PyGithub MCP Server

"""Unit tests for parameter formatting utilities. These tests verify that parameter formatting functions correctly handle various input types and edge cases. """ import pytest from datetime import datetime from pygithub_mcp_server.converters.parameters import ( format_query_params, build_issue_kwargs, build_list_issues_kwargs, build_update_issue_kwargs, convert_labels_parameter ) class TestFormatQueryParams: """Tests for format_query_params function.""" def test_empty_params(self): """Test with no parameters.""" result = format_query_params() assert result == {} def test_none_values(self): """Test with None values.""" result = format_query_params(param1=None, param2="value") assert "param1" not in result assert result["param2"] == "value" def test_boolean_values(self): """Test with boolean values.""" result = format_query_params(param1=True, param2=False) assert result["param1"] == "true" assert result["param2"] == "false" def test_list_values(self): """Test with list values.""" result = format_query_params(param1=["a", "b", "c"]) assert result["param1"] == "a,b,c" def test_tuple_values(self): """Test with tuple values.""" result = format_query_params(param1=("a", "b", "c")) assert result["param1"] == "a,b,c" def test_datetime_values(self): """Test with datetime values.""" dt = datetime(2025, 3, 1, 12, 0, 0) result = format_query_params(param1=dt) assert result["param1"] == dt.isoformat() def test_mixed_values(self): """Test with mixed value types.""" dt = datetime(2025, 3, 1, 12, 0, 0) result = format_query_params( bool_param=True, list_param=["a", "b"], datetime_param=dt, string_param="value", none_param=None ) assert result["bool_param"] == "true" assert result["list_param"] == "a,b" assert result["datetime_param"] == dt.isoformat() assert result["string_param"] == "value" assert "none_param" not in result def test_numeric_values(self): """Test with numeric values.""" result = format_query_params(int_param=42, float_param=3.14) assert result["int_param"] == "42" assert result["float_param"] == "3.14" class TestBuildIssueKwargs: """Tests for build_issue_kwargs function.""" def test_empty_params(self): """Test with empty parameters.""" result = build_issue_kwargs({}) assert result == {} def test_required_params_only(self): """Test with only required parameters.""" result = build_issue_kwargs({"title": "Test Issue"}) assert result == {"title": "Test Issue"} def test_all_params(self): """Test with all parameters.""" params = { "title": "Test Issue", "body": "Test Body", "assignees": ["user1", "user2"], "labels": ["bug", "enhancement"], "milestone": 1 } result = build_issue_kwargs(params) assert result == params def test_none_values(self): """Test with None values.""" params = { "title": "Test Issue", "body": None, "milestone": None } result = build_issue_kwargs(params) assert "title" in result assert "body" not in result # None body should be skipped assert "milestone" not in result # None milestone should be skipped def test_empty_lists(self): """Test with empty lists.""" params = { "title": "Test Issue", "assignees": [], "labels": [] } result = build_issue_kwargs(params) assert "title" in result assert "assignees" not in result # Empty assignees should be skipped assert "labels" not in result # Empty labels should be skipped class TestBuildListIssuesKwargs: """Tests for build_list_issues_kwargs function.""" def test_empty_params(self): """Test with empty parameters.""" result = build_list_issues_kwargs({}) assert result == {} def test_all_params(self): """Test with all parameters.""" now = params = { "state": "open", "labels": ["bug", "enhancement"], "sort": "created", "direction": "desc", "since": now, "page": 2, "per_page": 30 } result = build_list_issues_kwargs(params) assert result == params def test_none_values(self): """Test with None values.""" params = { "state": None, "labels": None, "sort": "created" } result = build_list_issues_kwargs(params) assert "state" not in result assert "labels" not in result assert result["sort"] == "created" def test_partial_params(self): """Test with partial parameters.""" params = { "state": "closed", "direction": "asc" } result = build_list_issues_kwargs(params) assert result["state"] == "closed" assert result["direction"] == "asc" assert "sort" not in result assert "labels" not in result assert "since" not in result class TestBuildUpdateIssueKwargs: """Tests for build_update_issue_kwargs function.""" def test_empty_params(self): """Test with empty parameters.""" result = build_update_issue_kwargs({}) assert result == {} def test_all_params(self): """Test with all parameters.""" params = { "title": "Updated Title", "body": "Updated Body", "state": "closed", "labels": ["bug", "wontfix"], "assignees": ["user1"], "milestone": 2 } result = build_update_issue_kwargs(params) assert result == params def test_none_values(self): """Test with None values.""" params = { "title": "Updated Title", "body": None, "state": None } result = build_update_issue_kwargs(params) assert result["title"] == "Updated Title" assert "body" not in result assert "state" not in result def test_partial_params(self): """Test with partial parameters.""" params = { "title": "Updated Title", "state": "closed" } result = build_update_issue_kwargs(params) assert result["title"] == "Updated Title" assert result["state"] == "closed" assert "body" not in result assert "labels" not in result class TestConvertLabelsParameter: """Tests for convert_labels_parameter function.""" def test_none_value(self): """Test with None value.""" result = convert_labels_parameter(None) assert result is None def test_valid_labels(self): """Test with valid labels list.""" labels = ["bug", "enhancement", "documentation"] result = convert_labels_parameter(labels) assert result == labels def test_empty_list(self): """Test with empty list.""" result = convert_labels_parameter([]) assert result == [] def test_non_list_value(self): """Test with non-list value.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Labels must be a list of strings"): convert_labels_parameter("not_a_list") def test_mixed_type_list(self): """Test with list containing non-string values.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Labels must be a list of strings"): convert_labels_parameter(["bug", 123, "enhancement"])