PyGithub MCP Server

"""Tool registration system for the PyGithub MCP Server. This module provides a decorator-based tool registration system that allows tools to be organized into logical groups and loaded dynamically based on configuration. """ import importlib import logging import inspect from functools import wraps from typing import Dict, List, Callable, Any, Optional, Set # Get logger logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Registry to store tool metadata _tool_registry: Dict[str, Callable] = {} _registered_modules: Set[str] = set() def tool(): """Decorator to register a function as an MCP tool. This decorator adds the function to the tool registry for later registration with the MCP server. It also handles automatic conversion of dictionary parameters to Pydantic models based on the function's type annotations. Example: @tool() def create_issue(params: CreateIssueParams) -> dict: # Implementation Returns: Function decorator that registers the decorated function """ def decorator(func): func_name = func.__name__ logger.debug(f"Registering tool: {func_name}") import inspect # Get function signature and parameter types sig = inspect.signature(func) param_types = { param.annotation for param in sig.parameters.values() if param.annotation != inspect.Parameter.empty } @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # Convert dictionary parameters to Pydantic models converted_args = list(args) for i, arg in enumerate(args): if i < len(sig.parameters) and isinstance(arg, dict): param_name = list(sig.parameters.keys())[i] if param_name in param_types: model_type = param_types[param_name] # Handle Pydantic v2 models if hasattr(model_type, "model_validate"): try: converted_args[i] = model_type.model_validate(arg) logger.debug(f"Converted dict to {model_type.__name__} for parameter {param_name}") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to convert dict to {model_type.__name__}: {e}") for name, value in list(kwargs.items()): if name in param_types and isinstance(value, dict): model_type = param_types[name] # Handle Pydantic v2 models if hasattr(model_type, "model_validate"): try: kwargs[name] = model_type.model_validate(value) logger.debug(f"Converted dict to {model_type.__name__} for parameter {name}") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to convert dict to {model_type.__name__}: {e}") return func(*converted_args, **kwargs) # Store the wrapper in the registry _tool_registry[func_name] = wrapper return wrapper return decorator def register_tools(mcp, tools_list: List[Callable]) -> None: """Register multiple tools with the MCP server. Args: mcp: The MCP server instance tools_list: List of tool functions to register """ for tool_func in tools_list: logger.debug(f"Registering tool with MCP: {tool_func.__name__}") mcp.tool()(tool_func) def load_tools(mcp, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Load and register tools based on configuration. This function dynamically imports tool modules based on the configuration and registers the tools with the MCP server. Args: mcp: The MCP server instance config: Configuration dictionary with tool groups """ loaded_count = 0 for group_name, group_config in config.get("tool_groups", {}).items(): if not group_config.get("enabled", False): logger.debug(f"Tool group '{group_name}' is disabled") continue logger.debug(f"Loading tool group: {group_name}") try: # Import the tool module dynamically module_path = f"{group_name}" module = importlib.import_module(module_path) # Call the register function if hasattr(module, "register"): module.register(mcp) _registered_modules.add(module_path) loaded_count += 1 else: logger.warning(f"No register function found in {module_path}") except ImportError as e: logger.error(f"Failed to import tool group '{group_name}': {e}") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error loading tool group '{group_name}': {e}") logger.debug(f"Loaded {loaded_count} tool groups") if loaded_count == 0: logger.warning("No tool groups were loaded! Check your configuration.")