by seanivore
- docs
# MD-PDF-MCP Specification
## API
### convert_markdown
Converts a markdown document to PDF using VS Code styling.
"markdown": str, # Markdown content to convert
"output_path": str, # Where to save the PDF
"success": bool, # Whether conversion succeeded
"path": str, # Path to generated PDF if successful
"error": str # Error message if failed
## Implementation Details
### Dependencies
- reportlab: PDF generation
- MCP Python SDK: Protocol implementation
### Processing Flow
1. Parse markdown text
2. Apply VS Code styling (via ReportLab styles)
3. Generate PDF using ReportLab
4. Return result via MCP response
### Error Handling
- Invalid markdown: Return parse error
- PDF generation failure: Return error message
- File system errors: Return IO error message
### Style Conversion
VS Code's markdown.css styles are converted to ReportLab's format while maintaining:
- Typography
- Spacing
- Colors
- Element styling
## Resources
- VS Code's markdown.css: `/docs/markdown.css`
-'s ReportLab:
- MCP Python SDK Template Walkthrough:
1. Go to `cd ~/Development/mcp-guides-docs-framework/create-python-server`
2. Run `uvx create-mcp-server`
3. Follow the step by step instructions.
- Python MCP SDK README ToC Request Files You Need — OR try llm-context tool:
Command Tool Guide: `~/Development/`
- Inspect Server Connection & Debug MCP Workflow
- MCP Core Concepts:
- Guide for LLMs Building MCP Servers:
- See if Fetch MCP is potentially better than the *web-browser-mcp-server*