Alchemy MCP Plugin


Get NFT sales data for a contract or specific NFT

Input Schema

contractAddressNoThe contract address of the NFT collection
fromBlockNoStarting block number for the query
marketplaceNoFilter by marketplace (e.g., 'seaport', 'wyvern')
orderNoOrder of results (ascending or descending)
pageKeyNoKey for pagination
pageSizeNoNumber of results per page
toBlockNoEnding block number for the query
tokenIdNoThe token ID of the specific NFT

Input Schema (JSON Schema)

{ "properties": { "contractAddress": { "description": "The contract address of the NFT collection", "type": "string" }, "fromBlock": { "description": "Starting block number for the query", "type": "number" }, "marketplace": { "description": "Filter by marketplace (e.g., 'seaport', 'wyvern')", "type": "string" }, "order": { "description": "Order of results (ascending or descending)", "enum": [ "asc", "desc" ], "type": "string" }, "pageKey": { "description": "Key for pagination", "type": "string" }, "pageSize": { "description": "Number of results per page", "type": "number" }, "toBlock": { "description": "Ending block number for the query", "type": "number" }, "tokenId": { "description": "The token ID of the specific NFT", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }