PyGithub MCP Server

"""GitHub issue operations. This module provides functions for working with issues in GitHub repositories, including creation, updates, comments, and listing. """ import logging from datetime import datetime from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union from github import GithubException from github.PaginatedList import PaginatedList from ..converters.issues.issues import convert_issue, convert_label from ..converters.issues.comments import convert_issue_comment from ..converters.common.datetime import with_utc_datetimes, ensure_utc_datetime from ..converters.common.pagination import get_paginated_items from ..errors import GitHubError from ..client import GitHubClient from ..schemas.issues import ( ListIssuesParams, GetIssueParams, CreateIssueParams, UpdateIssueParams, IssueCommentParams, ListIssueCommentsParams, UpdateIssueCommentParams, DeleteIssueCommentParams, AddIssueLabelsParams, RemoveIssueLabelParams, ) # Get logger logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def create_issue(params: CreateIssueParams) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Create a new issue in a repository. Args: params: Validated parameters for creating an issue Returns: Created issue details from GitHub API Raises: GitHubError: If the API request fails """ try: client = GitHubClient.get_instance() repository = client.get_repo(f"{params.owner}/{params.repo}") # Build kwargs for create_issue using fields from the Pydantic model kwargs = {"title": params.title} # title is required # Add optional parameters only if provided if params.body is not None: kwargs["body"] = params.body if params.assignees: # Only add if non-empty list kwargs["assignees"] = params.assignees if params.labels: # Only add if non-empty list kwargs["labels"] = params.labels if params.milestone is not None: try: kwargs["milestone"] = repository.get_milestone(params.milestone) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to get milestone {params.milestone}: {e}") raise GitHubError(f"Invalid milestone number: {params.milestone}") # Create issue using PyGithub issue = repository.create_issue(**kwargs) # Convert to our schema return convert_issue(issue) except GithubException as e: raise GitHubClient.get_instance()._handle_github_exception(e) def get_issue(params: GetIssueParams) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get details about a specific issue. Args: params: Validated parameters for getting an issue Returns: Issue details from GitHub API Raises: GitHubError: If the API request fails """ try: client = GitHubClient.get_instance() repository = client.get_repo(f"{params.owner}/{params.repo}") issue = repository.get_issue(params.issue_number) return convert_issue(issue) except GithubException as e: raise GitHubClient.get_instance()._handle_github_exception(e) def update_issue(params: UpdateIssueParams) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Update an existing issue. Args: params: Validated parameters for updating an issue Returns: Updated issue details from GitHub API Raises: GitHubError: If the API request fails """ try: logger.debug(f"update_issue called with params: {params}") client = GitHubClient.get_instance() repository = client.get_repo(f"{params.owner}/{params.repo}") issue = repository.get_issue(params.issue_number) logger.debug(f"Got issue with title: {issue.title}") # Build kwargs with only provided values kwargs = {} if params.title is not None: kwargs["title"] = params.title logger.debug(f"Adding title={params.title} to kwargs") if params.body is not None: kwargs["body"] = params.body if params.state is not None: kwargs["state"] = params.state if params.labels is not None: kwargs["labels"] = params.labels if params.assignees is not None: kwargs["assignees"] = params.assignees if params.milestone is not None: try: kwargs["milestone"] = repository.get_milestone(params.milestone) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to get milestone {params.milestone}: {e}") raise GitHubError(f"Invalid milestone number: {params.milestone}") logger.debug(f"kwargs for edit: {kwargs}") # If no changes provided, return current issue state if not kwargs: return convert_issue(issue) # Update issue using PyGithub with only provided values # PyGithub's edit() method returns None, not the updated issue issue.edit(**kwargs) # Get fresh issue data to ensure we have the latest state updated_issue = repository.get_issue(params.issue_number) logger.debug(f"After edit, updated_issue.title: {updated_issue.title}") # Create a custom converter for this specific case to handle empty strings properly def custom_convert_issue(issue): result = convert_issue(issue) # Ensure empty strings remain empty strings and don't become None if params.body == "": result["body"] = "" return result # Return the updated issue with special handling for empty strings result = custom_convert_issue(updated_issue) logger.debug(f"Converted result: {result}") return result except GithubException as e: raise GitHubClient.get_instance()._handle_github_exception(e) def list_issues(params: ListIssuesParams) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """List issues in a repository. Args: params: Validated parameters for listing issues Returns: List of issues from GitHub API Raises: GitHubError: If the API request fails """ try: # No need for parameter validation as Pydantic already validated the input client = GitHubClient.get_instance() repository = client.get_repo(f"{params.owner}/{params.repo}") # Default to 'open' if state is None state = params.state or 'open' # Build kwargs for get_issues using fields from the Pydantic model kwargs = {"state": state} # Add optional parameters only if provided if params.sort: kwargs["sort"] = params.sort if params.direction: kwargs["direction"] = params.direction if params.since: kwargs["since"] = params.since logger.debug(f"Using UTC since parameter: {params.since.isoformat()}") if params.labels is not None: # Convert to PyGithub-compatible format from ..converters.parameters import convert_labels_parameter kwargs["labels"] = convert_labels_parameter(params.labels) logger.debug(f"Using labels filter: {kwargs['labels']}") # Get paginated issues logger.debug(f"Getting issues for {params.owner}/{params.repo} with kwargs: {kwargs}") try: paginated_issues = repository.get_issues(**kwargs) logger.debug(f"Got PaginatedList of issues: {paginated_issues}") except AssertionError as e: logger.error(f"PyGithub assertion error: {e}") logger.error(f"Error type: {type(e)}") logger.error(f"Error args: {e.args}") raise GitHubError("Invalid parameter values for get_issues") except GithubException as e: # Let the GitHub client handle the exception properly raise GitHubClient.get_instance()._handle_github_exception(e) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error getting issues: {e}") logger.error(f"Error type: {type(e)}") logger.error(f"Error args: {e.args}") raise GitHubError(f"Failed to get issues: {str(e)}") try: # Use our pagination utility to safely handle paginated lists issues = get_paginated_items(paginated_issues,, params.per_page) logger.debug(f"Retrieved {len(issues)} issues") # Convert each issue to our schema converted_issues = [convert_issue(issue) for issue in issues] logger.debug(f"Converted {len(converted_issues)} issues to schema") return converted_issues except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error handling pagination: {str(e)}") raise GitHubError(f"Error retrieving issues: {str(e)}") except GithubException as e: # Convert PyGithub exception to our error type error = GitHubClient.get_instance()._handle_github_exception(e) raise error def add_issue_comment(params: IssueCommentParams) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Add a comment to an issue. Args: params: Validated parameters for adding a comment Returns: Created comment details from GitHub API Raises: GitHubError: If the API request fails """ try: client = GitHubClient.get_instance() repository = client.get_repo(f"{params.owner}/{params.repo}") issue = repository.get_issue(params.issue_number) comment = issue.create_comment(params.body) return convert_issue_comment(comment) except GithubException as e: raise GitHubClient.get_instance()._handle_github_exception(e) def list_issue_comments(params: ListIssueCommentsParams) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """List comments on an issue. Args: params: Validated parameters for listing comments Returns: List of comments from GitHub API Raises: GitHubError: If the API request fails """ try: client = GitHubClient.get_instance() repository = client.get_repo(f"{params.owner}/{params.repo}") issue = repository.get_issue(params.issue_number) # Build kwargs for get_comments kwargs = {} if params.since is not None: logger.debug(f"Using UTC since parameter: {params.since.isoformat()}") kwargs["since"] = params.since # Get paginated comments with only provided parameters paginated_comments = issue.get_comments(**kwargs) # Use our pagination utility for consistent pagination handling comments = get_paginated_items(paginated_comments,, params.per_page) logger.debug(f"Retrieved {len(comments)} comments") # Convert each comment to our schema converted_comments = [convert_issue_comment(comment) for comment in comments] return converted_comments except GithubException as e: raise GitHubClient.get_instance()._handle_github_exception(e) def update_issue_comment(params: UpdateIssueCommentParams) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Update an issue comment. Args: params: Validated parameters for updating a comment Returns: Updated comment details from GitHub API Raises: GitHubError: If the API request fails """ try: client = GitHubClient.get_instance() repository = client.get_repo(f"{params.owner}/{params.repo}") issue = repository.get_issue(params.issue_number) comment = issue.get_comment(params.comment_id) comment.edit(params.body) return convert_issue_comment(comment) except GithubException as e: raise GitHubClient.get_instance()._handle_github_exception(e) def delete_issue_comment(params: DeleteIssueCommentParams) -> None: """Delete an issue comment. Args: params: Validated parameters for deleting a comment Raises: GitHubError: If the API request fails """ try: client = GitHubClient.get_instance() repository = client.get_repo(f"{params.owner}/{params.repo}") issue = repository.get_issue(params.issue_number) comment = issue.get_comment(params.comment_id) comment.delete() except GithubException as e: raise GitHubClient.get_instance()._handle_github_exception(e) def add_issue_labels(params: AddIssueLabelsParams) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Add labels to an issue. Args: params: Validated parameters for adding labels to an issue Returns: Updated list of labels from GitHub API Raises: GitHubError: If the API request fails """ try: client = GitHubClient.get_instance() repository = client.get_repo(f"{params.owner}/{params.repo}") issue = repository.get_issue(params.issue_number) # Add labels to the issue issue.add_to_labels(*params.labels) # Get fresh issue data to get updated labels updated_issue = repository.get_issue(params.issue_number) return [convert_label(label) for label in updated_issue.labels] except GithubException as e: raise GitHubClient.get_instance()._handle_github_exception(e) def remove_issue_label(params: RemoveIssueLabelParams) -> None: """Remove a label from an issue. Args: params: Validated parameters for removing a label from an issue Raises: GitHubError: If the API request fails or label doesn't exist """ try: client = GitHubClient.get_instance() repository = client.get_repo(f"{params.owner}/{params.repo}") issue = repository.get_issue(params.issue_number) try: issue.remove_from_labels(params.label) except GithubException as label_e: # Handle specific case for non-existent labels if label_e.status == 404 and "Label does not exist" in str(label_e): logger.warning(f"Label '{params.label}' does not exist on issue #{params.issue_number}") # Not raising an error since removing a non-existent label is not a failure return # Re-raise if it's a different error raise label_e except GithubException as e: raise client._handle_github_exception(e)