
by madarco
import { openai } from "@ai-sdk/openai"; import db from "@repo/db"; import { and, eq } from "@repo/db/drizzle"; import { Chat, chatsTable, messagesTable, NewChat, Message as DbMessage, NewMessage as DbNewMessage, } from "@repo/db/schema"; import { Source } from "@repo/design/components/chat/source-box"; import { logger } from "@repo/logger"; import { getPrompt, getRagRetriever } from "@repo/rag/answering/llamaindex"; import { Metadata, MetadataMode } from "@repo/rag/llamaindex.mjs"; import { appendClientMessage, createDataStreamResponse, createIdGenerator, generateId, Message, smoothStream, streamText, TextPart, } from "ai"; import { loadMessages, ResponseMessage, saveMessages } from "./db"; export const maxDuration = 30; export async function POST(req: Request, res: Response) { // get the last message from the client: const { message, id, userChatId }: { message: Message; id: string; userChatId: string } = await req.json(); message.content = message.content.slice(0, 1000); // limit the message to 1000 characters const [userId, chatId] = userChatId.split("-"); const ip = req.headers.get("x-forwarded-for") || req.headers.get("x-real-ip") || req.headers.get("cf-connecting-ip"); // load the previous messages from the server: let messages = await loadMessages(userId, chatId); return createDataStreamResponse({ execute: async (dataStream) => { const retriever = await getRagRetriever(); const relevantSources = await retriever.retrieve({ query: message.content, }); let content = []; let sources = []; let suggestedPrompts = new Set<string>(); for (const source of relevantSources) { const metadata: Metadata = source.node.metadata; sources.push({ url: metadata.pageUrl, title: metadata.pageTitle, abstract: metadata.pageDescription?.slice(0, 100), score: Number(source.score.toFixed(2)), } as Source); let text = "--- \n"; text += "Source: " + metadata.pageTitle + "\n"; text += "URL: " + metadata.pageUrl + "\n"; text += source.node.getContent(MetadataMode.NONE) + "\n"; content.push(text); // Pick the first question: const question = source.node.metadata.questions?.[0]; suggestedPrompts.add(question); } // Send to UI as a message annotation: const sourcesAnnotation = { type: "sources", data: sources, }; // TODO: this is cleaner in the frontend, but will be sent only when the first chunk is answered by AI: dataStream.writeMessageAnnotation(sourcesAnnotation); // Add context to the messages: const assistantMessage: Message = { id: generateId(), role: "assistant", content: "Use the following information to answer the question: " + content.slice(0, 3).join("\n"), }; messages = [...messages, assistantMessage]; // append the new message: messages = appendClientMessage({ messages, message, }); const savePromise = saveMessages(chatId, userId, ip, 1, message, assistantMessage, null, { sources: sourcesAnnotation, }); const result = streamText({ model: openai("gpt-4o-mini"), system: getPrompt(), //experimental_transform: smoothStream(), messages, // id format for server-side messages: experimental_generateMessageId: createIdGenerator({ prefix: "msgs", size: 16, }), async onFinish({ response }) { // Send the questions extracted previously: const suggestedPromptsAnnotation = { type: "suggested-prompts", data: Array.from(suggestedPrompts).reverse().slice(0, 3), }; dataStream.writeMessageAnnotation(suggestedPromptsAnnotation); // Save the chat: await savePromise; await saveMessages(chatId, userId, ip, 1, null, null, response.messages as ResponseMessage[], { sources: sourcesAnnotation, suggestedPrompts: suggestedPromptsAnnotation, }); }, }); result.mergeIntoDataStream(dataStream); }, }); }