
by madarco
"use client"; import { ActionBarPrimitive, BranchPickerPrimitive, ComposerPrimitive, MessagePrimitive, ThreadPrimitive, useAssistantRuntime, useMessage, useThread, } from "@assistant-ui/react"; import type { FC } from "react"; import { useState, useCallback } from "react"; import React from "react"; import { cn } from "@repo/design/lib/utils"; import { Avatar, AvatarFallback } from "@repo/design/shadcn/avatar"; import { Button } from "@repo/design/shadcn/button"; import { ArrowDownIcon, CheckIcon, ChevronLeftIcon, CopyIcon, SendHorizontalIcon, ChevronRightIcon, RefreshCwIcon, PencilIcon, } from "lucide-react"; import Image from "next/image"; import { useChatConfig } from "../chat-config-provider"; import { MarkdownText } from "./markdown-text"; import { TooltipIconButton } from "./tooltip-icon-button"; import { useChatProvider } from "../chat-provider"; import { SourceBoxListStory } from "../source-box.stories"; import { Source, SourceBoxList } from "../source-box"; import { Skeleton } from "@repo/design/shadcn/skeleton"; import { SearchResults } from "../search-results"; import { useDebounce } from "use-debounce"; export const MyThread: FC = () => { const { threads } = useAssistantRuntime(); const { modalMode } = useChatConfig(); const [hideWelcome, setHideWelcome] = useState(false); const doHideWelcome = modalMode && hideWelcome; return ( <ThreadPrimitive.Root className={cn( "bg-background h-full w-full min-h-[0] transition-all duration-700 ease-in-out", doHideWelcome && "min-h-[100dvh]", modalMode && "pt-4 pb-8" )} > <ThreadPrimitive.Viewport className="flex h-full flex-col items-center overflow-y-scroll scroll-smooth bg-inherit px-4"> <div className={cn(doHideWelcome && "invisible", !modalMode && "pt-8")}> <MyThreadWelcome hideWelcome={doHideWelcome} /> </div> <ThreadPrimitive.Messages components={{ UserMessage: MyUserMessage, EditComposer: MyEditComposer, AssistantMessage: MyAssistantMessage, }} /> <div className="min-h-8 flex-grow" /> <div className="sticky bottom-0 mt-3 flex w-full max-w-4xl flex-col items-center justify-end rounded-t-lg bg-inherit pb-4"> <MyThreadScrollToBottom /> <ThreadPrimitive.If empty={false}> <ThreadPrimitive.If running={false}> <Button variant="outline" className="mb-4" onClick={() => threads.switchToNewThread()}> Start new chat </Button> </ThreadPrimitive.If> </ThreadPrimitive.If> <MyComposer setActive={setHideWelcome} /> <MySuggestedPromptsInitial /> <MySuggestedPrompts /> </div> </ThreadPrimitive.Viewport> </ThreadPrimitive.Root> ); }; const MySuggestedPromptsInitial: FC = () => { const chatConfig = useChatConfig(); return ( <ThreadPrimitive.If empty={true}> {chatConfig.suggestedQueries && ( <div className="mt-4 text-center"> {chatConfig.suggestedQueries.map((query) => ( <ThreadPrimitive.Suggestion prompt={query} method="replace" autoSend asChild key={query}> <Button variant="outline" className="flex-1 py-1 md:py-2 mr-2 mb-2"> {query} </Button> </ThreadPrimitive.Suggestion> ))} </div> )} </ThreadPrimitive.If> ); }; const MySuggestedPrompts: FC = () => { const lastMessage = useThread((t) => t.messages.at(-1)); const annotation: any = lastMessage?.metadata?.unstable_annotations?.find((a: any) => a.type === "suggested-prompts"); const suggestions = annotation?.data; if (!suggestions) return null; return ( <div className="mt-4 text-center"> {suggestions.map((query) => ( <ThreadPrimitive.Suggestion prompt={query} method="replace" autoSend asChild key={query}> <Button variant="outline" className="flex-1 py-1 md:py-2 mr-2 mb-2"> {query} </Button> </ThreadPrimitive.Suggestion> ))} </div> ); }; const MyThreadScrollToBottom: FC = () => { return ( <ThreadPrimitive.ScrollToBottom asChild> <TooltipIconButton tooltip="Scroll to bottom" variant="outline" className="absolute -top-8 rounded-full disabled:invisible" > <ArrowDownIcon /> </TooltipIconButton> </ThreadPrimitive.ScrollToBottom> ); }; const MyThreadWelcome: FC<{ hideWelcome: boolean }> = ({ hideWelcome }) => { const chatConfig = useChatConfig(); return ( <div className={cn( "flex flex-col items-center justify-center transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out", hideWelcome ? "max-h-0 mb-0 opacity-0 scale-95 pointer-events-none" : "max-h-[200px] mb-8 opacity-100 scale-100" )} > <div className="flex flex-col items-center"> {chatConfig.logoUrl && <Image src={chatConfig.logoUrl} alt="Logo" width={40} height={40} />} {!chatConfig.logoUrl && ( <Avatar> <AvatarFallback>C</AvatarFallback> </Avatar> )} <p className="mt-4 font-medium">{chatConfig.welcomeMessage || "What do you want to know?"}</p> </div> </div> ); }; interface MyComposerProps { setActive: (focus: boolean) => void; } export const MyComposer: FC<MyComposerProps> = ({ setActive }) => { const [searchResults, setSearchResults] = useState<any[]>([]); // NB: searchValue is used only for the search results, the AI chat stores internally in ComposerPrimitive.Input const [searchValue, setSearchValue] = useState(""); const [debouncedValue] = useDebounce(searchValue, 200); const handleSearch = useCallback(async (query: string) => { if (query.length < 3) { setSearchResults([]); return; } try { const response = await fetch("/chat/ui/api/search", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ query }), }); const data = await response.json(); setSearchResults(data.results || []); } catch (error) { console.error("Search error:", error); setSearchResults([]); } }, []); // Effect to trigger search when debounced value changes React.useEffect(() => { handleSearch(debouncedValue); }, [debouncedValue, handleSearch]); const handleInputChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>) => { setSearchValue(e.target.value); setActive(true); }; const handleSubmit = () => { setSearchResults([]); setSearchValue(""); }; return ( <> <ComposerPrimitive.Root className="focus-within:border-aui-ring/20 flex w-full flex-wrap items-end rounded-lg border bg-inherit px-2.5 shadow-sm transition-colors ease-in"> <ComposerPrimitive.Input autoFocus placeholder="Ask a question or search" rows={1} onChange={handleInputChange} onClick={() => setActive(true)} className="placeholder:text-muted-foreground max-h-40 flex-grow resize-none border-none bg-transparent px-2 py-4 text-sm outline-none focus:ring-0 disabled:cursor-not-allowed" /> <ThreadPrimitive.If running={false}> <ComposerPrimitive.Send asChild onClick={handleSubmit}> <TooltipIconButton tooltip="Send" variant="default" className="my-2.5 size-8 p-2 transition-opacity ease-in" > <SendHorizontalIcon /> </TooltipIconButton> </ComposerPrimitive.Send> </ThreadPrimitive.If> <ThreadPrimitive.If running> <ComposerPrimitive.Cancel asChild> <TooltipIconButton tooltip="Cancel" variant="default" className="my-2.5 size-8 p-2 transition-opacity ease-in" > <CircleStopIcon /> </TooltipIconButton> </ComposerPrimitive.Cancel> </ThreadPrimitive.If> </ComposerPrimitive.Root> <ThreadPrimitive.If empty> {searchValue && searchResults.length > 0 && ( <> <div className="w-full text-sm text-muted-foreground mt-2 ml-6 flex items-center"> Submit to ask AI <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M15.5 9.00001V15H8.5M8.5 15L9.5 14M8.5 15L9.5 16M13 5H17.5C18.0523 5 18.5 5.44772 18.5 6V18C18.5 18.5523 18.0523 19 17.5 19H6.5C5.94772 19 5.5 18.5523 5.5 18V12C5.5 11.4477 5.94772 11 6.5 11H12V6C12 5.44771 12.4477 5 13 5Z" stroke="#464455" strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round" /> </svg> </div> </> )} <SearchResults results={searchResults} /> </ThreadPrimitive.If> </> ); }; const MyUserMessage: FC = () => { return ( <MessagePrimitive.Root className="grid w-full max-w-4xl auto-rows-auto grid-cols-[minmax(72px,1fr)_auto] gap-y-2 py-4"> <MyUserActionBar /> <div className="bg-muted text-foreground col-start-2 row-start-1 break-words rounded-3xl px-5 py-2.5"> <MessagePrimitive.Content /> </div> <MyBranchPicker className="col-span-full col-start-1 row-start-2 -mr-1 justify-end" /> </MessagePrimitive.Root> ); }; const MyUserActionBar: FC = () => { return ( <ActionBarPrimitive.Root hideWhenRunning autohide="not-last" className="col-start-1 mr-3 mt-2.5 flex flex-col items-end" > <ActionBarPrimitive.Edit asChild> <TooltipIconButton tooltip="Edit"> <PencilIcon /> </TooltipIconButton> </ActionBarPrimitive.Edit> </ActionBarPrimitive.Root> ); }; const MyEditComposer: FC = () => { return ( <ComposerPrimitive.Root className="bg-muted my-4 flex w-full max-w-2xl flex-col gap-2 rounded-xl"> <ComposerPrimitive.Input className="text-foreground flex h-8 w-full resize-none border-none bg-transparent p-4 pb-0 outline-none focus:ring-0" /> <div className="mx-3 mb-3 flex items-center justify-center gap-2 self-end"> <ComposerPrimitive.Cancel asChild> <Button variant="ghost">Cancel</Button> </ComposerPrimitive.Cancel> <ComposerPrimitive.Send asChild> <Button>Send</Button> </ComposerPrimitive.Send> </div> </ComposerPrimitive.Root> ); }; const MyAssistantMessage: FC = () => { const message = useMessage(); const annotation: any = message?.metadata?.unstable_annotations?.find((a: any) => a.type === "sources"); const sources = annotation?.data; // Show skeleton loading state when message is empty if (!message?.content?.length && !annotation) { return ( <div className="relative grid w-full max-w-4xl grid-cols-[auto_auto_1fr] grid-rows-[auto_1fr] py-4"> <Avatar className="col-start-1 row-span-full row-start-1 mr-4"> <AvatarFallback>AI</AvatarFallback> </Avatar> <div className="col-span-2 col-start-2 space-y-3"> <Skeleton className="h-4 w-3/4" /> <Skeleton className="h-4 w-1/2" /> <Skeleton className="h-4 w-2/3" /> </div> </div> ); } return ( <div className="relative grid w-full max-w-4xl grid-cols-[auto_auto_1fr] grid-rows-[auto_1fr] py-4"> <Avatar className="col-start-1 row-span-full row-start-1 mr-4"> <AvatarFallback>AI</AvatarFallback> </Avatar> <div className="text-foreground col-span-2 col-start-2 row-start-1 my-1.5 break-words leading-7"> {annotation && <SourceBoxList sources={sources} />} </div> <MessagePrimitive.Root> <div className="text-foreground col-span-2 col-start-2 row-start-1 my-1.5 break-words leading-7"> <MessagePrimitive.Content components={{ Text: MarkdownText }} /> </div> <MyAssistantActionBar /> <MyBranchPicker className="col-start-2 row-start-2 -ml-2 mr-2" /> </MessagePrimitive.Root> </div> ); }; const MyAssistantActionBar: FC = () => { return ( <ActionBarPrimitive.Root hideWhenRunning autohide="not-last" autohideFloat="single-branch" className="text-muted-foreground data-[floating]:bg-background col-start-3 row-start-2 -ml-1 flex gap-1 data-[floating]:absolute data-[floating]:rounded-md data-[floating]:border data-[floating]:p-1 data-[floating]:shadow-sm" > {/* <MessagePrimitive.If speaking={false}> <ActionBarPrimitive.Speak asChild> <TooltipIconButton tooltip="Read aloud"> <AudioLinesIcon /> </TooltipIconButton> </ActionBarPrimitive.Speak> </MessagePrimitive.If> <MessagePrimitive.If speaking> <ActionBarPrimitive.StopSpeaking asChild> <TooltipIconButton tooltip="Stop"> <StopCircleIcon /> </TooltipIconButton> </ActionBarPrimitive.StopSpeaking> </MessagePrimitive.If>*/} <ActionBarPrimitive.Copy asChild> <TooltipIconButton tooltip="Copy"> <MessagePrimitive.If copied> <CheckIcon /> </MessagePrimitive.If> <MessagePrimitive.If copied={false}> <CopyIcon /> </MessagePrimitive.If> </TooltipIconButton> </ActionBarPrimitive.Copy> <ActionBarPrimitive.Reload asChild> <TooltipIconButton tooltip="Refresh"> <RefreshCwIcon /> </TooltipIconButton> </ActionBarPrimitive.Reload> </ActionBarPrimitive.Root> ); }; const MyBranchPicker: FC<any> = ({ className, ...rest }) => { return ( <BranchPickerPrimitive.Root hideWhenSingleBranch className={cn("text-muted-foreground inline-flex items-center text-xs", className)} {...rest} > <BranchPickerPrimitive.Previous asChild> <TooltipIconButton tooltip="Previous"> <ChevronLeftIcon /> </TooltipIconButton> </BranchPickerPrimitive.Previous> <span className="font-medium"> <BranchPickerPrimitive.Number /> / <BranchPickerPrimitive.Count /> </span> <BranchPickerPrimitive.Next asChild> <TooltipIconButton tooltip="Next"> <ChevronRightIcon /> </TooltipIconButton> </BranchPickerPrimitive.Next> </BranchPickerPrimitive.Root> ); }; const CircleStopIcon = () => { return ( <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" width="16" height="16"> <rect width="10" height="10" x="3" y="3" rx="2" /> </svg> ); };