"""Base schema models used across multiple domains.
This module defines common Pydantic models that are used by multiple
domain-specific schema modules.
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, field_validator, ConfigDict
class RepositoryRef(BaseModel):
"""Reference to a GitHub repository."""
model_config = ConfigDict(strict=True)
owner: str = Field(..., description="Repository owner (username or organization)")
repo: str = Field(..., description="Repository name")
def validate_owner(cls, v):
"""Validate that owner is not empty."""
if not v.strip():
raise ValueError("owner cannot be empty")
return v
def validate_repo(cls, v):
"""Validate that repo is not empty."""
if not v.strip():
raise ValueError("repo cannot be empty")
return v
class FileContent(BaseModel):
"""Content of a file to create or update."""
model_config = ConfigDict(strict=True)
path: str = Field(..., description="Path where to create/update the file")
content: str = Field(..., description="Content of the file")
def validate_path(cls, v):
"""Validate that path is not empty."""
if not v.strip():
raise ValueError("path cannot be empty")
return v