MCP Filesystem Python

by punkpeye
MIT License
  • Apple
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  • src
#!/usr/bin/env node import { Server } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js"; import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js"; import { CallToolRequestSchema, ErrorCode, ListToolsRequestSchema, McpError, } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js"; import { exec } from "child_process"; import { promisify } from "util"; import axios, { AxiosError } from "axios"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url" import { dirname, join } from "path" import { readFileSync } from "fs" const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url) const __dirname = dirname(__filename) const packageJson = JSON.parse( readFileSync(join(__dirname, "..", "package.json"), "utf-8") ); const execAsync = promisify(exec); interface DocResult { description?: string; usage?: string; example?: string; error?: string; } interface GoDocArgs { package: string; symbol?: string; } interface PythonDocArgs { package: string; symbol?: string; } interface NpmDocArgs { package: string; version?: string; } const isGoDocArgs = (args: unknown): args is GoDocArgs => { return ( typeof args === "object" && args !== null && typeof (args as GoDocArgs).package === "string" && (typeof (args as GoDocArgs).symbol === "string" || (args as GoDocArgs).symbol === undefined) ); }; const isPythonDocArgs = (args: unknown): args is PythonDocArgs => { return ( typeof args === "object" && args !== null && typeof (args as PythonDocArgs).package === "string" && (typeof (args as PythonDocArgs).symbol === "string" || (args as PythonDocArgs).symbol === undefined) ); }; const isNpmDocArgs = (args: unknown): args is NpmDocArgs => { return ( typeof args === "object" && args !== null && typeof (args as NpmDocArgs).package === "string" && (typeof (args as NpmDocArgs).version === "string" || (args as NpmDocArgs).version === undefined) ); }; class PackageDocsServer { private server: Server; private cache: Map<string, DocResult>; constructor() { this.server = new Server( { name: "mcp-package-docs", version: packageJson.version, }, { capabilities: { tools: {}, }, }, ); this.cache = new Map(); this.setupToolHandlers(); this.server.onerror = (error) => console.error("[MCP Error]", error); process.on("SIGINT", async () => { await this.server.close(); process.exit(0); }); } private setupToolHandlers() { this.server.setRequestHandler(ListToolsRequestSchema, async () => ({ tools: [ { name: "lookup_go_doc", description: "Look up Go package documentation", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { package: { type: "string", description: "Full package import path (e.g. encoding/json)", }, symbol: { type: "string", description: "Optional symbol name to look up specific documentation", }, }, required: ["package"], }, }, { name: "lookup_python_doc", description: "Look up Python package documentation", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { package: { type: "string", description: "Package name (e.g. requests)", }, symbol: { type: "string", description: "Optional symbol name to look up specific documentation", }, }, required: ["package"], }, }, { name: "lookup_npm_doc", description: "Look up NPM package documentation", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { package: { type: "string", description: "Package name (e.g. axios)", }, version: { type: "string", description: "Optional package version", }, }, required: ["package"], }, }, ], })); this.server.setRequestHandler(CallToolRequestSchema, async (request) => { if (!request.params.arguments) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, "Arguments are required"); } const cacheKey = JSON.stringify(request.params); const cachedResult = this.cache.get(cacheKey); if (cachedResult) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(cachedResult, null, 2) }, ], }; } let result: DocResult; switch ( { case "lookup_go_doc": if (!isGoDocArgs(request.params.arguments)) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, "Invalid arguments for Go documentation lookup", ); } result = await this.lookupGoDoc( request.params.arguments.package, request.params.arguments.symbol, ); break; case "lookup_python_doc": if (!isPythonDocArgs(request.params.arguments)) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, "Invalid arguments for Python documentation lookup", ); } result = await this.lookupPythonDoc( request.params.arguments.package, request.params.arguments.symbol, ); break; case "lookup_npm_doc": if (!isNpmDocArgs(request.params.arguments)) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, "Invalid arguments for NPM documentation lookup", ); } result = await this.lookupNpmDoc( request.params.arguments.package, request.params.arguments.version, ); break; default: throw new McpError( ErrorCode.MethodNotFound, `Unknown tool: ${}`, ); } this.cache.set(cacheKey, result); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(result, null, 2) }], }; }); } private async lookupGoDoc( packageName: string, symbol?: string, ): Promise<DocResult> { try { const cmd = symbol ? `go doc ${packageName}.${symbol}` : `go doc ${packageName}`; const { stdout } = await execAsync(cmd); // Parse the go doc output into a structured format const lines = stdout.split("\n"); const result: DocResult = {}; let section: "description" | "usage" | "example" = "description"; let content: string[] = []; for (const line of lines) { if (line.startsWith("func") || line.startsWith("type")) { if (content.length > 0) { result[section] = content.join("\n").trim(); } section = "usage"; content = [line]; } else if (line.includes("Example")) { if (content.length > 0) { result[section] = content.join("\n").trim(); } section = "example"; content = []; } else { content.push(line); } } if (content.length > 0) { result[section] = content.join("\n").trim(); } return result; } catch (error) { const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error); return { error: `Failed to fetch Go documentation: ${errorMessage}`, }; } } private async lookupPythonDoc( packageName: string, symbol?: string, ): Promise<DocResult> { try { const pythonCode = symbol ? ` import ${packageName} help(${packageName}.${symbol}) ` : ` import ${packageName} help(${packageName}) `; const { stdout } = await execAsync(`python3 -c "${pythonCode}"`); // Parse the Python help output into a structured format const lines = stdout.split("\n"); const result: DocResult = {}; let section: "description" | "usage" | "example" = "description"; let content: string[] = []; for (const line of lines) { if (line.startsWith("class") || line.startsWith("def")) { if (content.length > 0) { result[section] = content.join("\n").trim(); } section = "usage"; content = [line]; } else if (line.includes("Examples:") || line.includes("Example:")) { if (content.length > 0) { result[section] = content.join("\n").trim(); } section = "example"; content = []; } else { content.push(line); } } if (content.length > 0) { result[section] = content.join("\n").trim(); } return result; } catch (error) { const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error); return { error: `Failed to fetch Python documentation: ${errorMessage}`, }; } } private async lookupNpmDoc( packageName: string, version?: string, ): Promise<DocResult> { try { // Fetch package info from npm registry const response = await axios.get( `${packageName}${version ? `/${version}` : ""}`, ); const { description, readme } =; const result: DocResult = { description, }; if (readme) { // Extract usage and examples from README const sections = readme.split(/#+\s/); for (const section of sections) { const lower = section.toLowerCase(); if ( lower.startsWith("usage") || lower.startsWith("getting started") ) { result.usage = section.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n").trim(); } else if (lower.startsWith("example")) { result.example = section.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n").trim(); } } } return result; } catch (error) { const errorMessage = error instanceof AxiosError ? error.response?.data?.message || error.message : String(error); return { error: `Failed to fetch NPM documentation: ${errorMessage}`, }; } } async run() { const transport = new StdioServerTransport(); await this.server.connect(transport); console.error("Package Docs MCP server running on stdio, version:", packageJson.version); } } const server = new PackageDocsServer();;