PyGithub MCP Server
by AstroMined
- tests
- unit
"""Unit tests for main module.
These tests verify that the main module works correctly.
import pytest
import sys
import importlib
from contextlib import contextmanager
from io import StringIO
from pygithub_mcp_server import __main__
def capture_stdout():
"""Capture stdout for testing."""
# Create StringIO object to capture output
new_stdout = StringIO()
# Save current stdout
old_stdout = sys.stdout
# Replace stdout with our StringIO object
sys.stdout = new_stdout
# Yield the StringIO object for testing
yield new_stdout
# Restore original stdout
sys.stdout = old_stdout
def patched_create_server(monkeypatch):
"""Patch create_server function for testing."""
# Define a test server
class TestServer:
def __init__(self):
self.is_running = False
def run(self):
self.is_running = True
# Print to stdout to verify it's called
print("Server is running")
# Create a server instance
server = TestServer()
# Patch the create_server function
monkeypatch.setattr('pygithub_mcp_server.__main__.create_server', lambda: server)
# Return the server instance for assertion
return server
def test_main_function(patched_create_server):
"""Test that main function creates and runs a server."""
# Capture stdout
with capture_stdout() as stdout:
# Call main function
# Verify the server was run
assert patched_create_server.is_running is True
assert "Server is running" in stdout.getvalue()
def test_main_execution(monkeypatch):
"""Test main module execution."""
# Create a simpler test that directly checks if the module runs main when __name__ == "__main__"
# Keep track if main was called
main_called = False
# Define a mock main function that tracks execution
def mock_main():
nonlocal main_called
main_called = True
# Create a temporary copy of the __main__ module content
from pygithub_mcp_server import __main__ as main_module
# Save original __name__ and main function
original_name = main_module.__name__
original_main = main_module.main
# Patch the main function
monkeypatch.setattr(main_module, 'main', mock_main)
# Set __name__ to "__main__" to simulate direct execution
monkeypatch.setattr(main_module, '__name__', "__main__")
# Execute the module level code without importing it again
# This is equivalent to running it directly
code = compile(
"if __name__ == '__main__':\n main()",
exec(code, main_module.__dict__)
# Verify main was called
assert main_called is True
# Restore original values
monkeypatch.setattr(main_module, '__name__', original_name)
monkeypatch.setattr(main_module, 'main', original_main)
def test_module_import(monkeypatch):
"""Test that importing module doesn't run main."""
# Keep track if main was called
main_called = False
# Define a function to track if main is called
def track_main():
nonlocal main_called
main_called = True
# Patch the main function
monkeypatch.setattr('pygithub_mcp_server.__main__.main', track_main)
# Simulate module import with __name__ != "__main__"
tmp_name = __main__.__name__
__main__.__name__ = "not_main"
# This should not execute the if __name__ == "__main__" block
# Verify main was not called
assert main_called is False
# Restore original module name
__main__.__name__ = tmp_name