PyGithub MCP Server

"""Integration tests for GitHub error handling. This module tests the error handling functionality with the real GitHub API. """ import pytest from datetime import datetime from github import GithubException, RateLimitExceededException from pygithub_mcp_server.errors.handlers import ( handle_github_exception, format_validation_error, ) from pygithub_mcp_server.errors.exceptions import ( GitHubError, GitHubAuthenticationError, GitHubPermissionError, GitHubRateLimitError, GitHubResourceNotFoundError, GitHubValidationError, ) @pytest.mark.integration def test_handle_github_exception_not_found(github_client, test_owner, with_retry): """Test handling of 'not found' exceptions.""" nonexistent_repo = f"{test_owner}/nonexistent-repo-{'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}" @with_retry def get_nonexistent_repo(): try: github_client.github.get_repo(nonexistent_repo)"Should have raised an exception") except GithubException as e: return e # Get a real GithubException for a nonexistent repo exception = get_nonexistent_repo() # Handle the exception error = handle_github_exception(exception, resource_hint="repository") # Verify assert isinstance(error, GitHubResourceNotFoundError) assert "repository" in str(error).lower() assert "not found" in str(error).lower() @pytest.mark.integration def test_handle_github_exception_invalid_input(github_client, test_owner, test_repo_name, with_retry): """Test handling of validation error exceptions.""" @with_retry def create_invalid_issue(): try: # Try to create an issue with an empty title (invalid) repo = github_client.github.get_repo(f"{test_owner}/{test_repo_name}") repo.create_issue(title="")"Should have raised an exception") except GithubException as e: return e # Get a real GithubException for invalid input exception = create_invalid_issue() # Handle the exception error = handle_github_exception(exception, resource_hint="issue") # Verify assert isinstance(error, GitHubValidationError) or isinstance(error, GitHubError) assert error.response is not None @pytest.mark.integration def test_handle_github_exception_rate_limit(github_client): """Test handling of rate limit exceptions.""" # Create a synthetic rate limit exception exception = RateLimitExceededException( 403, {"message": "API rate limit exceeded"}, {"X-RateLimit-Reset": str(int( + 3600)} ) # Handle the exception error = handle_github_exception(exception) # Verify assert isinstance(error, GitHubRateLimitError) assert "rate limit exceeded" in str(error).lower() assert error.reset_at is not None or error.reset_timestamp is not None @pytest.mark.integration def test_format_validation_error(): """Test formatting of validation errors.""" # Test with a validation error response error_msg = "Validation Failed" data = { "message": "Validation Failed", "errors": [ { "resource": "Issue", "field": "title", "code": "missing_field" }, { "resource": "Issue", "field": "body", "code": "invalid", "message": "Body is too long (maximum is 65536 characters)" } ] } # Format the error formatted = format_validation_error(error_msg, data) # Verify assert "Validation failed" in formatted assert "title" in formatted assert "body" in formatted assert "missing_field" in formatted or "invalid" in formatted @pytest.mark.integration def test_format_validation_error_no_errors(): """Test formatting of validation errors without error details.""" # Test with a validation error response without errors array error_msg = "Validation Failed" data = { "message": "Validation Failed" } # Format the error formatted = format_validation_error(error_msg, data) # Verify assert formatted == error_msg @pytest.mark.integration def test_format_validation_error_no_data(): """Test formatting of validation errors without data.""" # Test with a validation error response without data error_msg = "Validation Failed" # Format the error formatted = format_validation_error(error_msg, None) # Verify assert formatted == error_msg