by tadata-org
- tests
Tests for the fastapi_mcp server module.
This tests the creation and mounting of MCP servers to FastAPI applications.
from fastapi import FastAPI
from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP
from fastapi_mcp import create_mcp_server, add_mcp_server
def test_create_mcp_server():
"""Test creating an MCP server from a FastAPI app."""
app = FastAPI(title="Test App", description="Test Description")
# Test with default parameters
mcp_server = create_mcp_server(app)
assert isinstance(mcp_server, FastMCP), "Should return a FastMCP instance"
assert == "Test App", "Server name should match app title"
assert mcp_server.instructions == "Test Description", "Server description should match app description"
# Test with custom parameters
custom_mcp_server = create_mcp_server(app, name="Custom Name", description="Custom Description")
assert == "Custom Name", "Server name should match provided name"
assert custom_mcp_server.instructions == "Custom Description", (
"Server description should match provided description"
def test_server_configuration():
"""Test that server configuration options are properly set."""
app = FastAPI(title="Test API")
# Test default configuration
mcp_server = create_mcp_server(app)
assert mcp_server._tool_manager is not None, "Tool manager should be created"
assert mcp_server._resource_manager is not None, "Resource manager should be created"
assert mcp_server._prompt_manager is not None, "Prompt manager should be created"
# Test custom tool registration
async def test_tool():
"""Test tool"""
return "Test result"
tools = mcp_server._tool_manager.list_tools()
test_tool = next((t for t in tools if == "test_tool"), None) # noqa: F811
assert test_tool is not None, "Custom tool should be registered"
assert test_tool.description == "Test tool", "Tool description should be preserved"
assert test_tool.is_async is True, "Async tools should be detected correctly"
def test_add_mcp_server_components():
"""Test that add_mcp_server correctly adds all components."""
app = FastAPI()
# Test with default parameters
mcp_server = add_mcp_server(app, serve_tools=False) # Don't actually serve tools to avoid server setup
assert isinstance(mcp_server, FastMCP), "Should return a FastMCP instance"
assert mcp_server._mcp_server is not None, "MCP server should be created"
# Test custom tool addition
async def test_tool():
"""Test tool"""
return "Test result"
tools = [ for t in mcp_server._tool_manager.list_tools()]
assert "test_tool" in tools, "Custom tool should be registered"