PyGithub MCP Server

"""Test fixtures and utilities for schema tests. This module provides fixtures and helper functions for testing Pydantic schema models against PyGithub's expectations. """ import pytest from pydantic import ValidationError # Base fixtures @pytest.fixture def valid_repository_ref_data(): """Valid data for RepositoryRef schema.""" return { "owner": "octocat", "repo": "hello-world" } @pytest.fixture def valid_file_content_data(): """Valid data for FileContent schema.""" return { "path": "", "content": "# Hello World\n\nThis is a test repository." } # Repository fixtures @pytest.fixture def valid_create_repository_data(): """Valid data for CreateRepositoryParams schema.""" return { "name": "hello-world", "description": "This is a test repository", "private": True, "auto_init": True } @pytest.fixture def valid_create_or_update_file_data(valid_repository_ref_data): """Valid data for CreateOrUpdateFileParams schema.""" return { **valid_repository_ref_data, "path": "", "content": "# Hello World\n\nThis is a test repository.", "message": "Initial commit", "branch": "main", "sha": "abc123" # Optional for updates } @pytest.fixture def valid_push_files_data(valid_repository_ref_data, valid_file_content_data): """Valid data for PushFilesParams schema.""" return { **valid_repository_ref_data, "branch": "main", "files": [valid_file_content_data], "message": "Add" } @pytest.fixture def valid_search_repositories_data(): """Valid data for SearchRepositoriesParams schema.""" return { "query": "org:octocat language:python", "page": 1, "per_page": 30 } @pytest.fixture def valid_get_file_contents_data(valid_repository_ref_data): """Valid data for GetFileContentsParams schema.""" return { **valid_repository_ref_data, "path": "", "branch": "main" # Optional } @pytest.fixture def valid_fork_repository_data(valid_repository_ref_data): """Valid data for ForkRepositoryParams schema.""" return { **valid_repository_ref_data, "organization": "my-org" # Optional } @pytest.fixture def valid_create_branch_data(valid_repository_ref_data): """Valid data for CreateBranchParams schema.""" return { **valid_repository_ref_data, "branch": "feature-branch", "from_branch": "main" # Optional } @pytest.fixture def valid_list_commits_data(valid_repository_ref_data): """Valid data for ListCommitsParams schema.""" return { **valid_repository_ref_data, "page": 1, "per_page": 30, "sha": "main" # Optional } # Issue fixtures @pytest.fixture def valid_create_issue_data(valid_repository_ref_data): """Valid data for CreateIssueParams schema.""" return { **valid_repository_ref_data, "title": "Found a bug", "body": "I'm having a problem with this.", "assignees": ["octocat"], "labels": ["bug", "help wanted"], "milestone": 1 } @pytest.fixture def valid_list_issues_data(valid_repository_ref_data): """Valid data for ListIssuesParams schema.""" return { **valid_repository_ref_data, "state": "open", "labels": ["bug"], "sort": "created", "direction": "desc", "since": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z", "page": 1, "per_page": 30 } @pytest.fixture def valid_get_issue_data(valid_repository_ref_data): """Valid data for GetIssueParams schema.""" return { **valid_repository_ref_data, "issue_number": 1 } @pytest.fixture def valid_update_issue_data(valid_repository_ref_data): """Valid data for UpdateIssueParams schema.""" return { **valid_repository_ref_data, "issue_number": 1, "title": "Updated bug report", "body": "I've found more details about this bug.", "state": "closed", "labels": ["bug", "fixed"], "assignees": ["octocat", "other-user"], "milestone": 2 } @pytest.fixture def valid_issue_comment_data(valid_repository_ref_data): """Valid data for IssueCommentParams schema.""" return { **valid_repository_ref_data, "issue_number": 1, "body": "This is a comment on the issue." } @pytest.fixture def valid_list_issue_comments_data(valid_repository_ref_data): """Valid data for ListIssueCommentsParams schema.""" return { **valid_repository_ref_data, "issue_number": 1, "since": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z", "page": 1, "per_page": 30 } @pytest.fixture def valid_update_issue_comment_data(valid_repository_ref_data): """Valid data for UpdateIssueCommentParams schema.""" return { **valid_repository_ref_data, "issue_number": 1, "comment_id": 123456, "body": "Updated comment text." } @pytest.fixture def valid_delete_issue_comment_data(valid_repository_ref_data): """Valid data for DeleteIssueCommentParams schema.""" return { **valid_repository_ref_data, "issue_number": 1, "comment_id": 123456 } @pytest.fixture def valid_add_issue_labels_data(valid_repository_ref_data): """Valid data for AddIssueLabelsParams schema.""" return { **valid_repository_ref_data, "issue_number": 1, "labels": ["bug", "help wanted"] } @pytest.fixture def valid_remove_issue_label_data(valid_repository_ref_data): """Valid data for RemoveIssueLabelParams schema.""" return { **valid_repository_ref_data, "issue_number": 1, "label": "help wanted" } # Pull request fixtures @pytest.fixture def valid_create_pull_request_data(valid_repository_ref_data): """Valid data for CreatePullRequestParams schema.""" return { **valid_repository_ref_data, "title": "Amazing new feature", "head": "feature-branch", "base": "main", "body": "Please pull these awesome changes in!", "draft": False, "maintainer_can_modify": True } # Search fixtures @pytest.fixture def valid_search_params_data(): """Valid data for SearchParams schema.""" return { "q": "repo:octocat/hello-world is:issue is:open", "sort": "created", "order": "desc", "per_page": 30, "page": 1 } @pytest.fixture def valid_search_code_data(): """Valid data for SearchCodeParams schema.""" return { "q": "repo:octocat/hello-world language:python", "sort": "indexed", "order": "desc", "per_page": 30, "page": 1 } @pytest.fixture def valid_search_issues_data(): """Valid data for SearchIssuesParams schema.""" return { "q": "repo:octocat/hello-world is:issue is:open", "sort": "created", "order": "desc", "per_page": 30, "page": 1 } @pytest.fixture def valid_search_users_data(): """Valid data for SearchUsersParams schema.""" return { "q": "type:user language:python location:san-francisco", "sort": "followers", "order": "desc", "per_page": 30, "page": 1 } # Response fixtures @pytest.fixture def valid_tool_response_data(): """Valid data for ToolResponse schema.""" return { "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": "Operation completed successfully." } ], "is_error": False } @pytest.fixture def valid_text_content_data(): """Valid data for TextContent schema.""" return { "type": "text", "text": "Operation completed successfully." } @pytest.fixture def valid_error_content_data(): """Valid data for ErrorContent schema.""" return { "type": "error", "text": "An error occurred: Resource not found." } # Helper functions def assert_validation_error(schema_class, data, expected_error_substring): """Assert that validation fails with an error containing the expected substring.""" with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as exc_info: schema_class(**data) error_str = str(exc_info.value).lower() assert expected_error_substring.lower() in error_str, f"Expected '{expected_error_substring}' in '{error_str}'"