
by madarco
# RagRabbit Site AI Search, LLMs.txt, MCP Server that crawls your site. Easy to fork an customize and deployed on Vercel. [![Deploy with Vercel](https://vercel.com/button)](https://vercel.com/new/clone?repository-url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fmadarco%2Fragrabbit&env=OPENAI_API_KEY,AUTH_USERNAME,AUTH_PASSWORD,AUTH_SECRET&envDescription=Get%20an%20OpenAI%20Api%20Key%20and%20set%20AUTH_USERNAME%20and%20AUTH_PASSWORD%20to%20the%20desired%20credentials%20to%20secure%20the%20admin%20section.%20Also%20be%20sure%20to%20enable%20the%20Postgres%20database%20integration&envLink=https%3A%2F%2Fplatform.openai.com%2Fapi-keys&demo-title=RagRabbit%20-%20AI%20Site%20Search%20and%20LLM.txt&demo-description=Site%20AI%20Search%20and%20LLM.txt%20in%20Minutes%2C%20Open%20Source%20with%201%20Click%20Deploy%20on%20Vercel.&demo-url=https%3A%2F%2Fragrabbit.vercel.app%2F&demo-image=https%3A%2F%2Fragrabbit.vercel.app%2Fopengraph-image.png&stores=%5B%7B%22type%22%3A%22postgres%22%7D%5D&root-directory=apps/saas) ![RagRabbit Demo](./apps/docs/public/ragrabbit_small.gif) ## How it works [RagRabbit](https://github.com/madarco/ragrabbit) is a [Next.js](https://nextjs.org/) [Turborepo](https://turbo.build/repo) app that uses [Llamaindex](https://github.com/run-llama/LlamaIndexTS) with [pgVector](https://github.com/pgvector/pgvector). It provides: - chat widget that you can embed in your site - crawler that scrapes your site recursively and converts the pages to markdown - exposes a LLM.txt file autogenerated from your content - MCP Server to use with Claude Desktop or Cursor to give access to your documentation ### Features - Crawl any url/website - Convert the pages to markdown - Generate Vector embeddings on PostgreSQL pgVector - AI Search and Answers from your content - Embeddable widget with a simple javascript snippet - Generate a LLM.txt and LLM-full.txt files - MCP Server with the @ragrabbit/mcp package for Claude Desktop, Cursor, etc. - Supports user/password, magic link, github login - Open Source, customizable - 1 Click Deploy on Vercel ### Demo View [RagRabbit Demo Page](https://ragrabbit.vercel.app/widget/demo) ![RagRabbit Demo](./apps/docs/public/ragrabbit_demo.png) ## Install To install on Vercel: [![Deploy with Vercel](https://vercel.com/button)](https://vercel.com/new/clone?repository-url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fmadarco%2Fragrabbit&env=OPENAI_API_KEY,AUTH_USERNAME,AUTH_PASSWORD,AUTH_SECRET&envDescription=Get%20an%20OpenAI%20Api%20Key%20and%20set%20AUTH_USERNAME%20and%20AUTH_PASSWORD%20to%20the%20desired%20credentials%20to%20secure%20the%20admin%20section.%20Also%20be%20sure%20to%20enable%20the%20Postgres%20database%20integration&envLink=https%3A%2F%2Fplatform.openai.com%2Fapi-keys&demo-title=RagRabbit%20-%20AI%20Site%20Search%20and%20LLM.txt&demo-description=Site%20AI%20Search%20and%20LLM.txt%20in%20Minutes%2C%20Open%20Source%20with%201%20Click%20Deploy%20on%20Vercel.&demo-url=https%3A%2F%2Fragrabbit.vercel.app%2F&demo-image=https%3A%2F%2Fragrabbit.vercel.app%2Fopengraph-image.png&stores=%5B%7B%22type%22%3A%22postgres%22%7D%5D&root-directory=apps/saas) Requirements: - Node.js 20.x - PostgreSQL w/ pgVector - OpenAI API Key - (Optional) Trigger.dev API Key ## Configuration Set the following environment variables: - OPENAI_API_KEY For username/password login: - ADMIN_USER - ADMIN_PASSWORD For email login: - RESEND_AUTH=true To restrict access to those emails: RESEND_ALLOWED_EMAILS="test@test.com,foo@bar.com" To not send emails but logs the login link instead (in Vercel logs): SIMULATE_EMAILS=true See [.env.example](./apps/saas/.env.example) for the complete list. # How to use Use the Indexing section to add a new url/website to index, either a single url or a website to crawl recursively: ![RagRabbit Indexing](./apps/docs/public/ragrabbit_indexing.png) ![RagRabbit Crawl Modal](./apps/docs/public/ragrabbit_crawl_modal.png) Then start the Job Runner (keep the tab open until it finish) ![RagRabbit Job Runner](./apps/docs/public/ragrabbit_job_runner.png) In the LLM.txt section you can preview the generated LLM.txt file: ![RagRabbit LLM.txt](./apps/docs/public/ragrabbit_llm_txt.png) You can then embed the widget in your site with the following snippet: ## Chat Button Embed a button at the bottom of your page: ``` <script src="https://<your deployed app>/widget.js"></script> ``` ![RagRabbit Embed Widget Button](./apps/docs/public/ragrabbit_button.png) ## Chat Widget Insert a search input anwhere in your page: ![RagRabbit Widget](./apps/docs/public/ragrabbit_search_field.png) ``` <script src="https://ragrabbit.com/widget.js?type=search"></script> <ragrabbit-search></ragrabbit-search> ``` ## To use with React.js ```typescript "use client"; import Script from "next/script"; export function RagRabbitSearch() { return ( <> <Script src="/widget.js?type=search" strategy="lazyOnload" /> <style>{` ragrabbit-search .ragrabbit-search-input { padding: 6px 12px; } `}</style> <div className="ml-auto min-w-[300px] flex-1 sm:flex-initial"> {/* @ts-ignore - Custom element will be mounted by external script */} <ragrabbit-search></ragrabbit-search> </div> </> ); } ``` ## MPC Server The MCP Server allows any supported AI Clients to retrieve pages from your documentation using semantic search. ### Claude Desktop Add a custom mcp server with the name of your product, so that Claude AI can use it when looking for info about it. in `claude_desktop_config.json` (Claude -> Settings -> Developer -> Edit Config) ``` { "mcpServers": { "<name of your documentation>": { "command": "npx", "args": ["@ragrabbit/mcp", "http://<RagRabbit install>/", "<name of your documentation>"] } } } ``` ### In Cursor IDE Go to Cursor -> Settings -> Cursor Settings -> MCP And add a new MCP of type `command` with the command: ``` npx @ragrabbit/mcp", "http://<RagRabbit install>/", "<name of your documentation>" ``` Arguments: - `ragrabbit-url`: (Required) The base URL of your RagRabbit instance, eg https://my-ragrabbit.vercel.com/ - `name`: (Required) Custom name for the documentation search service (defaults to "RagRabbit") so that AI will know to use it when looking for info ## Configuration Options ### Chat button You can configure the chat button by adding the following parameters to the widget.js script tag: #### buttonText ``` <script src="https://ragrabbit.com/widget.js?buttonText=Ask%20AI"></script> ``` ### Search widget You can configure the search widget by adding the following parameters and use the mountSearch call: #### searchPlaceholder ``` <div id="search-container"></div> <script> window.mountSearch("search-container", { searchPlaceholder: "Search documentation..." }); </script> ``` ## Development ```bash # Start the db (Docker needed) pnpm dev:utils # Starts postgresql with pgvector, Storybook and Drizzle ORM Studio # Start the app cd apps/saas pnpm dev ``` ### Directory structure: RagRabbit is a monorepo with Turborepo a Next.js app and a modular design with separate packages. ``` apps/ ├── docs -> the documentation site ├── saas -> the main application └── web -> the web site packages/ ├── db -> the database with Drizzle ORM ├── auth -> the authentication with Auth.js ├── core -> shared utils ├── design -> the design system ├── rag -> the LLM and RAG package with LlamaIndexTS ├── jobs -> job runner with Trigger.dev └── storybook -> a Next.js Storybook app .cursorrules -> Fine tuned Cursor rules with all the locations to work with the monorepo ``` # Author [Marco D'Alia](https://www.madarco.net) - [@madarco](https://x.com/madarco) - [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcodalia/) # License MIT