } async function add(data: T[]) { setData((prev) => [...prev, ...data]); } const value = { data, isLoading, refresh, patch, remove, replace, add, }; return <CustomContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</CustomContext.Provider>; } return { CRUDProvider, CustomContext, useIndexes, }; }