PyGithub MCP Server

"""Unit tests for repository operations. This module contains unit tests for repository-related operations following the real API testing strategy from ADR-002. """ import pytest from dataclasses import dataclass, field from datetime import datetime, timezone from typing import Dict, List, Any, Optional from pygithub_mcp_server.operations import repositories from pygithub_mcp_server.schemas.repositories import ( CreateRepositoryParams, SearchRepositoriesParams, GetFileContentsParams, CreateOrUpdateFileParams, PushFilesParams, CreateBranchParams, ListCommitsParams, ForkRepositoryParams ) from pygithub_mcp_server.schemas.base import FileContent # Test objects using dataclasses instead of mocks @dataclass class RepositoryOwner: """Test class for repository owner.""" login: str id: int = 12345 html_url: str = "" @dataclass class Repository: """Test class for repository.""" id: int name: str full_name: str owner: RepositoryOwner private: bool = False html_url: str = "" description: str = None default_branch: str = "main" def get_git_ref(self, ref_name: str): """Return test GitRef object.""" return GitRef(sha="abc123def456", url=f"{self.full_name}/git/refs/{ref_name}") def create_git_ref(self, ref_name: str, sha: str): """Return test GitRef object for a new ref.""" return GitRef(sha=sha, url=f"{self.full_name}/git/refs/{ref_name}") def create_fork(self, **kwargs): """Return test Repository object for a fork.""" org = kwargs.get("organization", "test-user") fork_name = f"{org}/{}" return Repository( + 1000, # Different ID for fork, full_name=fork_name, owner=RepositoryOwner(login=org, id=67890), # Different owner for fork description=f"Fork of {self.full_name}", html_url=f"{fork_name}" ) def get_commits(self, **kwargs): """Return test PaginatedList of commits.""" return [ Commit( sha="abc123", commit=CommitDetails( message="First commit", author=CommitAuthor(name="Test User", email="", ), html_url=f"{self.full_name}/commit/abc123" ), Commit( sha="def456", commit=CommitDetails( message="Second commit", author=CommitAuthor(name="Test User", email="", ), html_url=f"{self.full_name}/commit/def456" ) ] def get_contents(self, **kwargs): """Return test ContentFile object or list.""" path = kwargs.get("path", "") if path.endswith(".md") or path.endswith(".py"): # Single file return ContentFile( name=path.split("/")[-1], path=path, sha="file123", size=100, type="file", encoding="base64", content="SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh", # base64 encoded "Hello World!" url=f"{self.full_name}/contents/{path}", html_url=f"{self.full_name}/blob/main/{path}", download_url=f"{self.full_name}/main/{path}" ) else: # Directory return [ ContentFile( name="", path=f"{path}/" if path else "", sha="file1", size=100, type="file", url=f"{self.full_name}/contents/{path}/", html_url=f"{self.full_name}/blob/main/{path}/", download_url=f"{self.full_name}/main/{path}/" ), ContentFile( name="", path=f"{path}/" if path else "", sha="file2", size=200, type="file", url=f"{self.full_name}/contents/{path}/", html_url=f"{self.full_name}/blob/main/{path}/", download_url=f"{self.full_name}/main/{path}/" ) ] def create_file(self, **kwargs): """Return test result for file creation/update.""" path = kwargs.get("path", "") message = kwargs.get("message", "") content = kwargs.get("content", "") branch = kwargs.get("branch", "main") return { "commit": CommitDetails( sha="newcommit123", message=message, html_url=f"{self.full_name}/commit/newcommit123" ), "content": ContentFile( name=path.split("/")[-1], path=path, sha="newfile123", size=len(content), type="file", url=f"{self.full_name}/contents/{path}", html_url=f"{self.full_name}/blob/{branch}/{path}", download_url=f"{self.full_name}/main/{path}" ) } @dataclass class ContentFile: """Test class for content file.""" name: str path: str sha: str size: int type: str url: str html_url: str download_url: str encoding: Optional[str] = None content: Optional[str] = None @dataclass class GitRef: """Test class for git reference.""" sha: str url: str object: Any = field(default=None) def __post_init__(self): """Initialize GitRefObject if not provided.""" if self.object is None: self.object = GitRefObject(sha=self.sha) @dataclass class GitRefObject: """Test class for git reference object.""" sha: str type: str = "commit" url: str = "" @dataclass class CommitAuthor: """Test class for commit author.""" name: str email: str date: datetime @dataclass class CommitDetails: """Test class for commit details.""" message: str sha: Optional[str] = None author: Optional[CommitAuthor] = None html_url: Optional[str] = None @dataclass class Commit: """Test class for commit.""" sha: str commit: CommitDetails html_url: str @dataclass class SearchResult: """Test class for search result.""" id: int name: str full_name: str owner: RepositoryOwner private: bool = False html_url: str = "" description: str = None @dataclass class GitHubUser: """Test class for GitHub user.""" login: str id: int = 12345 def create_repo(self, **kwargs): """Return test Repository object.""" name = kwargs.get("name", "test-repo") description = kwargs.get("description") private = kwargs.get("private", False) return Repository( id=54321, name=name, full_name=f"{self.login}/{name}", owner=RepositoryOwner(login=self.login,, private=private, description=description, html_url=f"{self.login}/{name}" ) @dataclass class GitHubSearch: """Test class for GitHub search.""" def search_repositories(self, query: str): """Return test search results.""" return [ SearchResult( id=12345, name="repo1", full_name="owner/repo1", owner=RepositoryOwner(login="owner"), description="Test repository 1" ), SearchResult( id=67890, name="repo2", full_name="owner/repo2", owner=RepositoryOwner(login="owner"), description="Test repository 2" ) ] @dataclass class GitHub: """Test class for PyGithub.""" def get_user(self): """Return test User object.""" return GitHubUser(login="test-user") def search_repositories(self, query: str): """Return test search results.""" return [ SearchResult( id=12345, name="repo1", full_name="owner/repo1", owner=RepositoryOwner(login="owner"), description="Test repository 1" ), SearchResult( id=67890, name="repo2", full_name="owner/repo2", owner=RepositoryOwner(login="owner"), description="Test repository 2" ) ] # Define the TestGitHubClient class properly to maintain compatibility class _TestGitHubClient: """Test class for GitHub client. This is prefixed with _ to avoid pytest collection warnings. Use the test_github_client fixture to get an instance. """ def __init__(self, github=None): """Initialize the test GitHub client.""" self.github = github or GitHub() def get_repo(self, full_name: str): """Return test Repository object.""" owner, repo = full_name.split("/") return Repository( id=54321, name=repo, full_name=full_name, owner=RepositoryOwner(login=owner), html_url=f"{full_name}" ) @pytest.fixture def test_github_client(): """Test GitHub client fixture. Returns a properly initialized TestGitHubClient instance while avoiding the pytest collection warning. """ # Return an instance of the renamed class return _TestGitHubClient(GitHub()) # Tests using dataclasses instead of mocks def test_get_repository(monkeypatch, test_github_client): """Test get_repository operation.""" # Monkey patch the get_instance method to return our fixture dictionary monkeypatch.setattr( "pygithub_mcp_server.client.client.GitHubClient.get_instance", lambda: test_github_client ) # Call the operation result = repositories.get_repository("test-owner", "test-repo") # Assert expected behavior assert result["id"] == 54321 assert result["name"] == "test-repo" assert result["full_name"] == "test-owner/test-repo" assert result["owner"] == "test-owner" assert result["private"] is False assert result["html_url"] == "" def test_create_repository(monkeypatch, test_github_client): """Test create_repository operation.""" # Monkey patch the get_instance method to return our fixture dictionary monkeypatch.setattr( "pygithub_mcp_server.client.client.GitHubClient.get_instance", lambda: test_github_client ) # Create parameters params = CreateRepositoryParams( name="new-repo", description="New test repository", private=True, auto_init=True ) # Call the operation result = repositories.create_repository(params) # Assert expected behavior assert result["name"] == "new-repo" assert result["full_name"] == "test-user/new-repo" assert result["owner"] == "test-user" assert result["private"] is True assert result["description"] == "New test repository" assert result["html_url"] == "" def test_fork_repository(monkeypatch, test_github_client): """Test fork_repository operation.""" # Monkey patch the get_instance method to return our fixture dictionary monkeypatch.setattr( "pygithub_mcp_server.client.client.GitHubClient.get_instance", lambda: test_github_client ) # Create parameters params = ForkRepositoryParams( owner="test-owner", repo="test-repo", organization="test-org" ) # Call the operation result = repositories.fork_repository(params) # Assert expected behavior assert result["name"] == "test-repo" assert result["full_name"] == "test-org/test-repo" assert result["owner"] == "test-org" assert "Fork of" in result["description"] assert result["html_url"] == "" def test_search_repositories(monkeypatch, test_github_client): """Test search_repositories operation.""" # Monkey patch the get_instance method to return our fixture dictionary monkeypatch.setattr( "pygithub_mcp_server.client.client.GitHubClient.get_instance", lambda: test_github_client ) # Create parameters params = SearchRepositoriesParams( query="language:python stars:>1000", page=1, per_page=10 ) # Call the operation result = repositories.search_repositories(params) # Assert expected behavior assert len(result) == 2 assert result[0]["name"] == "repo1" assert result[0]["full_name"] == "owner/repo1" assert result[0]["owner"] == "owner" assert result[1]["name"] == "repo2" def test_get_file_contents_file(monkeypatch, test_github_client): """Test get_file_contents operation for a file.""" # Monkey patch the get_instance method to return our fixture dictionary monkeypatch.setattr( "pygithub_mcp_server.client.client.GitHubClient.get_instance", lambda: test_github_client ) # Create parameters params = GetFileContentsParams( owner="test-owner", repo="test-repo", path="", branch="main" ) # Monkey patch the convert_file_content function monkeypatch.setattr( "pygithub_mcp_server.converters.repositories.contents.convert_file_content", lambda file: { "name":, "path": file.path, "sha": file.sha, "size": file.size, "type": file.type, "encoding": file.encoding, "content": file.content, "url": file.url, "html_url": file.html_url, "download_url": file.download_url } ) # Call the operation result = repositories.get_file_contents(params) # Assert expected behavior assert result["name"] == "" assert result["path"] == "" assert result["sha"] == "file123" assert result["size"] == 100 assert result["type"] == "file" assert result["encoding"] == "base64" assert result["content"] == "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh" def test_get_file_contents_directory(monkeypatch, test_github_client): """Test get_file_contents operation for a directory.""" # Monkey patch the get_instance method to return our fixture dictionary monkeypatch.setattr( "pygithub_mcp_server.client.client.GitHubClient.get_instance", lambda: test_github_client ) # Create parameters params = GetFileContentsParams( owner="test-owner", repo="test-repo", path="src", branch="main" ) # Monkey patch the convert_file_content function monkeypatch.setattr( "pygithub_mcp_server.converters.repositories.contents.convert_file_content", lambda file: { "name":, "path": file.path, "sha": file.sha, "size": file.size, "type": file.type, "url": file.url, "html_url": file.html_url, "download_url": file.download_url } ) # Call the operation result = repositories.get_file_contents(params) # Assert expected behavior assert result["is_directory"] is True assert result["path"] == "src" assert len(result["contents"]) == 2 assert result["contents"][0]["name"] == "" assert result["contents"][1]["name"] == "" def test_create_or_update_file(monkeypatch, test_github_client): """Test create_or_update_file operation.""" # Monkey patch the get_instance method to return our fixture dictionary monkeypatch.setattr( "pygithub_mcp_server.client.client.GitHubClient.get_instance", lambda: test_github_client ) # Create parameters params = CreateOrUpdateFileParams( owner="test-owner", repo="test-repo", path="", content="# New Content", message="Update README", branch="main" ) # Call the operation result = repositories.create_or_update_file(params) # Assert expected behavior assert result["commit"]["sha"] == "newcommit123" assert result["commit"]["message"] == "Update README" assert "html_url" in result["commit"] assert result["content"]["path"] == "" assert result["content"]["sha"] == "newfile123" assert "html_url" in result["content"] def test_push_files(monkeypatch, test_github_client): """Test push_files operation.""" # Monkey patch the get_instance method to return our fixture dictionary monkeypatch.setattr( "pygithub_mcp_server.client.client.GitHubClient.get_instance", lambda: test_github_client ) # Create parameters files = [ FileContent(path="", content="# Test Repository"), FileContent(path="src/", content="print('Hello World')") ] params = PushFilesParams( owner="test-owner", repo="test-repo", branch="main", files=files, message="Add initial files" ) # Call the operation result = repositories.push_files(params) # Assert expected behavior assert result["message"] == "Add initial files" assert result["branch"] == "main" assert len(result["files"]) == 2 assert result["files"][0]["path"] == "" assert result["files"][1]["path"] == "src/" def test_create_branch(monkeypatch, test_github_client): """Test create_branch operation.""" # Monkey patch the get_instance method to return our fixture dictionary monkeypatch.setattr( "pygithub_mcp_server.client.client.GitHubClient.get_instance", lambda: test_github_client ) # Create parameters params = CreateBranchParams( owner="test-owner", repo="test-repo", branch="feature", from_branch="main" ) # Call the operation result = repositories.create_branch(params) # Assert expected behavior assert result["name"] == "feature" assert result["sha"] == "abc123def456" assert "url" in result def test_list_commits(monkeypatch, test_github_client): """Test list_commits operation.""" # Monkey patch the get_instance method to return our fixture dictionary monkeypatch.setattr( "pygithub_mcp_server.client.client.GitHubClient.get_instance", lambda: test_github_client ) # Create parameters params = ListCommitsParams( owner="test-owner", repo="test-repo", page=1, per_page=10 ) # Call the operation result = repositories.list_commits(params) # Assert expected behavior assert len(result) == 2 assert result[0]["sha"] == "abc123" assert result[0]["message"] == "First commit" assert "author" in result[0] assert "html_url" in result[0] assert result[1]["sha"] == "def456" assert result[1]["message"] == "Second commit"