MCP TemplateIO

import { MCPTool } from "mcp-framework"; import { ImageContent } from "mcp-framework/dist/transports/utils/image-handler.js"; import { z } from "zod"; interface ImageGenInput { templateId: string; photoBgImageUrl: string; bgYellowImageUrl: string; buildText: string; } class TemplatedImageTool extends MCPTool<ImageGenInput> { name = "templated-image-generator"; description = "Generates an image using with a given template and dynamic assets. This returns a base64 image that should be displayed in the client"; schema = { templateId: { type: z.string(), description: "The template ID to use." }, photoBgImageUrl: { type: z.string().url(), description: "URL for the image to place in the 'photo-bg' layer." }, bgYellowImageUrl: { type: z.string().url(), description: "URL for the image to place in the 'bg-yellow' layer." }, buildText: { type: z.string(), description: "Text content for the 'build' text layer." } }; public async execute(params: { templateId: string; photoBgImageUrl: string; bgYellowImageUrl: string; buildText: string; }): Promise<ImageContent> { const { templateId, photoBgImageUrl, bgYellowImageUrl, buildText } = params; const requestBody = { template: templateId, layers: { "photo-bg": { image_url: photoBgImageUrl }, "bg-yellow": { image_url: bgYellowImageUrl }, "build": { text: buildText, color: "rgb(0, 0, 0)" } } }; const response = await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': `Bearer ${process.env.TEMPLATED_API_KEY}` }, body: JSON.stringify(requestBody) }); if (!response.ok) { const errorText = await response.text(); throw new Error(`Templated API request failed: ${response.status} ${response.statusText} - ${errorText}`); } const result = await response.json(); const imageResponse = await fetch(result.url); if (!imageResponse.ok) { throw new Error(`Failed to download image: ${imageResponse.status} ${imageResponse.statusText}`); } const imageBuffer = await imageResponse.arrayBuffer(); const base64Image = Buffer.from(imageBuffer).toString('base64'); return { type: "image", data: base64Image, mimeType: "image/jpeg" }; } } export default TemplatedImageTool;