PyGithub MCP Server

"""Integration tests for rate limit handling. These tests verify that rate limit detection and handling work correctly with both real GitHub API and simulated rate limits. """ import time import logging import pytest from datetime import datetime, timedelta from github import Github, RateLimitExceededException from pygithub_mcp_server.client.rate_limit import ( check_rate_limit, wait_for_rate_limit_reset, exponential_backoff, handle_rate_limit_with_backoff ) from pygithub_mcp_server.client.client import GitHubClient # Configure logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @pytest.mark.integration class TestRateLimit: """Tests for rate limit handling.""" def test_check_rate_limit_real_api(self, github_client): """Test checking real GitHub API rate limit.""" # Test with real GitHub client remaining, limit, reset_time = check_rate_limit(github_client) # Verify rate limit information assert isinstance(remaining, int) assert isinstance(limit, int) assert remaining <= limit assert isinstance(reset_time, datetime) # Reset time should be in the future assert reset_time > def test_exponential_backoff(self): """Test exponential backoff calculation.""" # Test with different attempt numbers delay0 = exponential_backoff(0, deterministic=True) delay1 = exponential_backoff(1, deterministic=True) delay2 = exponential_backoff(2, deterministic=True) # Each delay should be exponentially larger assert delay1 == delay0 * 2 assert delay2 == delay1 * 2 # Test with custom base delay custom_delay = exponential_backoff(1, base_delay=3.0, deterministic=True) assert custom_delay == 3.0 * 2 # Test with jitter (non-deterministic) delay_with_jitter = exponential_backoff(1, deterministic=False) # With jitter, the delay should be slightly larger than the deterministic value assert delay_with_jitter >= delay1 def test_exponential_backoff_max_attempts(self): """Test exponential backoff with max attempts.""" # Test with attempt >= max_attempts with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Maximum retry attempts"): exponential_backoff(5, max_attempts=5) def test_wait_for_rate_limit_reset_past_time(self): """Test waiting for rate limit reset with a past time.""" # Create a time in the past past_time = - timedelta(minutes=5) # Should wait for buffer_seconds only buffer_seconds = 0.1 start_time = time.time() wait_for_rate_limit_reset(past_time, buffer_seconds=buffer_seconds) elapsed = time.time() - start_time # Should wait approximately buffer_seconds assert elapsed >= buffer_seconds assert elapsed < buffer_seconds + 0.5 # Allow some execution time def test_wait_for_rate_limit_reset_future_time(self): """Test waiting for rate limit reset with a future time.""" # Create a time very slightly in the future future_time = + timedelta(seconds=0.2) buffer_seconds = 0.1 start_time = time.time() wait_for_rate_limit_reset(future_time, buffer_seconds=buffer_seconds) elapsed = time.time() - start_time # Should wait approximately 0.2 + 0.1 seconds assert elapsed >= 0.2 assert elapsed < 0.5 # Allow some execution time def test_handle_rate_limit_with_backoff_test_mode(self): """Test handling rate limit in test mode.""" # Create a mock exception exception = RateLimitExceededException( 403, {"message": "API rate limit exceeded"} ) # Set up for test mode with short delays github_client = GitHubClient.get_instance() start_time = time.time() handle_rate_limit_with_backoff( github_client, exception, attempt=0, max_attempts=5, deterministic=True, test_mode=True ) elapsed = time.time() - start_time # Should use short delays in test mode assert elapsed < 0.5 # Very short delay in test mode def test_handle_rate_limit_with_backoff_max_attempts(self): """Test handling rate limit with maximum attempts reached.""" # Create a mock exception exception = RateLimitExceededException( 403, {"message": "API rate limit exceeded"} ) # Set up for test mode github_client = GitHubClient.get_instance() # Should raise exception when max attempts reached with pytest.raises(RateLimitExceededException): handle_rate_limit_with_backoff( github_client, exception, attempt=5, # Already at max attempts max_attempts=5, test_mode=True ) def test_handle_rate_limit_with_exception_reset_time(self, monkeypatch): """Test handling rate limit with reset time from exception.""" # Create a mock rate with reset time class MockRate: reset = + timedelta(seconds=0.2) # Create a mock exception with rate exception = RateLimitExceededException( 403, {"message": "API rate limit exceeded"} ) exception.rate = MockRate() # Set up for test mode github_client = GitHubClient.get_instance() # Mock wait_for_rate_limit_reset to verify it's called with the right reset time mock_called_with = None original_wait = wait_for_rate_limit_reset def mock_wait(reset_time, buffer_seconds=5): nonlocal mock_called_with mock_called_with = reset_time # Use a very short wait to speed up the test time.sleep(0.1) monkeypatch.setattr( "pygithub_mcp_server.client.rate_limit.wait_for_rate_limit_reset", mock_wait ) try: # Handle rate limit handle_rate_limit_with_backoff( github_client, exception, attempt=0, max_attempts=5, test_mode=False # Not in test mode, should use reset time ) # Verify wait_for_rate_limit_reset was called with the right reset time assert mock_called_with == exception.rate.reset finally: # Restore original function monkeypatch.setattr( "pygithub_mcp_server.client.rate_limit.wait_for_rate_limit_reset", original_wait ) def test_handle_rate_limit_without_reset_time(self, monkeypatch): """Test handling rate limit without reset time.""" # Create a mock exception without rate exception = RateLimitExceededException( 403, {"message": "API rate limit exceeded"} ) # Set up for test mode github_client = GitHubClient.get_instance() # Mock check_rate_limit to return no reset time def mock_check_rate_limit(github): return 0, 100, None # Mock exponential_backoff for faster tests def mock_exponential_backoff(attempt, max_attempts=5, base_delay=2.0, deterministic=False): return 0.1 # Very short delay for tests monkeypatch.setattr( "pygithub_mcp_server.client.rate_limit.check_rate_limit", mock_check_rate_limit ) monkeypatch.setattr( "pygithub_mcp_server.client.rate_limit.exponential_backoff", mock_exponential_backoff ) # Mock time.sleep for faster tests original_sleep = time.sleep sleep_called = False def mock_sleep(seconds): nonlocal sleep_called sleep_called = True original_sleep(0.01) # Short sleep for tests monkeypatch.setattr("time.sleep", mock_sleep) try: # Handle rate limit handle_rate_limit_with_backoff( github_client, exception, attempt=0, max_attempts=5, deterministic=True, test_mode=False ) # Verify exponential backoff was used (via sleep being called) assert sleep_called finally: # Restore original sleep monkeypatch.setattr("time.sleep", original_sleep)