Zig MCP Server
by openSVM
- docs
# MCP-Server-Jira Documentation
## Overview
MCP-Server-Jira implements the Model Context Protocol (MCP) for Jira integration, enabling seamless resource access and manipulation through a standardized interface.
## Resource Types
### Jira Issue
mimeType: "application/vnd.jira.issue+json",
attributes: ["summary", "description", "status", ...]
### Jira Project
mimeType: "application/vnd.jira.project+json",
attributes: ["key", "name", "description", ...]
## API Endpoints
### Resources
- `GET /resources/:uri` - Retrieve resource
- `POST /resources/list` - List resources with filtering
- `PATCH /resources/:uri` - Update resource
- `DELETE /resources/:uri` - Delete resource
### Relationships
- `POST /resources/:uri/relationships` - Create relationship
### Inspector
- `GET /mcp-inspector` - Get server metadata and capabilities
## Authentication
Uses Jira API token authentication. Configure in `.env`:
## Error Handling
- 400: Validation errors
- 404: Resource not found
- 500: Internal server error
Error response format:
"error": {
"code": "ERROR_CODE",
"message": "Error description"